This document describes how data underpinning the bikeability index were harvested and transformed.
Please cite:
Beecham, R., Yang, Y., Tait, C. and Lovelace, R. (2023) “Connected bikeability in London: which localities are better connected by bike and does this matter?”, Environment & Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/23998083231165122.
Code for collecting and processing data on the four components on which connected bikeability is based is organised into three scripts:
: Processes CycleStreets routes. -
: Processes CycleStreets routes, data from the TfL Cycling Infrastructure Database and OS Open Roads. -
: Relates point locations and infrastructure features with cycle routes – e.g. links Cycling Infrastructure Database and OS Open Roads with cyclstreets routes.
Code for exploring and transforming components and summarising additively to generate bikeability index: