diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index acc0467..4e35d4e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ chain multiple string operations together using a more readable syntax compared
List of all fluent methods you can find [here](docs/methods.md#fluent-methods).
## Strings methods
-List of all static methods you can find [here](docs/statics.md#strings).
+List of all static methods you can find [here](docs/statics.md#static-methods).
+## Strings functions
+List of all module functions [here](docs/functions.md#functions).
## Changelog
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44c0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/functions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+## Functions
+### after
+The `after` function returns everything after the given value in a string.
+The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
+after('This is my name', 'This is');
+// ' my name'
+### afterLast
+The `afterLast` function returns everything after the last occurrence of the given value in a string.
+The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
+afterLast('App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller', '\\');
+// 'Controller'
+### ascii
+The `ascii` function will attempt to transliterate the string into an ASCII value:
+// 'u'
+### before
+The `before` function returns everything before the given value in a string:
+before('This is my name', 'my name');
+// 'This is '
+### beforeLast
+The `beforeLast` function returns everything before the last occurrence of the given value in a string:
+beforeLast('This is my name', 'is');
+// 'This '
+### between
+The `between` function returns the portion of a string between two values:
+between('This is my name', 'This', 'name');
+// ' is my '
+### betweenFirst
+The `betweenFirst` function returns the smallest possible portion of a string between two values:
+betweenFirst('[a] bc [d]', '[', ']');
+// 'a'
+### charAt
+The `charAt` function allows to get a character by index from a multibyte string:
+charAt('Hello, world!', 1);
+// 'e'
+### contains
+The `contains` function determines if the given string contains the given value. This function is case-sensitive:
+contains('This is my name', 'my');
+// true
+You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string contains any of the values in the array:
+contains('This is my name', ['my', 'foo']);
+// true
+### containsAll
+The `containsAll` function determines if the given string contains all the values in the given array:
+containsAll('This is my name', ['my', 'name']);
+// true
+### endsWith
+The `endsWith` function determines if the given string ends with the given value:
+endsWith('This is my name', 'name');
+// true
+You may also pass an array of values to determine if the given string ends with any of the values in the array:
+endsWith('This is my name', ['name', 'foo']);
+// true
+endsWith('This is my name', ['this', 'foo']);
+// false
+### excerpt
+The `excerpt` function extracts an excerpt from the string that matches the first instance of a phrase within that string:
+excerpt('This is my name', 'my', {
+ radius: 3
+// '...is my na...'
+The `radius` option, which defaults to `100`, allows you to define the number of characters that should appear on each side of the truncated string.
+In addition, you may use the `omission` option to change the string that will be prepended and appended to the truncated string:
+excerpt('This is my name', 'name', {
+ radius: 3,
+ omission: '(...) '
+// '(...) my name'
+### explode
+The `explode` function splits the string by the given delimiter and returns an array containing each section of the split string:
+explode('foo bar baz', ' ');
+// ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
+### finish
+The `finish` function adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already end with that value:
+finish('this/string', '/');
+// 'this/string/'
+finish('this/string/', '/');
+// 'this/string/'
+### headline
+The `headline` function will convert strings delimited by casing, hyphens, or underscores into a space delimited string with each word's first letter capitalized:
+// 'Steve Jobs'
+// 'Email Notification Sent'
+### is
+The `is` function determines if a given string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values
+is('foo*', 'foobar');
+// true
+is(/baz*/, 'foobar');
+// false
+### isAscii
+The `isAscii` function determines if a given string is an ASCII string:
+// true
+// false
+### isJson
+The `isJson` function determines if a given string is valid JSON:
+// true
+isJson('{"first": "John", "last": "Doe"}');
+// true
+isJson('{first: "John", last: "Doe"}');
+// false
+### isUlid
+The `isUlid` function determines if a given string is a valid ULID:
+// true
+// false
+### isUrl
+The `isUrl` function determines if a given string is a valid URL:
+// true
+// false
+### isUuid
+The `isUuid` function determines if a given string is a UUID:
+// true
+// false
+### isMatch
+The `isMatch` function will return `true` if the string matches a given regular expression:
+isMatch(/foo (.*)/, 'foo bar');
+// true
+isMatch(/foo (.*)/, 'laravel');
+// false
+### lcfirst
+The `lcfirst` function returns the given string with the first character lowercase:
+lcfirst('Foo Bar');
+// 'foo Bar'
+### length
+The `length` function returns the length of the given string:
+// 7
+### limit
+The `limit` function truncates the given string to the specified length:
+limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 20);
+// 'The quick brown fox...'
+You may also pass a second argument to change the string that will be appended to the end of the truncated string:
+limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 20, ' (...)');
+// 'The quick brown fox (...)'
+### lower
+The `lower` function converts the given string to lowercase:
+// 'laravel'
+### ltrim
+The `ltrim` function trims the left side of the string:
+ltrim(' Laravel ');
+// 'Laravel '
+ltrim('/Laravel/', '/');
+// 'Laravel/'
+### mask
+The `mask` function masks a portion of a string with a repeated character, and may be used to obfuscate
+segments of strings such as email addresses and phone numbers:
+mask('taylor@example.com', '*', 3);
+// 'tay***************'
+If needed, you provide a negative number as the third argument to the `mask` function, which will instruct the function
+to begin masking at the given distance from the end of the string:
+mask('taylor@example.com', '*', -15, 3);
+// 'tay***@example.com'
+### match
+The `match` function will return the portion of a string that matches a given regular expression pattern:
+match('bar', 'foo bar');
+// 'bar'
+match(/foo (.*)/, 'foo bar');
+// 'bar'
+### matchAll
+The `matchAll` function will return an array containing the portions of a string that match a given regular expression pattern:
+matchAll('bar', 'bar foo bar');
+// ['bar', 'bar']
+If you specify a matching group within the expression, package will return an array of that group's matches:
+matchAll(/f(\w*)/, 'bar fun bar fly');
+// ['un', 'ly']
+### padBoth
+The `padBoth` function wraps both sides of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
+padBoth('James', 10, '_');
+// '__James___'
+padBoth('James', 10);
+// ' James '
+### padLeft
+The `padLeft` function wraps the left side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
+padLeft('James', 10, '-=');
+// '-=-=-James'
+padLeft('James', 10);
+// ' James'
+### padRight
+The `padRight` function wraps the right side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:
+padRight('James', 10, '-');
+// 'James-----'
+padRight('James', 10);
+// 'James '
+### parseCallback
+The `parseCallback` function parse to an array a `Class@method` style callback into class and method:
+// ['Class', 'method']
+### preg_quote
+The `preg_quote` function quote regular expression characters:
+preg_quote('*RRRING* Hello?');
+// '\*RRRING\* Hello\?'
+### remove
+The `remove` function removes the given value or array of values from the string:
+remove('quite', 'Arkansas is quite beautiful!');
+// 'Arkansas is beautiful!'
+### repeat
+The `repeat` function repeats the given value N times:
+repeat('a', '5');
+// 'aaaaa'
+### replace
+The `replace` function replaces a given string within the string:
+replace('6.x', '7.x', 'Laravel 6.x');
+// 'Laravel 7.x'
+### replaceArray
+The `replaceArray` function replaces a given value in the string sequentially using an array:
+replaceArray('?', ['8:30', '9:00'], 'The event will take place between ? and ?');
+// 'The event will take place between 8:30 and 9:00'
+### replaceFirst
+The `replaceFirst` function replaces the first occurrence of a given value in a string:
+replaceFirst('the', 'a', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
+// 'a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
+### replaceLast
+The `replaceLast` function replaces the last occurrence of a given value in a string:
+replaceLast('the', 'a', 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
+// 'the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog'
+You may also pass `false` as a third parameter to ignore case when removing strings.
+### reverse
+The `reverse` function reverses the given string:
+reverse('Hello World');
+// 'dlroW olleH'
+### rtrim
+The `rtrim` function trims the right side of the given string:
+trim(' Laravel ');
+// ' Laravel'
+rtrim('/Laravel/', '/');
+// '/Laravel'
+### slug
+The `slug` function generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
+slug('Laravel Framework', '-');
+// 'laravel-framework'
+### squish
+The `squish` function removes all extraneous white space from a string, including extraneous white space between words:
+squish(' laravel framework ');
+// 'laravel framework'
+### start
+The `start` function adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already start with that value:
+start('this/string', '/');
+// '/this/string'
+start('/this/string', '/');
+// '/this/string'
+### startsWith
+The `startsWith` function determines if the given string begins with the given value:
+startsWith('This is my name', 'This');
+// true
+### stripTags
+The `stripTags` function strips HTML and PHP tags from the given string:
+// 'beforeafter'
+### substr
+The `substr` function returns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters:
+substr('The Laravel Framework', 4, 7);
+// 'Laravel'
+### substrCount
+The `substrCount` function returns the number of occurrences of a given value in the given string:
+substrCount('If you like ice cream, you will like snow cones.', 'like');
+// 2
+### substrReplace
+The `substrReplace` function replaces text within a portion of a string, starting at the position specified by the second argument
+and replacing the number of characters specified by the fourth argument. Passing `0` to the function's fourth argument
+will insert the string at the specified position without replacing any of the existing characters in the string:
+substrReplace('1300', ':', 2);
+// '13':
+substrReplace('The Framework', ' Laravel', 3, 0);
+// 'The Laravel Framework'
+### swap
+The `swap` function replaces multiple values in the string similar to PHP `strtr` function:
+ 'Tacos': 'Burritos',
+ 'great': 'fantastic',
+}, 'Tacos are great!');
+// 'Burritos are fantastic!'
+### take
+The `take` function returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a string:
+take('Build something amazing!', 5);
+// 'Build'
+### title
+The `title` function converts the given string to `Title Case`:
+title('a nice title uses the correct case');
+// 'A Nice Title Uses The Correct Case'
+### trim
+The `trim` function trims the given string:
+trim(' Laravel ');
+// 'Laravel'
+trim('/Laravel/', '/');
+// 'Laravel'
+### ucfirst
+The `ucfirst` function returns the given string with the first character capitalized:
+ucfirst('foo bar');
+// 'Foo bar'
+### ucsplit
+The `ucsplit` function splits the given string into an array by uppercase characters:
+ucsplit('Foo Bar');
+// ['Foo', 'Bar']
+### unwrap
+The `unwrap` function removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
+unwrap('-Laravel-', '- ');
+// 'Laravel'
+### upper
+The `upper` function converts the given string to uppercase:
+### wordCount
+The `wordCount` function returns the number of words that a string contains:
+wordCount('Hello, world!');
+// 2
+### wordWrap
+The `wordWrap` function wraps a string to a given number of characters:
+wordWrap('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 20, "
+The quick brown fox
+jumped over the lazy
+### words
+The `words` function limits the number of words in a string. If necessary, you may specify an additional string that will be appended to the truncated string:
+words('Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.', 3, ' >>>');
+// 'Perfectly balanced, as >>>'
+### wrap
+The `wrap` function wraps the string with the given strings:
+wrap('is', 'This ', ' me!');
+// 'This is me!'
diff --git a/docs/methods.md b/docs/methods.md
index 546a3b3..dcad0a3 100644
--- a/docs/methods.md
+++ b/docs/methods.md
@@ -1,107 +1,24 @@
## Fluent Methods
-- [after](#after)
-- [afterLast](#afterlast)
-- [append](#append)
-- [ascii](#ascii)
-- [basename](#basename)
-- [before](#before)
-- [beforeLast](#beforelast)
-- [between](#between)
-- [betweenFirst](#betweenfirst)
-- [charAt](#charat)
-- [camel](#camel)
-- [contains](#contains)
-- [containsAll](#containsall)
-- [dirname](#dirname)
-- [dd](#dd)
-- [dump](#dump)
-- [endsWith](#endswith)
-- [excerpt](#excerpt)
-- [exactly](#exactly)
-- [explode](#explode)
-- [finish](#finish)
-- [flushCache](#flushcache)
-- [headline](#headline)
-- [is](#is)
-- [isAscii](#isascii)
-- [isEmpty](#isempty)
-- [isNotEmpty](#isnotempty)
-- [isJson](#isjson)
-- [isUrl](#isurl)
-- [isUlid](#isulid)
-- [isUuid](#isuuid)
-- [isMatch](#ismatch)
-- [kebab](#kebab)
-- [lcfirst](#lcfirst)
-- [length](#length)
-- [limit](#limit)
-- [lower](#lower)
-- [ltrim](#ltrim)
-- [mask](#mask)
-- [match](#match)
-- [matchAll](#matchall)
-- [newLine](#newline)
-- [padBoth](#padboth)
-- [padLeft](#padleft)
-- [padRight](#padright)
-- [parseCallback](#parsecallback)
-- [pipe](#pipe)
-- [prepend](#prepend)
-- [remove](#remove)
-- [repeat](#repeat)
-- [replace](#replace)
-- [replaceArray](#replacearray)
-- [replaceFirst](#replacefirst)
-- [replaceLast](#replacelast)
-- [replaceMatches](#replacematches)
-- [reverse](#reverse)
-- [rtrim](#rtrim)
-- [scan](#scan)
-- [slug](#slug)
-- [snake](#snake)
-- [split](#split)
-- [squish](#squish)
-- [start](#start)
-- [startsWith](#startswith)
-- [stripTags](#striptags)
-- [studly](#studly)
-- [substr](#substr)
-- [substrCount](#substrcount)
-- [substrReplace](#substrreplace)
-- [swap](#swap)
-- [take](#take)
-- [tap](#tap)
-- [test](#test)
-- [title](#title)
-- [toHtmlString](#tohtmlstring)
-- [toString](#tostring)
-- [trim](#trim)
-- [ucfirst](#ucfirst)
-- [ucsplit](#ucsplit)
-- [upper](#upper)
-- [when](#when)
-- [whenContains](#whencontains)
-- [whenContainsAll](#whencontainsall)
-- [whenEmpty](#whenempty)
-- [whenNotEmpty](#whennotempty)
-- [whenStartsWith](#whenstartswith)
-- [whenEndsWith](#whenendswith)
-- [whenExactly](#whenexactly)
-- [whenNotExactly ](#whennotexactly)
-- [whenIs](#whenis)
-- [whenIsAscii](#whenisascii)
-- [whenIsUlid](#whenisulid)
-- [whenIsUuid](#whenisuuid)
-- [whenTest](#whentest)
-- [wordCount](#wordcount)
-- [wordWrap](#wordwrap)
-- [words](#words)
-- [wrap](#wrap)
-- [unwrap](#unwrap)
-- [value](#value)
-## Fluent Strings
+### str
+The `str` function returns a new `Stringable` instance of the given string.
+If no argument is given to the function, it returns an instance of `Str`.
+// Stringable Object
+// Str Object
+### of
+The `of` method returns a new `Stringable` instance of the given string.
+// Stringable Object
### after
The `after` method returns everything after the given value in a string.
The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:
@@ -424,7 +341,7 @@ Stringable.of('fooBar').kebab();
// 'foo-bar'
### lcfirst
-The `lcfirst` method returns the given string with the first character lowercased:
+The `lcfirst` method returns the given string with the first character lowercase:
Stringable.of('Foo Bar').lcfirst();
@@ -587,8 +504,6 @@ Stringable.of('foo').pipe(str => 'bar');
// 'bar'
-### plural
-Not implemented.
### prepend
The `prepend` method prepends the given values onto the string:
@@ -678,8 +593,6 @@ Stringable.of('filename.jpg').scan('%[^.].%s');
// ['filename', 'jpg']
-### singular
-Not implemented.
### slug
The `slug` method generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string:
@@ -880,6 +793,14 @@ Stringable.of('Foo Bar').ucsplit();
// ['Foo', 'Bar']
+### unless
+The `unless` method invokes the given function if a given condition is `false`.
+The function will receive the fluent string instance:
+Stringable.of('Taylor').unless(false, (str) => str.append(' false'));
+// 'unless false'
### upper
The `upper` method converts the given string to uppercase:
@@ -978,7 +899,7 @@ Stringable.of('foo/bar').whenIs('foo/*', (str) => str.append('/baz'));
// 'foo/bar/baz'
### whenIsAscii
-The `whenIsAscii` method invokes the given function if the string is 7 bit ASCII.
+The `whenIsAscii` method invokes the given function if the string is 7-bit ASCII.
The function will receive the fluent string instance:
Stringable.of('A').whenIsAscii((str) => str.prepend('Ascii:'));
diff --git a/docs/statics.md b/docs/statics.md
index dede2de..5343ef2 100644
--- a/docs/statics.md
+++ b/docs/statics.md
@@ -1,84 +1,7 @@
## Static Methods
-- [of](#of)
-- [after](#after)
-- [afterLast](#afterlast)
-- [ascii](#ascii)
-- [before](#before)
-- [beforeLast](#beforelast)
-- [between](#between)
-- [betweenFirst](#betweenfirst)
-- [charAt](#charat)
-- [camel](#camel)
-- [contains](#contains)
-- [containsAll](#containsall)
-- [endsWith](#endswith)
-- [excerpt](#excerpt)
-- [explode](#explode)
-- [finish](#finish)
-- [flushCache](#flushcache)
-- [headline](#headline)
-- [is](#is)
-- [isAscii](#isascii)
-- [isJson](#isjson)
-- [isUrl](#isUrl)
-- [isUlid](#isulid)
-- [isUuid](#isuuid)
-- [isMatch](#ismatch)
-- [kebab](#kebab)
-- [lcfirst](#lcfirst)
-- [length](#length)
-- [limit](#limit)
-- [lower](#lower)
-- [ltrim](#ltrim)
-- [mask](#mask)
-- [match](#match)
-- [matchAll](#matchall)
-- [padBoth](#padboth)
-- [padLeft](#padleft)
-- [padRight](#padright)
-- [parseCallback](#parsecallback)
-- [password](#password)
-- [remove](#remove)
-- [repeat](#repeat)
-- [replace](#replace)
-- [replaceArray](#replacearray)
-- [replaceFirst](#replacefirst)
-- [replaceLast](#replacelast)
-- [reverse](#reverse)
-- [rtrim](#rtrim)
-- [slug](#slug)
-- [snake](#snake)
-- [squish](#squish)
-- [start](#start)
-- [startsWith](#startswith)
-- [stripTags](#striptags)
-- [studly](#studly)
-- [substr](#substr)
-- [substrCount](#substrcount)
-- [substrReplace](#substrreplace)
-- [swap](#swap)
-- [trim](#trim)
-- [ucfirst](#ucfirst)
-- [ucsplit](#ucsplit)
-- [upper](#upper)
-- [wordCount](#wordcount)
-- [wordWrap](#wordwrap)
-- [words](#words)
-- [wrap](#wrap)
-- [unwrap](#unwrap)
-- [preg_quote](#preg_quote)
-- [random](#random)
-- [createRandomStringsUsing](#createrandomstringsusing)
-- [createRandomStringsUsingSequence](#createrandomstringsusingsequence)
-- [createRandomStringsNormally](#createrandomstringsnormally)
-- [substr](#substr)
-- [ulid](#ulid)
-- [uuid](#uuid)
-## Strings
### of
-The `of` function creates new instance of `Stringable`:
+The `of` function creates new instance of `Stringable` class:
Str.of('foo bar');
@@ -135,13 +58,6 @@ Str.betweenFirst('[a] bc [d]', '[', ']');
// 'a'
-### charAt
-The `charAt` function allows to get a character by index from a multibyte string:
-Str.charAt('Hello, world!', 1);
-// 'e'
### camel
The `camel` function converts the given string to `camelCase`:
@@ -149,6 +65,13 @@ Str.camel('foo_bar');
// 'fooBar'
+### charAt
+The `charAt` function allows to get a character by index from a multibyte string:
+Str.charAt('Hello, world!', 1);
+// 'e'
### contains
The `contains` function determines if the given string contains the given value. This function is case-sensitive:
@@ -231,13 +154,6 @@ Str.wrap('is', 'This ', ' me!');
// 'This is me!'
-### unwrap
-The `unwrap` function removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
-Str.unwrap('-Laravel-', '- ');
-// 'Laravel'
### is
The `is` function determines if a given string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values
@@ -710,7 +626,7 @@ Str.rtrim('/Laravel/', '/');
// '/Laravel'
### lcfirst
-The `lcfirst` function returns the given string with the first character lowercased:
+The `lcfirst` function returns the given string with the first character lowercase:
Str.lcfirst('Foo Bar');
@@ -769,10 +685,15 @@ Str.preg_quote('*RRRING* Hello?');
// '\*RRRING\* Hello\?'
+### unwrap
+The `unwrap` function removes the specified strings from the beginning and end of a given string:
+Str.unwrap('-Laravel-', '- ');
+// 'Laravel'
### flushCache
The `flushCache` function removes all strings from the casing caches.
-### orderedUuid
-Not implemented
\ No newline at end of file