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This RFC adds use<..> syntax for specifying which generic parameters should be captured in an opaque RPIT-like impl Trait type, e.g. impl use<'t, T> Trait. This solves the problem of overcapturing and will allow the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024 to be fully stabilized for RPIT in Rust 2024.



RPIT-like opaque impl Trait types in Rust capture certain generic parameters.

Capturing a generic parameter means that parameter can be used in the hidden type later registered for that opaque type. Any generic parameters not captured cannot be used.

However, captured generic parameters that are not used by the hidden type still affect borrow checking. This leads to the phenomenon of overcapturing. Consider:

fn foo<T>(_: T) -> impl Sized {}
//                 ^^^^^^^^^^
//                 ^ The returned opaque type captures `T`
//                   but the hidden type does not.

fn bar(x: ()) -> impl Sized + 'static {
//~^ ERROR returns a value referencing data owned by the
//~|       current function

In this example, we would say that foo overcaptures the type parameter T. The hidden type returned by foo does not use T, however it (and any lifetime components it contains) are part of the returned opaque type. This leads to the error we see above.

Overcapturing limits how callers can use returned opaque types in ways that are often surprising and frustrating. There's no good way to work around this in Rust today.

Lifetime Capture Rules 2024

All type parameters in scope are implicitly captured in RPIT-like impl Trait opaque types. In Rust 2021 and earlier editions, for RPIT on bare functions and on inherent functions and methods, lifetime parameters are not implicitly captured unless named in the bounds of the opaque. This resulted, among other things, in the use of "the Captures trick". See RFC 3498 for more details about this.

In RFC 3498, we decided to capture all in-scope generic parameters in RPIT-like impl Trait opaque types, across all editions, for new features we were stabilizing such as return position impl Trait in Trait (RPITIT) and associated type position impl Trait (ATPIT), and to capture all in-scope generic parameters for RPIT on bare functions and on inherent functions and methods starting in the Rust 2024 edition. Doing this made the language more predictable and consistent, eliminated weird "tricks", and, by solving key problems, allowed for the stabilization of RPITIT.

However, the expansion of the RPIT capture rules in Rust 2024 means that some existing uses of RPIT, when migrated to Rust 2024, will now capture lifetime parameters that were not previously captured, and this may result in code failing to compile. For example, consider:

//@ edition: 2021
fn foo<'t>(_: &'t ()) -> impl Sized {}

fn bar(x: ()) -> impl Sized + 'static {

Under the Rust 2021 rules, this code is accepted because 't is not implicitly captured in the returned opaque type. When migrated to Rust 2024, the 't lifetime will be captured, and so this will fail to compile just as with the similar earlier example that had overcaptured a type parameter.

We need some way to migrate this kind of code.

Guide-level explanation

In all editions, RPIT-like impl Trait opaque types may include use<..> before any bounds to specify which in-scope generic parameters are captured or that no in-scope generic parameters are captured (with use<>). If use<..> is provided, it entirely overrides the implicit rules for which generic parameters are captured.

One way to think about use<..> is that, in Rust, use brings things into scope, and here we are bringing certain generic parameters into scope for the hidden type.

For example, we can solve the overcapturing in the original motivating example by writing:

fn foo<T>(_: T) -> impl use<> Sized {}
//                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                 ^ Captures nothing.

Similarly, we can use this to avoid overcapturing a lifetime parameter so as to migrate code to Rust 2024:;

fn foo<'t>(_: &'t ()) -> impl use<> Sized {}
//                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                       ^ Captures nothing.

We can use this to capture some generic parameters but not others:

fn foo<'t, T, U>(_: &'t (), _: T, y: U) -> impl use<U> Sized { y }
//                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                                         ^ Captures `U` only.

Generic const parameters

In addition to type and lifetime parameters, we can use this to capture generic const parameters:

fn foo<'t, const C: u8>(_: &'t ()) -> impl use<C> Sized { C }
//                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                                    ^ Captures `C` only.

Capturing from outer inherent impl

We can capture generic parameters from an outer inherent impl:

struct Ty<'a, 'b>(&'a (), &'b ());

impl<'a, 'b> Ty<'a, 'b> {
    fn foo(x: &'a (), _: &'b ()) -> impl use<'a> Sized { x }
    //                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                              ^ Captures `'a` only.

Capturing from outer trait impl

We can capture generic parameters from an outer trait impl:

trait Trait<'a, 'b> {
    type Foo;
    fn foo(_: &'a (), _: &'b ()) -> Self::Foo;

impl<'a, 'b> Trait<'a, 'b> for () {
    type Foo = impl use<'a> Sized;
    //         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //         ^ Captures `'a` only.
    fn foo(x: &'a (), _: &'b ()) -> Self::Foo { x }

Capturing in trait definition

We can capture generic parameters from the trait definition:

trait Trait<'a, 'b> {
    fn foo(_: &'a (), _: &'b ()) -> impl use<'a, Self> Sized;
    //                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                              ^ Captures `'a` and `Self` only.

Capturing elided lifetimes

We can capture elided lifetimes:

fn foo(x: &()) -> impl use<'_> Sized { x }
//                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                ^ Captures `'_` only.

Combining with for<..>

The use<..> specifier applies to the entire impl Trait opaque type. In contrast, a for<..> binder applies to an individual bound within an opaque type. Therefore, when both are used within the same type, use<..> always appears first. E.g.:

fn foo<T>(_: T) -> impl use<T> for<'a> FnOnce(&'a ()) { |&()| () }

Optional trailing comma

As with other lists of generic arguments in Rust, a trailing comma is optional in use<..> specifiers:

fn foo1<T>(_: T) -> impl use<T> Sized {} //~ OK.
fn foo2<T>(_: T) -> impl use<T,> Sized {} //~ Also OK.

Reference-level explanation


The syntax for impl Trait is revised and extended as follows:

ImplTraitType :    impl UseCaptures? TypeParamBounds

ImplTraitTypeOneBound :    impl UseCaptures? TraitBound

UseCaptures :
   use UseCapturesGenericArgs

UseCapturesGenericArgs :
      < >
   | <
      ( UseCapturesGenericArg ,)*
      UseCapturesGenericArg ,?

UseCapturesGenericArg :

Reference desugarings

The desugarings that follow can be used to answer questions about how use<..> is expected to work with respect to the capturing of generic parameters.

Reference desugaring for use<..> in RPIT

Associated type position impl Trait (ATPIT) can be used, more verbosely, to control capturing of generic parameters in opaque types. We can use this to describe the semantics of use<..>. If we consider the following code:

use core::marker::PhantomData;

struct C<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8> {
    _p: PhantomData<(&'s (), &'t (), S, T)>,

struct Ty<'s, S, const CS: u8>(&'s (), S);
impl<'s, S, const CS: u8> Ty<'s, S, CS> {
    pub fn f<'t, T, const CT: u8>(
    ) -> impl use<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT> Sized {
        //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        // This is the `use<..>` specifier to desugar.
        C::<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT> { _p: PhantomData }

Then we can desugar this as follows, without the use of a use<..> specifier, while preserving equivalent semantics with respect to the capturing of generic parameters:

use core::marker::PhantomData;

struct C<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8> {
    _p: PhantomData<(&'s (), &'t (), S, T)>,

struct Ty<'s, S, const CS: u8>(&'s (), S);
impl<'s, S, const CS: u8> Ty<'s, S, CS> {
    pub fn f<'t, T, const CT: u8>(
    ) -> <() as _0::H>::Opaque<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT> {
        //                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        // These are the arguments given to the `use<..>` specifier.
        // Reducing what is captured by removing arguments from
        // `use<..>` is equivalent to removing arguments from this
        // list and as needed below.
        <() as _0::H>::f::<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT>()

mod _0 {
    use super::*;
    pub trait H {
        type Opaque<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8>;
        fn f<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8>(
        ) -> Self::Opaque<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT>;
    impl H for () {
        type Opaque<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8>
            = impl Sized;
        fn f<'s, 't, S, T, const CS: u8, const CT: u8>(
        ) -> Self::Opaque<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT> {
            C::<'s, 't, S, T, CS, CT> { _p: PhantomData }

Reference desugaring for use<..> in RPITIT

Similarly, we can describe the semantics of use<..> in return position impl Trait in trait (RPITIT) using anonymous associated types. If we consider the following code:

trait Trait<'r, R, const CR: u8> {
    fn f<'t, T, const CT: u8>(
    ) -> impl use<'r, 't, R, T, CR, CT, Self> Sized;
    //        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    // This is the `use<..>` specifier to desugar.

Then we can desugar this as follows, without the use of a use<..> specifier, while preserving equivalent semantics with respect to the capturing of generic parameters:

trait Trait<'r, R, const CR: u8> {
    type _0<'t, T, const CT: u8>: Sized;
    fn f<'t, T, const CT: u8>(
    ) -> <Self as Trait<'r, R, CR>>::_0<'t, T, CT>;
    //    ^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^
    // These are the arguments given to the `use<..>` specifier.

Note that this desugaring does not allow for removing from the use<..> specifier Self or any generics that are input parameters to the trait. This is, in fact, an implementation restriction that is likely to be part of initial rounds of stabilization.

Avoiding capture of higher ranked lifetimes in nested opaques

According to the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024, a nested impl Trait opaque type must capture all generic parameters in scope, including higher ranked ones. However, for implementation reasons, Rust does not yet support higher ranked lifetime bounds on nested opaque types (see #104288). Therefore, in Rust 2024, this code, which is valid in Rust 2021, fails to compile:

//@ edition: 2024
trait Trait<'a> { type Ty; }
impl<F> Trait<'_> for F { type Ty = (); }

fn foo() -> impl for<'a> Trait<'a, Ty = impl Sized> {
    //~^ ERROR `impl Trait` cannot capture higher-ranked lifetime
    //~|        from outer `impl Trait`
    fn f(_: &()) -> &'static () { &() }

With use<..>, we can avoid capturing this higher ranked lifetime, allowing compilation:

fn foo() -> impl for<'a> Trait<'a, Ty = impl use<> Sized> {
    //                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                                  ^ Captures nothing.
    fn f(_: &()) -> &'static () { &() }

Capturing higher ranked lifetimes in nested opaques

Once higher ranked lifetime bounds on nested opaque types are supported in Rust (see #104288), we'll be able to use use<..> specifiers to capture lifetime parameters from higher ranked for<..> binders on outer opaque types:

trait Trait<'a> { type Ty; }
impl<'a, F: Fn(&'a ()) -> &'a ()> Trait<'a> for F { type Ty = &'a (); }

fn foo() -> impl for<'a> Trait<'a, Ty = impl use<'a> Sized> {
    //                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //                                  ^ Captures `'a`.
    fn f(x: &()) -> &() { x }


If we write a trait such as:

trait Trait {
    type Foo<'a>: Sized where Self: 'a;
    fn foo(&self) -> Self::Foo<'_>;

...then an impl of this trait can provide a type for the associated type Foo that uses the &'_ self lifetime:

struct A;
impl Trait for A {
    type Foo<'a> = &'a Self; // Or, e.g.: `impl use<'a> Sized`
    fn foo(&self) -> Self::Foo<'_> { self }

However, such an impl may also provide a type that does not use the lifetime:

struct B;
impl Trait for B {
    type Foo<'a> = (); // Or, e.g.: `impl use<> Sized`
    fn foo(&self) -> Self::Foo<'_> {}

If we only know that the value is of some type that implements the trait, then we must assume that the type returned by foo might use the lifetime:

fn test_trait<T: Trait + 'static>(x: T) -> impl Sized + 'static {
//~^ ERROR cannot return value referencing function parameter `x`

However, if we know we have a value of type B, we can rely on the fact that the lifetime is not used:

fn test_b(x: B) -> impl Sized + 'static { //~ OK.

We would say that the impl for B is refining in that it offers more to or demands less of callers than the minimum the trait could offer or the maximum it could demand. Associated type definitions are always refining in this way.

RPITIT desugars into associated types similar to those above, but here we've currently decided to lint against this refinement, e.g.:

trait Trait {
    fn foo(&self) -> impl Sized;

impl Trait for () {
    fn foo(&self) -> () {}
//~^ WARN impl trait in impl method signature does not match
//~|      trait method signature
//~| NOTE add `#[allow(refining_impl_trait)]` if it is intended
//~|      for this to be part of the public API of this crate
//~| NOTE we are soliciting feedback, see issue #121718
//~|      <>
//~|      for more information

Similarly, for consistency, we'll lint against RPITIT cases where less is captured by RPIT in the impl as compared with the trait definition when using use<..>.

Examples of refinement

In keeping with the rule above, we consider it refining if we don't capture in the impl all of the generic parameters from the function signature that are captured in the trait definition:

trait Trait {
    fn foo(&self) -> impl Sized; // Or: `impl use<'_, Self> Sized`

impl Trait for () {
    fn foo(&self) -> impl use<> Sized {}
//~^ WARN impl trait in impl method signature does not match
//~|      trait method signature
//~| NOTE add `#[allow(refining_impl_trait)]` if it is intended
//~|      for this to be part of the public API of this crate
//~| NOTE we are soliciting feedback, see issue #121718
//~|      <>
//~|      for more information

Similarly, if we don't capture, in the impl, any generic parameter applied as an argument to the trait in the impl header when the corresponding generic parameter is captured in the trait definition, that is refining. E.g.:

trait Trait<'x> {
    fn f() -> impl Sized; // Or: `impl use<'x, Self> Sized`

impl<'a> Trait<'a> for () {
    fn f() -> impl use<> Sized {}
//~^ WARN impl trait in impl method signature does not match
//~|      trait method signature
//~| NOTE add `#[allow(refining_impl_trait)]` if it is intended
//~|      for this to be part of the public API of this crate
//~| NOTE we are soliciting feedback, see issue #121718
//~|      <>
//~|      for more information

This remains true even if the trait impl is reparameterized. In that case, it is refining unless all generic parameters applied in the impl header as generic arguments for the corresponding trait parameter are captured in the impl when that parameter is captured in the trait definition, e.g.:

trait Trait<T> {
    fn f() -> impl Sized; // Or: `impl use<T, Self> Sized`

impl<'a, 'b> Trait<(&'a (), &'b ())> for () {
    fn f() -> impl use<'b> Sized {}
//~^ WARN impl trait in impl method signature does not match
//~|      trait method signature
//~| NOTE add `#[allow(refining_impl_trait)]` if it is intended
//~|      for this to be part of the public API of this crate
//~| NOTE we are soliciting feedback, see issue #121718
//~|      <>
//~|      for more information

Similarly, it's refining if Self is captured in the trait definition and, in the impl, we don't capture all of the generic parameters that are applied in the impl header as generic arguments to the Self type, e.g.:

trait Trait {
    fn f() -> impl Sized; // Or: `impl use<Self> Sized`

struct S<T>(T);
impl<'a, 'b> Trait for S<(&'a (), &'b ())> {
    fn f() -> impl use<'b> Sized {}
//~^ WARN impl trait in impl method signature does not match
//~|      trait method signature
//~| NOTE add `#[allow(refining_impl_trait)]` if it is intended
//~|      for this to be part of the public API of this crate
//~| NOTE we are soliciting feedback, see issue #121718
//~|      <>
//~|      for more information

Lifetime equality

While the capturing of generic parameters is generally syntactic, this is currently allowed in Rust 2021:

//@ edition: 2021
fn foo<'a: 'b, 'b: 'a>() -> impl Sized + 'b {
    core::marker::PhantomData::<&'a ()>

Rust 2021 does not adhere to the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024 for bare RPITs such as this. Correspondingly, lifetimes are only captured when they appear in the bounds. Here, 'b but not 'a appears in the bounds, yet we're still able to capture 'a due to the fact that it must be equal to 'b.

To preserve consistency with this, the following is also valid:

fn foo<'a: 'b, 'b: 'a>() -> impl use<'b> Sized {
    core::marker::PhantomData::<&'a ()>

A more difficult case is where, in the trait definition, only a subset of the generic parameters on the trait are captured, and in the impl we capture a lifetime not applied syntactically as an argument for one of those captured parameters but which is equal to a lifetime that is applied as an argument for one of the captured parameters, e.g.:

trait Trait<'x, 'y> {
    fn f() -> impl use<'y, Self> Sized;

impl<'a: 'b, 'b: 'a> Trait<'a, 'b> for () {
    fn f() -> impl use<'b> Sized {
        core::marker::PhantomData::<&'a ()>

For the purposes of this RFC, in the interest of consistency with the above cases, we're going to say that this is valid. However, as mentioned elsewhere, partial capturing of generics that are input parameters to the trait (including Self) is unlikely to be part of initial rounds of stabilization, and it's possible that implementation experience may lead us to a different answer for this case.


In Rust, trait impls may be parameterized over a different set of generics than the trait itself. E.g.:

trait Trait<X, Y> {
    fn f() -> impl use<X, Y, Self> Sized;

impl<'a, B, const C: usize> Trait<(), (&'a (), B, [(); C])> for () {
    fn f() -> impl use<'a, B, C> Sized {
        core::marker::PhantomData::<(&'a (), B, [(); C])>

In these cases, what we look at is how these generics are applied as arguments to the trait in the impl header. In this example, all of 'a, B, and C are applied in place of the Y input parameter to the trait. Since Y is captured in the trait definition, we're correspondingly allowed to capture 'a, B, and C in the impl.

The Self type

In trait definitions (but not elsewhere), use<..> may capture Self. Doing so means that in the impl, the opaque type may capture any generic parameters that are applied as generic arguments to the Self type. E.g.:

trait Trait {
    fn f() -> impl use<Self> Sized;

struct S<T>(T);
impl<'a, B, const C: usize> Trait for S<(&'a (), B, [(); C])> {
    fn f() -> impl use<'a, B, C> Sized {
        core::marker::PhantomData::<(&'a (), B, [(); C])>

Handling of projection types

If we apply, in a trait impl header, a projection type to a trait in place of a parameter that is captured in the trait definition, that does not allow us to capture in the impl the generic parameter from which the type is projected. E.g.:

trait Trait<X, Y> {
    fn f() -> impl use<Y, Self> Sized;

impl<A: Iterator> Trait<A, A::Item> for () {
    fn f() -> impl use<A> Sized {}
    //~^ ERROR cannot capture `A`

The reason this is an error is related to the fact that, in Rust, a generic parameter used as an associated type does not constrain that generic parameter in the impl. E.g.:

trait Trait {
    type Ty;

impl<A> Trait for () {
//~^ ERROR the type parameter `A` is not constrained
    type Ty = A;

Meaning of capturing a const generic parameter

As with other generic parameters, a const generic parameter must be captured in the opaque type for it to be used in the hidden type. E.g., we must capture C here:

fn f<const C: usize>() -> impl use<C> Sized {
    [(); C]

However, note that we do not need to capture C just to use it as a value, e.g.:

fn f<const C: usize>() -> impl use<> Sized {
    C + 1

Argument position impl Trait

Note that for a generic type parameter to be captured with use<..> it must have a name. Anonymous generic type parameters introduced with argument position impl Trait (APIT) syntax don't have names, and so cannot be captured with use<..>. E.g.:

fn foo(x: impl Sized) -> impl use<> Sized { x }
//                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                       ^ Captures nothing.

Migration strategy for Lifetime Capture Rules 2024

The migration lints for Rust 2024 will insert use<..> as needed so as to preserve the set of generic parameters captured by each RPIT opaque type. That is, we will convert, e.g., this:

//@ edition: 2021
fn foo<'t, T>(_: &'t (), x: T) -> impl Sized { x }

...into this:

//@ edition: 2024
fn foo<'t, T>(_: &'t (), x: T) -> impl use<T> Sized { x }

Note that since generic type parameters must have names to be captured with use<..>, some uses of APIT will need to be converted to named generic parameters. E.g., we will convert this:

//@ edition: 2021
fn foo<'t>(_: &'t (), x: impl Sized) -> impl Sized { x }

...into this:

//@ edition: 2024
fn foo<'t, T: Sized>(_: &'t (), x: T) -> impl use<T> Sized { x }

As we're always cognizant of adding noise during migrations, it's worth mentioning that this will also allow noise to be removed. E.g., this code:

pub trait Captures<'t> {}
impl<T: ?Sized> Captures<'_> for T {}

pub fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c>(
    x: &'a (), y: &'b (), _: &'c (),
) -> impl Sized + Captures<'a> + Captures<'b> {
    (x, y)

...can be replaced with this:

pub fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c>(
    x: &'a (), y: &'b (), _: &'c (),
) -> impl use<'a, 'b> Sized {
    (x, y)

As an example of what migrating to explicit use<..> captures looks like within rustc itself (without yet migrating to the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024 which would simplify many cases further), see this diff.

Stabilization strategy

Due to implementation considerations, it's likely that the initial stabilization of this feature will be partial. We anticipate that partial stabilization will have these restrictions:

  • use<..>, if provided, must include all in-scope type and const generic parameters.
  • In RPIT within trait definitions, use<..>, if provided, must include all in-scope generic parameters.

We anticipate lifting these restrictions over time.

Since all in-scope type and const generic parameters were already captured in Rust 2021 and earlier editions, and since RPITIT already adheres to the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024, these restrictions do not interfere with the use of this feature to migrate code to Rust 2024.



As we saw in the reference desugaring above, associated type position impl Trait (ATPIT), once stabilized, can be used to effect precise capturing. Originally, we had hoped that this (particularly once expanded to full type alias impl Trait (TAIT)) might be sufficient and that syntax such as that in this RFC might not be necessary.

As it turned out, there are four problems with this:

  1. These features are too indirect a solution.
  2. They might not be stabilized in time.
  3. They would lead to a worse migration story.
  4. We would want this syntax anyway.

Taking these in turn:

One, as can be seen in the reference desugaring, using ATPIT/TAIT in this way can be rather indirect, and this was confirmed in our practical experience when migrating code. ATPIT and TAIT are good tools, but they weren't designed to solve this particular problem. This problem calls for a more direct solution.

Two, while ATPIT is nearing stabilization, there are yet some type systems details being resolved. For TAIT, there is much work yet to do. Putting these features in the critical path would add risk to the edition, to the Lifetime Capture Rules 2024, and to these features.

Three, as a practical matter, an explicit impl use<..> Trait syntax lets us write much better automatic migration lints and offers a much more straightforward migration story for our users.

Four, the set of generic parameters that are captured by an opaque type is a fundamental and practical property of that opaque type. In a language like Rust, it feels like there ought to be an explicit syntax for it. We probably want this in any world.

Inferred precise capturing

We had hoped that we might be able to achieve something with a similar effect to precise capturing at the cost of an extra generic lifetime parameter in each signature with improvements to the type system. The goal would be to allow, e.g., this code to work rather than error:

fn foo<'o, T>(_: T) -> impl Sized + 'o {}

fn bar(x: ()) -> impl Sized + 'static {
//~^ ERROR returns a value referencing data owned by the
//~|       current function

The idea is that, even though the opaque type returned by foo does capture the generic type parameter T, since the opaque type is explicitly bounded by 'o and the signature does not assert T: 'o, we know that the hidden type cannot actually use T.

As it turns out, making full use of this observation is challenging (see #116040 and #116733). While we did make improvements to the type system here, and while more might be possible, this does not solve the problem today in all important cases (including, e.g., avoiding the capture of higher ranked lifetimes in nested opaque types) and will not for the foreseeable future.

Moreover, even with the fullest possible version of these improvements, whether or not a generic parameter is captured by an opaque type would remain observable. Having an explicit syntax to control what is captured is more direct, more expressive, and leads to a better migration story.

See Appendix G in RFC 3498 for more details.


We considered a number of different possible syntaxes before landing on impl use<..> Trait. We'll discuss each considered.

impl use<..> Trait

This is the syntax used throughout this RFC (but see the unresolved questions).

Using a separate keyword makes this syntax more scalable in the sense that we can apply use<..> in other places.

Conveniently, the word "use" is quite appropriate here, since we are using the generic parameters in the opaque type and allowing the generic parameters to be used in the hidden type. That is, with use, we are bringing the generic parameters into scope for the hidden type, and use is the keyword in Rust for bringing things into scope.

Picking an existing keyword allows for this syntax, including extensions to other positions, to be allowed in older editions. Because use is a full keyword, we're not limited in where it can be placed.

By not putting the generic parameters on impl<..>, we reduce the risk of confusion that we are somehow introducing generic parameters here rather than using them.

We put impl before use<..> because use<..> is a property of the opaque type and we're applying the generic parameters as generic arguments to this opaque type. In impl Trait syntax, the impl keyword is the stand-in for the opaque type itself. Viewed this way, impl use<..> Trait maintains the following order, which is seen throughout Rust: type, generic arguments, bounds.

Using angle brackets, rather than parentheses or square brackets, is consistent with other places in the language where type parameters are applied to a type.

At three letters, the use keyword is short enough that it doesn't feel too noisy or too much like a burden to use this, and it's parsimonious with other short keywords in Rust.

Overall, naming is hard, but on average, people seemed to dislike this choice the least.

impl<..> Trait

The original syntax proposal was impl<..> Trait. This has the benefit of being somewhat more concise than impl use<..> Trait but has the drawback of perhaps suggesting that it's introducing generic parameters as other uses of impl<..> do. Many preferred to use a different keyword for this reason.

Decisive to some was that we may want this syntax to scale to other uses, most particularly to controlling the set of generic parameters and values that are captured by closure-like blocks. As we discuss in the future possibilities, it's easy to see how use<..> can scale to address this in a way that impl<..> Trait cannot.

use<..> impl Trait

Putting the use<..> specifier before the impl keyword is potentially appealing as use<..> applies to the entire impl Trait opaque type rather than to just one of the bounds, and this ordering might better suggest that.

Let's discuss some arguments for this, some arguments against it, and then discuss the fundamental tension here.

The case for use<..> before impl

We've been referring to the syntax for RPIT-like opaque types as impl Trait, as is commonly done. But this is a bit imprecise. The syntax is really impl $bounds. We might say, e.g.:

fn foo() -> impl 'static + Unpin + for<'a> FnMut(&'a ()) {
    |_| ()

Each bound, separated by +, may be a lifetime or a trait bound. Each trait bound may include a higher ranked for<..> binder. The lifetimes introduced in such a binder are in scope only for the bound in which that binder appears.

This could create confusion with use<..> after impl. If we say, e.g.:

fn foo<'a>(
    _: &'a (),
) -> impl use<'a> for<'b> FnMut(&'b ()) + for<'c> Trait<'c> {
    //    ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^
    //    |       |                       ^ Applies to one bound.
    //    |       ^ Applies to one bound.
    //    ^ Applies to the whole type.
    |_| ()

...then it may feel like use<..> should apply to only the first bound, just as the for<..> binder right next to it does. Putting use<..> before impl might avoid this issue. E.g.:

fn foo<'a>(
    _: &'a (),
) -> use<'a> impl for<'b> FnMut(&'b ()) + for<'c> Trait<'c> {
    |_| ()

This would make it clear that use<..> applies to the entire type. This seems the strongest argument for putting use<..> before impl, and it's a good one.

The case for and against use<..> before impl

There are some other known arguments for this ordering that may or may not resonate with the reader; we'll present these, along with the standard arguments that might be made in response, as an imagined conversation between Alice and Bob:

Bob: We call the base feature here "impl Trait". Anything that we put between the impl and the Trait could make this less recognizable to people.

Alice: Maybe, but users don't literally write the words impl Trait; they write impl and then a set of bounds. They could even write impl 'static + Fn(), e.g. The fact that there can be multiple traits and that a lifetime or a for<..> binder could come between the impl and the first trait doesn't seem to be a problem here, so maybe adding use<..> won't be either.

Bob: But what about the orthography? In English, we might say "using 'x, we implement the trait". We'd probably try to avoid saying "we implement, using 'x, the trait". Putting use<..> first better lines up with this.

Alice: Is that true? Would we always prefer the first version? To my ears, "using 'x, we implement the trait" sounds a bit like something Yoda would say. I'd probably say the second version, if I had to choose. Really, of course, I'd mostly try to say instead that "we implement the trait using 'x", but there are probably good reasons to not use that ordering here in Rust.

Bob: The RFC talks about maybe later extending the use<..> syntax to closure-like blocks, e.g. use<> |x| x. If it makes sense to put the use<..> first here, shouldn't we put it first in use<..> impl Trait?

Alice: That's interesting to think about. In the case of closure-like blocks, we'd probably want to put the use<..> in the same position as move as it could be extended to serve a similar purpose. For closures, that would mean putting it before the arguments, e.g. use<> |x| x, just as we do with move. But this would also imply that use<..> should appear after certain keywords, e.g. for async blocks we currently write async move {}, so maybe here we would write async use<> {}.

Alice: There is a key difference to keep in mind here. Closure-like blocks are expressions but impl Trait is syntax for a type. We often have different conventions between type position and expression position in Rust. Maybe (or maybe not) this is a place where that distinction could matter.

The case against use<..> before impl

The use<..> specifier syntax applies the listed generic parameters as generic arguments to the opaque type. It's analogous, e.g., with the generic arguments here:

impl Trait for () {
    type Opaque<'t, T> = Concrete<'t, T>
    //                   ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
    //                   ^ Type   ^ Generic arguments
    where Self: 'static;
    //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //    ^ Bounds

Just as the above applies <'t, T> to Concrete, use<..> applies its arguments to the opaque type.

In the above example and throughout Rust, we observe the following order: type, generic arguments (applied to the type), bounds. In impl Trait syntax, the impl keyword is the stand-in for the opaque type itself. The use<..> specifier lists the generic arguments to be applied to that type. Then the bounds follow. Putting use<..> after impl is consistent with this rule, but the other way would be inconsistent.

This observation, that we're applying generic arguments to the opaque type and that the impl keyword is the stand-in for that type, is also a strong argument in favor of impl<..> Trait syntax. It's conceivable that we'll later, with more experience and consistently with Stroustrup's Rule, decide that we want to be more concise and adopt the impl<..> Trait syntax after all. One of the advantages of placing use<..> after impl is that there would be less visual and conceptual churn in later making that change.

Finally, there's one other practical advantage to placing impl before use<..>. If we were to do it the other way and place use<..> before impl, we would need to make a backward incompatible change to the ty macro matcher fragment specifier. This would require us to migrate this specifier according to our policy in RFC 3531. This is something we could do, but it is a cost on us and on our users, even if only a modest one.

The fundamental tension on impl use<..> vs. use<..> impl

Throughout this RFC, we've given two intuitions for the semantics of use<..>:

  • Intuition #1: use<..> applies generic arguments to the opaque type.
  • Intuition #2: use<..> brings generic parameters into scope for the hidden type.

These are both true and are both valid intuitions, but there's some tension between these for making this syntax choice.

It's often helpful to think of impl Trait in terms of generic associated types (GATs), and let's make that analogy here. Consider:

impl Trait for () {
    type Opaque<'t, T> = Concrete<'t, T>;
    //   ^^^^^^ ^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
    //   |      |        |        ^ Generic arguments applied
    //   |      |        ^ Concrete type
    //   |      ^ Generic parameters introduced into scope
    //   ^ Alias type (similar to an opaque type)
    fn foo<T>(&self) -> Self::Opaque<'_, T> { todo!() }
    //                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
    //                  ^ Alias type ^ Generic arguments applied

The question is, are the generics in use<..> more like the generic parameters or more like the generic arguments above?

If these generics are more like the generic arguments above (Intuition #1), then impl<..> Trait and impl use<..> Trait make a lot of sense as we're applying these arguments to the type. In Rust, when we're applying generic arguments to a type, the generic arguments appear after the type, and impl is the stand-in for the type here.

However, if these generics are more like the generic parameters above (Intuition #2), then use<..> impl Trait makes more sense. In Rust, when we're putting generic parameters into scope, they appear before the type.

Since both intuitions are valid, but each argues for a different syntax choice, picking one is tough. The authors are sympathetic to both choices. The key historical and tiebreaker factors leading to our use of the impl use<..> Trait syntax in this RFC are:

  • The original longstanding and motivating semantic intuition for this feature was Intuition #1, and it argues for this syntax. The second intuition, Intuition #2, was only developed in the process of writing this RFC and after most of this RFC had been written.
  • The use<..> impl Trait syntax was never proposed before this RFC was written (it may have been inspired by the presentation in this RFC of the second intuition), and in discussion, no clear consensus has yet emerged in its favor.
  • There are some practical costs that exist for use<..> impl Trait that don't for impl use<..> Trait.
  • The "obvious" syntax for this feature is impl<..> Trait. We may yet someday want to switch to this, and migrating from impl use<..> Trait seems like a smaller step.

Nonetheless, we leave this as an unresolved question.

impl Trait & ..

In some conceptions, the difference between impl Trait + 'a + 'b and impl use<'a, 'b> Trait is the difference between capturing the union of those lifetimes and capturing the intersection of them. This inspires syntax proposals such as impl Trait & 't & T or impl Trait & ['t, T] to express this intersection.

One problem with the former of these is that it gives no obvious way to express that the opaque type captures nothing. Another is that it would give AsRef &T a valid but distinct meaning to AsRef<&T> which might be confusing.

For either of these, appearing later in the type would put these after higher ranked for<..> lifetimes may have been introduced. This could be confusing, since use<..> (with any syntax) captures generic parameters for the entire type where for<..> applies individually to each bound.

Overall, nobody seemed to like this syntax.

impl k#captures<..> Trait

We could use a new and very literal keyword such as captures rather than use. There are three main drawbacks to this:

  1. There are limits to how this could be used in older editions.
  2. There's a cost to each new keyword, and use is probably good enough.
  3. It's somewhat long.

Taking these in turn:

One, while captures could be reserved in Rust 2024 and used in any position in that edition, and in Rust 2021 could be used as k#captures in any position, on older editions, it would only be able to be used where it could be made contextual. This could limit how we might be able to scale this syntax to handle other use cases such as controlling the capturing of generic parameters and values in closure-like blocks (as discussed in the future possibilities).

Two, each keyword takes from the space of names that users have available to them, and it increases the number of keywords with which users must be familiar (e.g. so as to not inadvertently trip over when choosing a name). That is, each keyword has a cost. If an existing keyword can reasonably be used in more places, then we get more benefit for that cost. In this case, use is probably a strong enough choice that paying the cost for a new keyword doesn't seem worth it.

Three, captures would be a somewhat long keyword, especially when we consider how we might scale the use of this syntax to other places such as closure-like blocks. We don't want people to feel punished for being explicit about the generics that they capture, and we don't want them to do other worse things (such as overcapturing where they should not) just to avoid visual bloat in their code, so if we can be more concise here, that seems like a win.

impl move<'t, T> Trait

We could use the existing move keyword, however the word "move" is semantically worse. In Rust, we already use generic parameters in types, but we don't move any generic parameters. We move only values, so this could be confusing. The word "use" is better.

impl k#via<'t, T> Trait

We could use a new short keyword such as via. This has the number 1 and 2 drawbacks of k#captures mentioned above. As with move, it also seems a semantically worse word. With use<..>, we can explain that it means the opaque type uses the listed generic parameters. In contrast, it's not clear how we could explain the word "via" in this context.

Using parentheses or square brackets

We could say use('t, T) or use['t, T]. However, in Rust today, generic parameters always fall within angle brackets, even when being applied to a type. Doing something different here could feel inconsistent and doesn't seem warranted.

Unresolved questions

Syntax question

We leave as an open question which of these two syntaxes we should choose:

  1. impl use<..> Trait
    • This syntax is used throughout this RFC.
  2. use<..> impl Trait
    • This syntax is the worthy challenger.

See the alternatives section above for a detailed comparative analysis of these options.

Future possibilities

Opting out of captures

There will plausibly be cases where we want to capture many generic parameters and not capture only smaller number. It could be convenient if there were a way to express this without listing out all of the in-scope type parameters except the ones not being captured.

The way we would approach this with the use<..> syntax is to add some syntax that means "fill in all in-scope generic parameters", then add syntax to remove certain generic parameters from the list. E.g.:

fn foo<'a, A, B, C, D>(
    _: &'a A, b: B, c: C, d: D,
) -> impl use<.., !'a, !A> Sized {}
//   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//   ^ Captures `B`, `C`, and `D` but not `'a` or `A`.

Here, the .. means to include all in-scope generic parameters and ! means to exclude a particular generic parameter even if previously included.

We leave this to future work.

Explicit capturing for closure-like blocks

Closures and closure-like blocks (e.g. async, gen, async gen, async closures, gen closures, async gen closures, etc.) return opaque types that capture both values and generic parameters from the outer scope.

Specifying captured generics for closures-like blocks

The capturing of outer generics in closure-like blocks can lead to overcapturing, as in #65442. Consider:

trait Trait {
    type Ty;
    fn define<T>(_: T) -> Self::Ty;

impl Trait for () {
    type Ty = impl Fn();
    fn define<T>(_: T) -> Self::Ty {
        || ()
    //~^ ERROR type parameter `T` is part of concrete type but not
    //~|       used in parameter list for the `impl Trait` type alias

Here, the opaque type of the closure is capturing T. We may want a way to specify which outer generic parameters are captured by closure-like blocks. We could apply the use<..> syntax to closure-like blocks to solve this, e.g.:

trait Trait {
    type Ty;
    fn define<T>(_: T) -> Self::Ty;

impl Trait for () {
    type Ty = impl Fn();
    fn define<T>(_: T) -> Self::Ty {
        use<> || ()
    //  ^^^^^^^^^^^
    //  ^ Captures no generic parameters.

We leave this to future work, but this demonstrates how the use<..> syntax can scale to solve other problems.

Specifying captured values for closure-like blocks

Closure-like blocks capture values either by moving them or by referencing them. How Rust decides whether values should be captured by move or by reference is implicit and can be a bit subtle. E.g., this works:

fn foo<T>(x: T) -> impl FnOnce() -> T {
    || x

...but this does not:

fn foo<T: Copy>(x: T) -> impl FnOnce() -> T {
    || x
//~^ ERROR may outlive borrowed value `x`

While in simple cases like this we can apply move to the entire closure-like block to get the result that we want, in other cases other techniques are needed.

We might want a syntax for specifying which values are captured by the closure-like block and how each value is captured. We could apply the use syntax to solve this. E.g.:

fn foo<A, B, C, D>(a: A, b: B, mut c: C, _: D) {
    let f = use(a, ref b, ref mut c) || {
        //      ^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^
        //      |  |      ^ Captures `c` by mutable reference.
        //      |  ^ Captures `b` by immutable reference.
        //      ^ Captures `a` by move.

This could be combined with specifying which outer generic parameters to capture, e.g. with use<A, B, C>(a, ref b, ref mut c).

We leave this to future work, but this demonstrates how the use<..> syntax can scale to solve other problems.