- Understand PersistentVolumeClaims for storage.
- Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them.
- Understand access modes for volumes.
- Understand persistent volume claims primitive.
- Understand Kubernetes storage objects.
- Know how to configure applications with persistent storage.
Create a configmap called config-volume from a literal value. Add the ConfigMap name under the volumes section of the Pod specification (/cm-vol).
kubectl create cm cm-volume --from-literal=file=example-config-volumen vim cm-pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: cm-volume-pod spec: containers: - name: test-container image: k8s.gcr.io/busybox command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /cm-vol ; cat /cm-vol/file" ] volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /cm-vol volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: # Provide the name of the ConfigMap containing the file name: cm-volume restartPolicy: Never kubectl create -f cm-pod.yaml kubectl logs cm-volume-pod
Create a pod with a emptyDir volume in path /etc/empty using the nginx image.
vim emptydir-pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: emptydir-pod spec: containers: - image: nginx name: test-container volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/empty name: empty-volume volumes: - name: empty-volume emptyDir: {} kubectl create -f emptydir-pod.yaml kubectl exec emptydir-pod -- ls /etc | grep empty kubectl exec emptydir-pod -- ls /etc/empty
Mounts a directory (/tmp/host-test) from the host node’s filesystem into your Pod (/mnt/host-path). The host directory does not exist.
vim host-pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: host-pod spec: containers: - image: nginx name: test-container volumeMounts: - mountPath: /mnt/host-path name: host-volume volumes: - name: host-volume hostPath: # directory location on host path: /tmp/host-test type: DirectoryOrCreate kubectl create -f host-pod.yaml # Check that the volume is empty kubectl exec host-pod -- ls /mnt/host-path
Check in which node the previous pod is running. Go to the node and create a file in the /tmp/host-test directory. Check the file in the pod.
kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES host-pod 1/1 Running 0 9s node01 <none> <none> ssh node01 'echo "HELLO WORLD" > /tmp/host-test/hello-world' kubectl exec host-pod -- ls /mnt/host-path kubectl exec host-pod -- cat /mnt/host-path/hello-world
Mounts a directory (/tmp/host-created) from the host node’s filesystem using type Directory into your Pod (/mnt/host-path-2).
vim host-pod-2.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: host-pod-2 spec: containers: - image: nginx name: test-container volumeMounts: - mountPath: /mnt/host-path-2 name: host-volume volumes: - name: host-volume hostPath: # directory location on host path: /tmp/host-created type: Directory kubectl create -f host-pod-2.yaml kubectl describe pods host-pod-2 The pod status is ContainerCreating because the host-volume volume can not mount the /tmp/host-created host directory.
Resolve the previous problem. Do not change the type.
ssh nodeX mkdir /tmp/host-created
Create a secret called secret-vol from a literal value (user=john,password=pass123). Add the secret name under the volume section of the Pod specification (/tmp/passwords).
kubectl create secret generic secret-vol --from-literal=user=john --from-literal=password=pass123 vim secret-pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: secret-volume-pod spec: containers: - name: test-container image: nginx volumeMounts: - name: secret-volume mountPath: /tmp/passwords volumes: - name: secret-volume secret: # Provide the name of the secret containing the files secretName: secret-vol restartPolicy: Never kubectl create -f secret-pod.yaml kubectl exec secret-volume-pod -- sh -c 'ls /tmp/passwords ; cat /tmp/passwords/user'
Change the user field of the previous secret and check that the new data has been transferred to the pod.
New user: eve
echo -n 'eve' | base64 ZXZl
kubectl edit secrets secret-vol apiVersion: v1 data: password: cGFzczEyMw== user: ZXZl # change the user kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: "2019-09-25T05:28:54Z" name: secret-vol namespace: default resourceVersion: "1105" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/secret-vol uid: 5d3c5256-df55-11e9-895a-0242ac11000d type: Opaque # wait for aprox. 1 min kubectl exec secret-volume-pod -- sh -c 'cat /tmp/passwords/user' eve
Use the secret created in the previous step and mount the user key in "/tmp/users" and the password key in "/tmp/passwords" as files.
kubectl create secret generic secret-vol --from-literal=user=eve --from-literal=password=pass123 vim secret-pod-2.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: secret-volume-pod-2 spec: containers: - name: test-container image: nginx volumeMounts: - name: secret-user-volume mountPath: /tmp/users - name: secret-pass-volume mountPath: /tmp/passwords volumes: - name: secret-user-volume secret: # Provide the name of the secret containing the files secretName: secret-vol items: - key: user path: user-1 - name: secret-pass-volume secret: # Provide the name of the secret containing the files secretName: secret-vol items: - key: password path: pass-1 restartPolicy: Never