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GNU LPC1796 Examples

This repository contains a CMake build system, for the LPC1769.

CMake (a sort of build system that produces other build systems) is used to allow building of this repository in many different operating systems and development environments.

Developing in NXP's LPCXpresso IDE for the LPC1769 is not required, however the IDE must be installed for the arm-none-eabi-* toolchain, certain proprietary utilities required for communicating with the LPC-Link board, and also the CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx library.

All of these dependencies could be dropped, by getting the arm-none-eabi-* toolchain from another source, chopping off the LPC-Link board and programming the chip with JTAG instead, and including the CMSIS library in the repo (or using a different library).


First have CMake (version >= 2.8.11), git and LPCXpresso (version 5) installed.

Then a full install, build of the libraries and build of a project should look like:

# Download project
git clone git://
# Get submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Run setup script
cd GNU-LPC-Core/_setup
cmake . -DLPCXPRESSO_DIR=/usr/local/lpcxpresso_5.1.2_2065/lpcxpresso/
# Extract CMSIS library .zip
cd ..
unzip -d CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx/
# Build CMSIS
cd CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx/
cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles"
# We're finally ready to build a project:
cd ..
cd Skeleton/
cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles"
# Rebuilds do not require running cmake again, just make

A more in depth explanation of the steps being taken:

  1. First clone this repository.

    git clone git://
  2. Clone the submodules in this repository.

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. In a terminal in the _setup directory of this repository, run:

    cmake . -DLPCXPRESSO_DIR=<lpcxpresso_dir>

    Where lpcxpresso_dir is the root directory of your LPCXpresso installation (eg /usr/local/lpcxpresso_5.1.2_2065/lpcxpresso).

  4. Extract the file into the folder of the same name.

    unzip -d CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx/
  5. Genreate a build system for CMSIS and UMDLPC libraries, by running CMake in both the CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx directory:

    cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles"

    The parameters are:

    • . The directory to run CMake in.
    • -G "Unix Makefiles" Specifies your desired build system. Run cmake with no parameters to get a list of all available build system targets. (The -G "Unix Makefiles" may be the default for Unix systems, but I would recommend explicity writing it out.)

    Note: If you get an error message here complaining that you did not configure the LPCXPRESO_DIR in step 2, double check that LPCXpressoDir.cmake was generated in the root directory of the repo. Open the file and check that the directory path points to a version 5 installation of LPCXpresso. (Any version 5 should do but 5.2.4 and 5.1.2 have been confirmed to work)

  6. Build the CMSIS libraries using your chosen build system. With makefiles, just run make in both directories.

To use a project, run CMake as above in the selected project directory, build the project with your chosen build system, and then you can use LPCXpresso's flash utilities and gdb with your chosen build system (See Targets).

The Skeleton submodule includes an example project which can be copied or forked to create new projects. (We recommend forking on github and including a new submodule as explained here.

Remember to update the CMakeLists.txt file in each new project to reflect the new project's name, and the source files it contains. Once completed you can run cmake . -G "Unix Makefiles" to generate the necessary makefiles.


The default build target builds a .axf file with debug settings.

The following targets are provided:

  • lst Generate a .lst file, which includes an overview of all the sections and symbols in your output, along with a complete disassembly.
  • hex and bin Generate alternate formats of the normal .axf output, which may be useful if you want to use other tools.
  • boot Boot the LPC-Link board. This is required before flashing or debugging the microcontroller using the LPC-Link board.
  • flash Write the currently built output to the microcontroller. The microcontroller immediately starts running after the flash is complete.
  • flash-halt The same as flash, but the microcontroller is left in a stopped state.
  • gdb Launch a gdb session. Complete debug information is also setup. Note that it is not always simple to restart the current program. run (r) will work for some programs, and sometimes, using jump (j) to jump to the entry point of the current image (found with info files) works. However, none of these completely reset the chip - the only command that will is the load command, however that will flash the entire image to the chip again, which may take a while for projects with large compiled binaries. Also note that some circuits (particularly when interfacing with other chips that have their own state) may require completely unplugging the circuit between program runs.

If using makefiles, these are directly accessible as make lst, etc. (run in the root directory of the desired project). If you are using a build system based around IDE project files (such as Eclipse or Visual Studio), the targets should be accessible from a menu.

Typical Workflows

These sections detail how to do many common tasks. They are written under the assumption that a Makefile build system is being used, but the calls to make can all be substituted with the appropriate action in any other chosen build system.

Start a new project (by forking):

First go here and fork a new project.

$ git submodule add
$ git add .gitmodules
$ git commit -m "Added a submodule for NewProjectName"
$ git submodule update
$ cd NewProjectName
$ mv src/main.c src/newproject.c 
$ $EDITOR CMakeLists.txt
  # Edit CMakeLists.txt, changing the project name, and renaming
    main.c -> newproject.c in SOURCES list
$ cmake . -G "Unix Makfiles"
$ make

Start a new project (by copying):

$ cp -R Skeleton/ NewProjectName
$ cd NewProjectName
$ mv src/main.c src/newproject.c
$ $EDITOR CMakeLists.txt
  # Edit CMakeLists.txt, changing the project name, and renaming
    main.c -> newproject.c in SOURCES list
$ cmake . -G "Unix Makfiles"
$ make

Work on an existing project

$ # Open source files in editor and make+save changes
$ make

Enabling semihosting for a project

Open a project's CMakeLists.txt file and uncomment the following lineN:


Then just rebuild the project, and semihosting messages will be viewable in gdb.

Adding compiler options

All compiler options are configured in Platform/LPC1769_project_default.cmake. If you to add compiler options to a single project, you can use CMake's add_definitions command in that project's CMakeLists.txt.

Add a source file to a project

When adding source files to a project, remember to open that projects CMakeLists.txt and add the file to the SOURCES variable.

  # Add more source files here

Flash a program

$ # Plug in the LPC1769
$ make
$ make boot
$ make flash

Debug a program

$ # Plug in the LPC1769
$ make
$ make boot
$ make gdb
(gdb) b main
(gdb) load
(gdb) c

# Make changes to the programU

(gdb) make
(gdb) load
(gdb) c

Command Overview

For reference, the commands called by the build system are described below. I highly recommend reading this section if you want to modify the build system.


Compiling and linking are done with arm-none-eabi-gcc.

Compiler flags:


To specify source input and object output: -o out.obj -c in.c

Extra flags for debugging:


Extra flags for release build:

-O2 -Os


Linker flags:

-T ../Platform/LPC1769.ld

Note the linker script LPC1769.ld in the Platform directory. LPC1769_semihosting.ld is used instead when semihosting is enabled.

Booting the LPC-Link

Before communicating with the LPC-Link board, the board has to be 'booted' using the dfu-util tool:

dfu-util -d 0471:df55 -c 0 -t 2048 -R -D LPCXpressoWIN.enc

Where LPCXpressoWIN.enc is a file in LPCXpresso's bin dir.

On windows, a LPCXpresso provides a bootLPCXpresso.cmd script in the bin/Scripts directory which also boots the LPC-Link.

Separating debug symbols

Debug files can be stripped from the created .axf executable and placed in a separate file.

First objcopy is used to copy only the debug symbols to a new file:

arm-none-eabi-objcopy --only-keep-debug in.axf out.axf.debug

Next strip is used to remove the debug symbols from the original file:

arm-none-eabi-strip -g in.axf

Converting output type

To create a HEX file

objdump -Ohex in.axf out.bin

To create a BIN file

objdump -Obinary in.axf out.bin

Creating a disassembly listing

objdump -x -D in.axf > out.lst


The debugger can be run two ways, with the gdb server inernally or externally:

arm-none-eabi-gdb --exec="in.axf" --symbols="in.axf.debug"

Next the following commands are run:

set remotetimeout 5000
set mem inaccessible-by-default off
mem ondisconnect cont
set arm force-mode thumb
target extended-remote | crt_emu_cm3_nxp -2 -g -wire=<wire_type> \
                                  -pLPC1769 -vendor=NXP
mon semihosting enable

wire_type is hid on Windows 7, and winusb on most other systems (older Windows versions, Linux, etc.)

These commands can be automated by placing them in a script file and specifying it with --command=<script_file>, or running each command with --eval-command=<command>.


make flash fails because of a missing library:

All the libraries required for the LPCXpresso tools are in the same directory as the executables. Make sure applications can find shared libraries in their home directories. Alternately make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or your /etc/ config file contains the LPCXpresso tool binaries directory. (normally /usr/local/<LPCXressoDir>/lpcxpresso/tools/bin/)