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465 lines (325 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

465 lines (325 loc) · 14.6 KB


UPGRADE FROM 3.71 to 3.72

Deprecated SonataAdminBundle\Admin\AdminHelper::addNewInstance()


$instance = $fieldDescription->getAssociationAdmin()->getNewInstance();
SonataAdminBundle\Manipulator\ObjectManipulator::setObject($instance, $object, $fieldDescription);

Instead of

$this->adminHelper->addNewInstance($object, $fieldDescription);

The static method setObject() avoids the need to inject the admin helper dependency, and adds more flexibility with the instance you're adding to the object.

UPGRADE FROM 3.68 to 3.69

Deprecated sonata_truncate Twig filter

This filter has been deprecated in favor of the u filter:

Deprecated SonataAdminBundle\Twig\Extension\UnicodeString

Use Symfony\Component\String\UnicodeString instead.

UPGRADE FROM 3.67 to 3.68

Added constants for "show" and "list" templating types

You can use TemplateRegistry constants, like

$showMapper->add('foo', TemplateRegistry::TYPE_STRING)

instead of using directly a string value.

$showMapper->add('foo', 'string')

The list of available types can be found in the documentation.

Deprecated templating types

  • text: deprecated in favor of TemplateRegistry::TYPE_STRING
  • decimal: deprecated in favor of TemplateRegistry::TYPE_FLOAT
  • smallint: deprecated in favor of TemplateRegistry::TYPE_INTEGER
  • bigint: deprecated in favor of TemplateRegistry::TYPE_INTEGER

UPGRADE FROM 3.66 to 3.67

Deprecated accessing to a non existing value when adding field to showMapper and listMapper.



was displaying nothing in the list and the show views without any warning or error.



was throwing an exception.

In the next major an exception will be thrown if no getter/isser/hasser is found for the property. Since most of the time the error is coming from a typo, this will allow the developer to catch it as fast as possible. Currently this will only trigger a deprecation if the field value is not found.

UPGRADE FROM 3.65 to 3.66

Deprecated not passing a Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AdminHelper instance to Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\AdminType::__construct()

When instantiating a Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\AdminType object, please use the 1 parameter signature ($adminHelper).

UPGRADE FROM 3.63 to 3.64

Deprecated not setting as false the configuration option sonata_admin.options.legacy_twig_text_extension

This option controls which Twig text extension will be used to provide filters like truncate or wordwrap. The legacy behavior is provided by the abandoned package "twig/extensions", while the new implementation is based on "twig/string-extra". Its default value is true in order to keep the legacy behavior. You should set it to false in order to get the behavior which will be used by default at 4.0.

        legacy_twig_text_extension: false

Deprecated the truncate.preserve and truncate.separator options in views

You should use the truncate.separator and truncate.cut options instead. Unlike truncate.preserve, truncate.cut has false as its default value and the opposite behavior:


    ->add('field', null, [
        'truncate' => [
            'preserve' => true,
            'separator' => '...',


    ->add('field', null, [
        'truncate' => [
            'cut' => false,
            'ellipsis' => '...',

UPGRADE FROM 3.59 to 3.60

Deprecated not setting "sonata.admin.manager" tag in model manager services

If you are using autoconfiguration, all the services implementing Sonata\AdminBundle\Model\ModelManagerInterface will be automatically tagged. Otherwise, you must tag them explicitly.


<service id="sonata.admin.manager.custom" class="App\Model\ModelManager">
    <!-- ... -->


<service id="sonata.admin.manager.custom" class="App\Model\ModelManager">
    <!-- ... -->
    <tag name="sonata.admin.manager"/>

Deprecated sonata_help option in form types

You should use Symfony's help option instead.


    ->add('field', null, [
        'sonata_help' => 'Help text',


    ->add('field', null, [
        'help' => 'Help text',

UPGRADE FROM 3.56 to 3.57

Deprecated the use of string names to reference filters in favor of the FQCN of the filter.


    ->add('field', 'filter_type')


use App\Filter\FilterType;

    ->add('field', FilterType::class)

UPGRADE FROM 3.51 to 3.52

Deprecated SonataAdminBundle\Controller\HelperController in favor of actions

If you extended that controller, you should split your extended controller and extend the corresponding classes in SonataAdminBundle\Action\.

Deprecated header_style option

If you need to style headers prefer to use CSS classes and not in the html DOM. In this case please use header_class option.

Deprecated returning other type than Collection from SimplePager::getResults()

When calling SimplePager::getResults() on non-empty result which has set $maxPerPage, Collection would be returned instead of array as it is declared in PagerInterface. Update usage of SimplePager::getResults(), ensure you are transforming Collection to array and you aren't dealing with any of its methods.

// will return Collection on non-empty result and array on empty result
$results = $pager->getResults();

if ($results instanceof ArrayCollection) {
    $results = $results->toArray();

UPGRADE FROM 3.34 to 3.35

Multiple parents

Admin classes can now have multiple parents, when registering the service you should pass a field name:

<service id="sonata.admin.playlist" class="App\Admin\PlaylistAdmin">
    <!-- ... -->

    <call method="addChild">
        <argument type="service" id="" />

Overwriting $parentAssociationMapping is discouraged.

Deprecated calling of AbstractAdmin::addChild without second argument.

UPGRADE FROM 3.33 to 3.34

Deprecated use of $templates in AbstractAdmin and Pool

The AbstractAdmin::$templates attribute and the methods getTemplate() and getTemplates() are deprecated. Please use the new TemplateRegistry services instead. One per admin is generated and available through the admin code + .template_registry (for example, uses

The Pool::$templates attribute and the methods getTemplate(), getTemplates() and setTemplates() are deprecated. Please use the TemplateRegistry service sonata.admin.global_template_registry instead.

The Twig function get_admin_pool_template() is deprecated. Please use get_global_template() instead.

Deprecated AbstractAdmin::$persistFilters

The AbstractAdmin::$persistFilters is deprecated and should not be used anymore. The problem was that it was not easy to change the way filters are persisted. Instead of a simple boolean var (whether to persist or not filters) you can now inject a service, that will be responsible for doing the job (see FilterPersisterInterface). An implementation was added, which falls back to the previous behavior : SessionFilterPersister.

Deprecated edit/show/delete of a child admin that does not belong to a given parent

This is not allowed anymore and will throw a 404 error in the future.

UPGRADE FROM 3.32 to 3.33

Deprecated SonataAdminExtension::output()

The SonataAdminExtension::output() method is deprecated and should not be used anymore.

UPGRADE FROM 3.30 to 3.31

Deprecated AdminVoter::setRequest

The AdminVoter::setRequest is deprecated and should not be used anymore.

UPGRADE FROM 3.29 to 3.30

Deprecated AbstractAdmin::addSubClass

This method was inconsistent with the structure of AbstractAdmin::$subClasses, which is supposed to contain a hash that associates aliases with FQCNs. Use AbstractAdmin::setSubClasses instead.

UPGRADE FROM 3.27 to 3.28

Deprecated ChildrenVoter and service

The feature provided by this class was replaced with something much more simple, and you should not rely on it anymore, as well as on the service.

UPGRADE FROM 3.26 to 3.27

Deprecated CRUDController::render()

Call CRUDController::renderWithExtraParams() instead.

UPGRADE FROM 3.23 to 3.24

Deprecated AbstractAdmin::setBaseCodeRoute() and AbstractAdmin::baseCodeRoute property

The AbstractAdmin::baseCodeRoute property is no longer supported. Please use the AbstractAdmin::getBaseCodeRoute() method instead.

The AbstractAdmin::setBaseCodeRoute() method is no longer supported. There is no replacement for this method. You can still use the AbstractAdmin::setCode() method to set the code of an admin.

UPGRADE FROM 3.57 to 3.58

Dropped generator commands

sonata:admin:generate was based on the SensioGeneratorBundle, which is incompatible with Symfony 4 and is no longer maintained. Please use make:sonata:admin instead.

UPGRADE FROM 3.20 to 3.21

Deprecated ModelChoiceList class in favor of ModelChoiceLoader

The ModelChoiceList class is no longer supported. Please use the ModelChoiceLoader class instead.

The ModelChoiceList is usually used on the choice_list option of a FormBuilder. The ModelChoiceLoader class must be replaced on the choice_loader option.

UPGRADE FROM 3.13 to 3.14

Deprecated automatic annotation registration with JMSDiExtraBundle

Starting with version 4.0, SonataAdminBundle will no longer register annotations with JMSDiExtraBundle automatically. Please add the following to your config.yml to register the annotations yourself:

        - JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation
        - Sonata\AdminBundle\Annotation

Exporter service and class

The sonata.admin.exporter is deprecated in favor of the sonata.exporter.exporter service. To make this service available, you have to install sonata-project.exporter ^1.7 and enable the bundle as described in the documentation.

UPGRADE FROM 3.11 to 3.12

Deprecated ModelsToArrayTransformer::$choiceList property

When instantiating a ModelsToArrayTransformer object, please use the 2 parameter signature ($modelManager, $class).

UPGRADE FROM 3.10 to 3.11

Deprecated Pager::getFirstIndice() and Pager::getLastIndice()

Please use Pager::getFirstIndex() and Pager::getLastIndex() instead!

UPGRADE FROM 3.9 to 3.10

Deprecated passing no 3rd argument to GroupMenuProvider

Passing no 3rd argument to Menu\Provider\GroupMenuProvider is deprecated. Pass Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface as 3rd argument.

UPGRADE FROM 3.8 to 3.9

Deprecated admin translator

The $translator property and the corresponding methods (setTranslator, getTranslator, trans and transChoice) in AbstractAdmin are deprecated. Please use CRUDController::trans or twig templates instead.

UPGRADE FROM 3.4 to 3.5

Deprecated injection of container to GlobalVariables

The $container property in Twig/GlobalVariables is deprecated.

Deprecated ModelTypeList for rename

The Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelTypeList class is now deprecated.

Use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\Type\ModelListType instead.


All files under the Tests directory are now correctly handled as internal test classes. You can't extend them anymore, because they are only loaded when running internal tests. More information can be found in the composer docs.

UPGRADE FROM 3.2 to 3.3

Deprecated AbstractAdmin method argument

The $context argument is deprecated and will be removed. Instead of relying on it (and using a switch statement), rely on an abstraction, and inject different implementations of this abstraction in different actions. Here is an example.

UPGRADE FROM 3.1 to 3.2

Deprecated override of AbstractAdmin::getBatchActions

Since AbstractAdmin::configureBatchActions is present, you should not override AbstractAdmin::getBatchActions.

This method will be final in 4.0.

Backward compatibility break for AbstractAdmin::getSubject()

Now AbstractAdmin::getSubject() return null or object of subject entity. Previously, AbstractAdmin::getSubject() may return false if entity identifier not match regexp /^[0-9A-Fa-f\-]+$/.

UPGRADE FROM 3.0 to 3.1

Deprecated Admin class

The Admin class is deprecated. Use AbstractAdmin instead.

Deprecated AdminExtension class

The AdminExtension class is deprecated. Use AbstractAdminExtension instead.

Deprecated template fallback mechanism

The Twig extension method that fallback to a default template when the specified one does not exist. You can no longer rely on that and should always specify templates that exist.

Deprecated AbstractAdmin methods

  • buildBreacrumbs is deprecated, and no replacement is given, it will become an internal method.
  • getBreadcrumbs is deprecated in favor of the homonym method of the sonata.admin.breadcrumbs_builder service.
  • The breadcrumbs builder accessors are deprecated, the sonata.admin.breadcrumbs_builder service should be used directly instead.