Easier website screenshots in Node.js
- uses phantom.js and node-phantom-simple
- simple api
npm install --save-dev printscreen
const printscreen = require('printscreen');
printscreen('http://google.com', {
* Optional: Define a suitable viewport size
viewport: {
width: 1650,
height: 1060
* Optional: Define the time between the page being initiated and the printscreen taken
timeout: 1000,
* Optional: Define the format of the printscreen taken (pdf|png|jpeg)
format: 'png',
* Optional: Define the quality of the printscreen taken (0-100)
quality: 75,
* Optional: Define a capture function which is injected into the webview before the printscreen is made
* The returned output is available in the callback (see below)
capture: function () {
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div').length;
return {
divs: divs
}, (err, data) => {
* Optional: Callback definition
* data is the result returned from the capture method
require('fs').stat(data.file, (err, stats) =>
- There are ${data.output.divs} divs in this page.
- Your screenshot is available at ${data.file} and is ${stats.size} bytes.
$ npm test
Contributions welcome; Please submit all pull requests against the master branch.
Ruben Stolk ruben.stolk@changer.nl http://github.com/rubenstolk