Sample client server built around a small framework called asionet that is a thin layer over asio specializing it for tcp.
Build notes:
Prequisites are:
- premake5 (if you are using msvc the latest binary will work fine otherwise you need to build from master), link:
- conan (
Written in C++17 Requires VS2019 (with or without clang toolchain)
- To use with msvc rather than clang comment out the line "toolset('clang')" in premake5.lua
To configure the solution (assuming conan and premake5 are on the path):
> mkdir build && cd build
> conan install ..
> cd ..
> premake5 --scripts=build vs2019
Once that is done you will have a solution named ASIO.sln, just open that up with VS2019 and build