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File metadata and controls

141 lines (71 loc) · 2.35 KB


A simple sequencer for Arduino Due with 3.5" 8-bit tft-display(e.g.MCUfriends) and vs1053.

Needed libraries:

Scheduler and SDfat libraries can install from the library manager.

Now we must configure some on the TFT libray. Edit the User-Setup.h, and change

#define HX8357B

//#define HX8357C

//#define ILI9481

//#define ILI9481_8BIT


//#define HX8357B

//#define HX8357C

//#define ILI9481

#define ILI9481_8BIT

and the SdFat we must change the SdFatConfig.h





for the vs1053:

XCS -> 46

XDCS -> 48

DREQ -> 50

XRST -> 52

MOSI -> A.26

MISO -> A.25

SCK -> A.27

5V -> 3.3V

for the rotary encoders:

all GNDs to GND

all + to 3.3 volts

SW from encoder1 to 23 (drums: vol, delay, pan)  

CLK from encoder1 to 22 

DT from encoder1 to 24 

SW from encoder2 to 25 (bass sound: vol, delay, pan)

CLK from encoder2 to 26 

DT from encoder2 to 28

SW from encoder3 to 27 (instrument sound: vol, delay, pan)

CLK from encoder3 to 30 

DT from encoder3 to 32 

the potis:

one outer pin from all potis to gnd 

the other outer pin to 3.3V

and the middle pins to:

poti 1 to A8 (Master Vol control left)

poti 2 to A9 (Master Vol control right)

poti 3 to A10 (sets global reverb decay)

poti 4 to A11 (bend range)


Below 0-F to select the pattern

Pattern 0-7: Drum-sounds

Pattern 8-11: Bass-sound

Pattern 12-15 Lead-Sound

CL button clear the current pattern or the compete song, but not the saved on memory card. If you want to clear it, first CL and then SV.

SV save the current pattern or the song. Resetting or power-off will not affect the data.

CP copy the current pattern. Select 0-F and then PA to paste.

After first start you have this drum set(configurable) :

note C - Bass

note C# - Snare

note D - HiHat

note D# - Closed HiHat

note E - Hi Tom

note F - Mid Tom

note F# - Lo Tom

note G - Crash

note G# - Cowbell

note A - Bongo

note A# - Lo Bongo

note B - Bell 

With the rotary encoders you can control the volume of each channel. Pressing the button change to the adjustment for the reverb and another push goes to the panning.