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Watcher Deployment

To participate as a watcher in the bridge, you need to deploy a watcher app, observing one of the supported networks. Each supported network has its own set of watchers, that are responsible for reporting users' actions on that specific network.


Clone Operation repository and navigate to operation/watcher directory:

git clone
cd operation/watcher/

Create your environment file .env based on env.template file in the watcher directory:

cp env.template .env

To view hidden .env later, use ls -a.

Environment Variable Configs

You can configure some Environment Variables when deploying with docker, you can find all of them here.

Set your parameters in .env file (make sure not to use spaces after the '=' sign):

# Required Environments

POSTGRES_PASSWORD= # a random alphanumeric password without special characters (like $%!-#)

POSTGRES_USER= # a random name

POSTGRES_DB= # a random name

POSTGRES_PORT=5432 # 5432 is set as default, you can change it

Set required permissions and create local.yaml file in the config directory

sudo chown -R 3000:3000 logs
touch config/local.yaml

Only on MacOS: set 707 permission for the logs directory

# only on MacOS
sudo chmod -R 707 logs

Pull docker images and run service

Pull the Docker image

docker compose pull # use `docker-compose pull` for older versions of Docker

Set up your local.yaml using the instructions in the next section (Local Config).

Finally, after saving the 'local.yaml' changes, run the container:

docker compose up -d # use `docker-compose up -d` for older versions of Docker

Local Config

To start your watcher, you should configure the local.yaml file. First, specify the target network you're watching. Currently, we support ergo, cardano, bitcoin, ethereum and binance:

network: ergo


  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>


To secure the action-based APIs (ex: lock, unlock, ...), you should set a unique and robust api key. We are using a blake2b hash to secure APIs.

Compute api_key's Hash

Use rosen command line to compute api key hash:

  # use nodejs solution
  npx @rosen-bridge/cli blake2b-hash YOUR_API_KEY
  # or docker solution
  docker run -it --rm node:18.16 npx --yes @rosen-bridge/cli blake2b-hash YOUR_API_KEY

Update Configuration File

After obtaining the hash, input it into your config file. For example, the salted Blake2b hash of hello is $USHxmI8E$7Bby9L7leeExrYFt2n3270K4+PMCCszZ+UwCV8klqBs=.

⚠️ NOTE: When using docker there is an API_KEY_HASH environment variable available for apiKeyHash that you can set instead of in the local configuration. See your .env file. We recommend utilizing environment variables over direct configuration file settings for security purpose to not accidently share your api key while troubleshooting etc. After updating, you can delete apiKeyHash from /config/local.yaml. Note that you should set your hash between single quotes, for example: API_KEY_HASH='$USHxmI8E$7Bby9L7leeExrYFt2n3270K4+PMCCszZ+UwCV8klqBs='.


To be informed about your watcher health status you can configure the notification setting. Currently, we support discord notifications and you can set up a discord webhook url in your local config file:

  discordWebhookUrl: <your webhook url>

Reward Collection

Watchers earn rewards in eRSN, but these need to be converted to RSN. The watcher service runs a regular task to collect and exchange eRSN for RSN once a certain amount is reached. It can also send the RSN rewards to a different address. You can set both the collection amount and the reward address by adding these configuration to the local config file (Otherwise it will use default threshold and send the exchanged RSN to the default watcher address):

  threshold: <rsn collection threshold>
  address: <your reward collection address>

Note: Set the threshold considering the RSN token decimal places (3 decimal points). For example, if you want to collect RSNs after reaching to 200 you should set rewardCollection.threshold to 200000.

Ergo Config (Essential for all watchers)

For all watchers, even if you're targeting a different network than Ergo to watch, you still need to configure the Ergo section (Under the ergo keyword):

  1. Create an empty wallet for your watcher, and set the wallet mnemonic in the config file (you can use any wallet to generate a valid mnemonic on Ergo, and please use a new fresh wallet for this purpose only):
mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>

Note: Utilizing this mnemonic in a standard multi-address wallet will lead to watcher misbehavior.

⚠️ NOTE: Instead of setting mnemonic in the local configuration file, consider using the MNEMONIC environment variable for ease of management. We recommend utilizing environment variables over direct configuration file settings for security purpose to not accidently share your seed phrase while troubleshooting etc. See your .env file. Once updated, in /config/local.yaml delete your mnemonic phrase and put in a comment like so "mnemonic: #see local config env file"

  1. Select your primary data source for the Ergo network; block and box information are retrieved from this source. You can use either explorer or node as the primary source:
type: node

Note: As you choose one of these and start, your watcher scans several blocks using that source. Changing the source might cause some issues since the watcher tries to scan all blocks from the beginning and it takes time to be synced again. So just in case of a serious problem change this config. In some cases, you may want to delete your volume and start over (Consider updating the initial height in such cases).

  1. Specify the node and explorer urls (Currently you are required to use an Ergo node for transaction submissions, even when you're using the explorer as your primary source. In contrast, when you rely on a node as your primary information source, you do not need to use the explorer.)

Note: If you don't specify the explorer url, it will use the '' by default, but you need to specify your node url (You may want to use a public node).

Note: Make sure the Ergo node has extra indexing turned on. Otherwise, health check parameters won't update correctly (the watcher works correctly, but wid and asset health check params might have problems). Read more about extra indexing here.

Note: Do not use nodes with version 5.0.15 and 5.0.16 due to a bug in extra indexing (in case you're using these versions you can downgrade to 5.0.14 for now).

  1. Set the initial height of your watcher. For the first time, you should check the current network height and set where to start watching and reporting. You may choose an older height but we highly recommend using the current network height. In case you stop your watcher and start it again later, it will continue its procedure from its last stored block, so you don't need to change the initial height in the future.
initialHeight: <latest ergo height>

Note: Fill with a recent block height (e.g. 10 blocks before). You can find Ergo latest blocks here.

Note: Once watcher started scanning from the initial block, changing this config wont affect the watcher behavior. In case you need to restart the watcher from an earlier block consider removing volumes.

  1. (JUST ERGO WATCHER) To ensure the watcher's proper functionality, event observations should be sufficiently confirmed before taking action. You should customize observation confirmation and validity threshold to align with your watching network's specification. By default, these settings are configured much higher. For Ergo, we recommend using the following configurations:
  confirmation: 10
  validThreshold: 720

Finally, an example Ergo watcher local.yaml file would look like:

network: ergo
  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>
  type: explorer
  initialHeight: <latest ergo height>
  mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>

  confirmation: 10
  validThreshold: 720

Cardano Config (Just for Cardano watchers)

If you are configuring a Cardano watcher, you should set these configs under the cardano keyword as well:

  1. Choose your information source for Cardano network and specify its connection information. You can use either koios or ogmios as the data source.
type: ogmios
  port: 1337
  useTls: false


type: koios
  authToken: <your koios auth token>

NOTE: When using docker there is an KOIOS_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable available for authToken that you can set instead of in the local configuration.

Note: If you don't specify the koios url, it will use the by default, but in case you're using ogmios as your source you should specify the host address and port of an ogmios instance.

Note: If you're using a TLS enabled ogmios, set the useTls to true.

Note: Watcher utilize Koios v1 APIs, and you can use your authentication token on the Koios platform by configuring the authToken. Alternatively, the watcher uses the public tier of the Koios platform, which comes with limitations on requests. You can get your koios access token here.

Note: Currently, the watcher is only compatible with Ogmios v6. Utilizing other versions of Ogmios may result in improper functionality.

Note: As you choose one of these and start, your watcher scans several blocks using that source. Changing the source might cause some issues since the watcher tries to scan all blocks from the beginning and it takes time to be synced again. So just in case of a serious problem change this config. In some cases, you may want to delete your volume and start over (Consider updating the initial height in such cases).

  1. Set your watcher's initial height; this height is the point from which you start observing and reporting events. Like the Ergo network, you may choose to start from an older height but we highly recommend using the latest block as your initial point. You should specify the initial block height, hash, and slot.
  height: <latest cardano height>
  hash: <latest cardano hash>
  slot: <latest cardano slot>

Note: Koios utilizes block height, while Ogmios relies on the hash and slot of the initial block.

Note: Use block absolute slot

Note: Fill with a recent block height (e.g. 10 blocks before). You can find Cardano latest blocks here.

Note: Once watcher started scanning from the initial block, changing this config wont affect the watcher behavior. In case you need to restart the watcher from an earlier block consider removing volumes and updating both Ergo and Cardano initial heights.

  1. To ensure the watcher's proper functionality, event observations should be sufficiently confirmed before taking action. You should customize observation confirmation and validity threshold to align with your watching network's specification. For Cardano, we recommend using the following configurations:
  confirmation: 30
  validThreshold: 12960

Finally, an example Cardano watcher local.yaml file would look like:

network: cardano
  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>
  type: explorer
  initialHeight: <latest ergo height>
  mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>
  type: koios
    authToken: <your koios auth token>
    height: <latest cardano height>
    hash: <latest cardano hash>
    slot: <latest cardano slot>

Bitcoin Config (Just for Bitcoin watchers)

As a Bitcoin watcher, you should specify these configurations under bitcoin keyword:

  1. Choose your information source for Bitcoin network and specify its connection information. You can use either rpc or esplora as the data source.
type: rpc
  url: <your rpc url>
  username: <your rpc username>
  password: <your rpc password>


type: esplora

NOTE: When using docker there are BITCOIN_RPC_USERNAME and BITCOIN_RPC_PASSWORD environment variable available for rpc authentication that you can set instead of in the local configuration.

Note: If you don't specify an esplora url, it will use the by default, but in case you're using RPC as your source you should specify your bitcoin node instance RPC url.

Note: RPC authentication configuration is optional, if you're using a public node you don't need to add username and password.

Note: You can use both configuration, but using RPC is recommended. An RPC connection to a bitcoin node is much faster and does not have limits on fetching data.

  1. Set your watcher's initial height, where you start observing and reporting events. Like the Ergo network, we highly recommend using the latest block as your initial point. You should specify the initial block height.
    height: <latest bitcoin height>

Note: You can find latest bitcoin blocks here.

Note: Once watcher started scanning from the initial block, changing this config wont affect the watcher behavior. In case you need to restart the watcher from an earlier block consider removing volumes and updating both Ergo and Bitcoin initial heights.

  1. To ensure the watcher's proper functionality, event observations should be sufficiently confirmed before taking action. You should customize observation confirmation and validity threshold to align with your watching network's specification. For Bitcoin, we recommend using the following configurations:
  confirmation: 2
  validThreshold: 72

Finally, an example Bitcoin watcher local.yaml file would look like:

network: bitcoin
  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>
  type: explorer
  initialHeight: <latest ergo height>
  mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>
  type: rpc
    url: <your rpc url>
    username: <your rpc username>
    password: <your rpc password>
    height: <latest bitcoin height>
  confirmation: 2
  validThreshold: 72

Ethereum Config (Just for Ethereum watchers)

As a Ethereum watcher, you should specify these configurations under ethereum keyword:

  1. Currently Ethereum watchers only support rpc endpoints. You should specify the rpc endpoint connection information in the following format:
type: rpc
  url: <your rpc url>
  authToken: <your rpc auth token>

Note: RPC authentication token is optional, if you're using a public node you don't need to add authToken.

NOTE: When using docker there is an ETHEREUM_RPC_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable available for authToken that you can set instead of in the local configuration.

  1. Set your watcher's initial height, where you start observing and reporting events. Like the Ergo network, we highly recommend using the latest block as your initial point. You should specify the initial block height.
  height: <latest ethereum height>

Note: You can find latest ethereum blocks here.

Note: Once watcher started scanning from the initial block, changing this config wont affect the watcher behavior. In case you need to restart the watcher from an earlier block consider removing volumes and updating both Ergo and Ethereum initial heights.

  1. To ensure the watcher's proper functionality, event observations should be sufficiently confirmed before taking action. You should customize observation confirmation and validity threshold to align with your watching network's specification. For Ethereum, we recommend using the following configurations:
  confirmation: 100
  validThreshold: 7200

Finally, an example Ethereum watcher local.yaml file would look like:

network: ethereum
  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>
  type: explorer
  initialHeight: <latest ergo height>
  mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>
  type: rpc
    url: <your rpc url>
    height: <latest ethereum height>
  confirmation: 100
  validThreshold: 7200

Binance Config (Just for Binance watchers)

If you're running a Binance watcher, configure it under the binance section as follows:

  1. Connection configuration: Binance watchers currently support only RPC endpoints. Specify your connection details in this format:
type: rpc
  url: <your rpc url>
  authToken: <your rpc auth token>

Note: RPC authentication token is optional, if you're using a public node you don't need to add authToken.

NOTE: If you're running the watcher in docker, you can set BINANCE_RPC_AUTH_TOKEN as an environment variable instead of storing it in the local configuration.

  1. Initial Block Height: Define the starting block height for observing and reporting events. We recommend using the latest Binance block:
  height: <latest binance height>

Note: Find the latest Binance blocks here.

Note: Once the watcher begins scanning from the initial block, updating this setting won't change its behavior. To restart from an earlier block, remove volumes and update both the Ergo and Binance initial heights.

  1. Observation Confirmation & Validity: To ensure accurate event tracking, set confirmation and validity thresholds based on Binance's network specifications. Recommended values:
  confirmation: 400
  validThreshold: 28800

Finally, an example Binance watcher local.yaml file would look like:

network: binance
  apiKeyHash: <your api key hash>
  type: node
  initialHeight: <latest ergo height>
  mnemonic: <your wallet mnemonic>
  type: rpc
    url: <your rpc url>
    height: <latest binance height>
  confirmation: 400
  validThreshold: 28800

Get Watcher Permit

After setting up and running your watcher instance, access the watcher UI by visiting http://localhost:3030. From your dashboard, you can view network information, assets, and health status alongside action buttons. To activate your watcher, proceed to the 'LOCK' action, where you can utilize assets from the watcher wallet for registration and obtain reporting permits. Top up your wallet with the specified amounts of ERG and RSN and receive these permits.

As a watcher, your primary responsibility is to monitor your network and report actions related to the bridge. To report a bridge event, you must have report permits, and acquiring these permits involves two types of payments:

  1. Collateral: To obtain your initial report permits, you must provide one-time collateral in the form of ERG and RSN tokens. This collateral serves as a security measure to mitigate Sybil attacks, ensuring that one entity cannot create an excessive number of watchers on the bridge. When you register your watcher by locking collateral, you have the flexibility to increase or decrease your report permit counts as needed. When you return all your report permits, the collateral is automatically refunded, and your watcher is unregistered.

  2. RSN for Permits: To obtain report permits, you must lock RSN tokens. In return for locking each RSN token, you receive a permit token. To initiate a report, you'll need to use a batch of permit tokens, which we refer to as a "report permit." The number of report permits you possess determines how many concurrent reports you can create. The specific number of permit tokens required for each report permit is a configuration that is specific to each blockchain. Note that, this configuration may vary across different chains and may change over time. In contrast to collateral, please be aware that these permit tokens are subject to potential seizure in the event of fraudulent activity.

In the event of a valid report submission, the report permit used for that report will be refunded, in addition to your report reward. However, if your report is found to be invalid, your permit will be seized as a form of penalty. In such a case, you won't be able to retrieve your locked RSN tokens corresponding to the seized permit. If you do not possess a report permit, you won't be able to create new reports, until your permits have been refunded. Therefore, you should purchase enough report permits to manage concurrent event reports effectively.