Version : 1.0.2
Installs OCS inventory agent from a package repository and optionally setup the cron to launch the inventory.
A repository from which pull the Ocsinventory agent package (for example remi repository).
# Ocsinventory launch options
# ---------------------------
# The path to the ocsinventory binary file is defined in the OS vars but can be overriden
ocsinventory_binary: "/usr/sbin/ocsinventory-agent"
# The options to add when invoking the ocs inventory agent binary
ocsinventory_launch_options: "--local=/var/lib/ocsinventory-agent"
# If it launches the host inventory after an installation of the agent
ocsinventory_launch_after_install: true
# Cronjob options
# ---------------
# True to create a cronjob for host inventory
ocsinventory_setup_cronjob: true
# Name of the cronjob task
ocsinventory_cronjob_name: "ocsinventory-agent"
# User running the job
ocsinventory_cronjob_user: "root"
# When to execute the job
ocsinventory_cronjob_month: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_weekday: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_day: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_hour: "6"
ocsinventory_cronjob_minute: "0"
# Installation package configuration
# ----------------------------------
# Name of the package to install
ocsinventory_package_name: "ocsinventory-agent"
# Name of the yum package's repository
ocsinventory_yum_repository: "remi"
# Apt ocsinventory agent target-release (-t, --target-release, --default-release )
ocsinventory_apt_target_release: ""
Install the Ocsinventory agent then launch the inventory of the machine and send it to Setup a root cronjob named "ocsinventory-agent" scheduled at 6AM everyday that launches the inventory of the machine and send it to
- hosts: servers
- {
role: ocsinventory-agent,
ocsinventory_launch_options: "--server=",
ocsinventory_launch_after_install: true
ocsinventory_setup_cronjob: true
ocsinventory_cronjob_name: "ocsinventory-agent"
ocsinventory_cronjob_user: "root"
ocsinventory_cronjob_month: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_weekday: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_day: "*"
ocsinventory_cronjob_hour: "6"
ocsinventory_cronjob_minute: "0"