diff --git a/.github/diagram.svg b/.github/diagram.svg
index b80dfa2e97a..cb88a24d462 100644
--- a/.github/diagram.svg
+++ b/.github/diagram.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-utils utils tests tests styles styles store store queries queries plugins plugins params params pages pages components components mixins mixins config config cypress cypress unique unique westmint westmint westend westend statemine statemine rmrk rmrk unique unique spotlight spotlight shared shared settings settings series series rmrk rmrk landing landing common common base base accounts accounts wallets wallets Gallery/Item Gallery/Item Create Create modals modals history history format format form form service service Profile Profile Pack Pack Media Media Gallery Gallery Create Create Search Search Item Item Holder Holder Admin Admin .graphql .js .scss .ts .vue .yaml each dot sized by file size
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+utils utils tests tests styles styles store store queries queries plugins plugins params params pages pages components components mixins mixins config config cypress cypress unique unique rmrk/subsquid rmrk/subsquid westmint westmint westend westend statemine statemine rmrk rmrk unique unique spotlight spotlight shared shared settings settings series series rmrk rmrk landing landing common common base base accounts accounts wallets wallets Gallery/Item Gallery/Item Create Create modals modals history history format format form form service service Profile Profile Pack Pack Media Media Gallery Gallery Create Create Search Search Item Item Holder Holder Admin Admin .graphql .js .scss .ts .vue .yaml each dot sized by file size
\ No newline at end of file