This repo contains the presentation PixelsCamp_presentation.pdf and the code that was made during the Workshop at PixelsCamp. I've added some comments close to the implementations with links to the oficial Vue's documentation if you want to know more about a specific functionality.
- Node.js 8.11.0+ recommended (
Check which version do you have with “node -v” on the terminal
- Vue CLI 3 by running “npm install -g @vue/cli” on the terminal
Check which version do you have with “vue -V” on the terminal. If you have the previous vue-cli (1.x or 2.x) package installed globally, you need to uninstall it first with “npm uninstall vue-cli -g”
Simply run the command below and follow the instructions.
vue create [project_name]
If you prefer to use a GUI:
vue ui
yarn install
yarn run serve
yarn run build
yarn run test
yarn run lint
Need help or want to discuss something? Contact me