Starbound Server Status Website
The best server resource for your players!
Currently works for: Offended Koala
Visit the Demo Server!
- Real-time display of active players
- Real-time display of in-game chat
- Relay game chat to HipChat
- Real-time server up/down status
- Active solar systems: sector, X, and Y
- Server Description
- Easy to install, easy to run
- Mobile-friendly design
- "Captain's Log" - Shared notes of visited world
- User notes
Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 7
- Starbound server
- NodeJS 0.10.x
This is still very early stuff!
Make sure you have NodeJS 0.10.x!
You will likely need to install the latest version from the chris-lea PPA.
git clone
cd commandstar
npm install
# make your own config file and update values
vim config/`hostname`.yaml
chmod u+x
You can also download a release tgz or ZIP and skip the github clone process.
- Download and Install NodeJS:
- Download the latest release of CommandStar:
- Extract the archive
- Edit config/default.yaml (or create config/{YOUR-MACHINENAME-HERE}.yaml)
- Add a nice server name and description
- Set up the starbound paths and files for your machine.
- Double click runServer.bat to start the CommandStar process
- Visit http://localhost:8080/
Name to display as the title of the page.
Long description of your server. Include whatever you want or use it as a message of the day area.
- HTML tags supported
- An empty description will hide the Server Description panel completely.
Paths for assets, executables, and whatnot.
- starbound.binPath: Directory that contains the executable
- starbound.assetsPath: Starbound assets directory
- starbound.dataPath: Starbound server universe directory
- starbound.logFile: Full path to 'starbound_server.log'
- starbound.configFile: Full path to 'starbound.config'
Port that the HTTP server binds to. Defaults to 8080.
If you want to serve this over port 80, I recommend having a real web server like apache or nginx in front of node. You can run as root to use port 80 but it's not recommended.
Number of chat messages to keep (default 100)
Setting this too high can vastly increase initial page load time and bloat memory usage.
List of custom CSS files to use on the page.
- Files must exist in public/css/
- CSS is dynamically loaded after the DOM is ready
These are only used if you provide hipchat.token. HipChat is a chat service sort of like IRC. You must have your own account set up at
- hipchat.token: API Token for your HipChat (default to NULL)
- Wrap your token in double quotes
- Requires a version 1 token.
- hipchat.user: Username to relay in-game chat (defaults to Server)
- Room to speak in (defaults to Starbound)
- This room must already exist. It will not be created automatically
- hipchat.notify: Whether to cause a notification alert or not (defaults to false)
- hipchat.color: Background color for the message (defaults to yellow)