diff --git a/base-buildout.cfg b/base-buildout.cfg
index e3b70a1a5..5dbda7ed0 100644
--- a/base-buildout.cfg
+++ b/base-buildout.cfg
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ extra_options =
recipe = plone.recipe.command
-command = mkdir -p ${buildout:directory}/var/{log,run} &&
+command = mkdir -p ${buildout:directory}/var/log &&
mkdir -p ${buildout:directory}/src/rockstor/logs &&
usermod -a -G root nginx &&
systemctl disable nginx
@@ -146,3 +146,37 @@ cmds = ${buildout:directory}/bin/django collectstatic --noinput -i admin -v 0
recipe = collective.recipe.template
input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/docker.service.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/conf/docker.service
+recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
+strip-top-level-dir = true
+destination = ${buildout:directory}/static/js/lib
+on-update = true
+ignore-existing = true
+recipe = collective.recipe.template
+bind =
+port = 8000
+workers = 1
+user = rocky
+pidfile = /run/gunicorn.pid
+recipe = collective.recipe.template
+host =
+port = 9001
+logdir = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
+logfile = ${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord.log
+input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/supervisord.conf.in
+output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/supervisord.conf
+pidfile = /run/supervisord.pid
+recipe = collective.recipe.template
+tapport = 10000
+sinkport = 10001
+schedulerport = 10001
+reppubport = 10002
+reprecvport = 10003
+input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/settings.conf.in
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildout.cfg b/buildout.cfg
index 88ac131b4..d01c1aa32 100644
--- a/buildout.cfg
+++ b/buildout.cfg
@@ -44,23 +44,11 @@ input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/nginx.conf.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
-bind =
-port = 8000
-workers = 1
-user = rocky
logfile = ${buildout:directory}/var/log/gunicorn.log
-pidfile = ${buildout:directory}/var/run/gunicorn.pid
input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/gunicorn.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/init.d/gunicorn
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
-host =
-port = 9001
-logdir = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
-logfile = ${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord.log
-pidfile = ${buildout:directory}/var/run/supervisord.pid
gunicorn_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/gunicorn --bind=${init-gunicorn:bind}:${init-gunicorn:port} --pid=${init-gunicorn:pidfile} --workers=${init-gunicorn:workers} --log-file=${init-gunicorn:logfile} --pythonpath=${buildout:directory}/src/rockstor --settings=settings --timeout=120 --graceful-timeout=120 wsgi:application
smart_manager_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/sm
replicad_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/replicad
@@ -69,11 +57,9 @@ dc_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/data-collector
sm_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/service-monitor
jd_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/job-dispatcher
ztask_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/django ztaskd --noreload -l DEBUG --replayfailed -f ${supervisord-conf:logdir}/ztask.log
-input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/supervisord.conf.in
-output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/supervisord.conf
+dc2_cmd = ${buildout:directory}/bin/dc2
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
rootdir = ${buildout:directory}/src/rockstor
datastore = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/storageadmin/datastore
smartdb = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/smart_manager/smartdb
@@ -84,24 +70,13 @@ template_dir2 = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/templates/admin
smb_conf = ${buildout:directory}/conf/smb.conf
logfile = ${buildout:directory}/var/log/rockstor.log
taplib = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/smart_manager/taplib
-tapport = 10000
-sinkport = 10001
-input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/settings.conf.in
output = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/settings.py
-schedulerport = 10001
-reppubport = 10002
-reprecvport = 10003
debug = True
kernel = '4.1.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64'
-recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
-url = http://rockstor.com/downloads/js/lib.tgz
-md5sum = a949705f5af85db40c92ea1ef8337479
-strip-top-level-dir = true
-destination = ${buildout:directory}/static/js/lib
-on-update = true
-ignore-existing = true
+url = http://rockstor.com/downloads/jslibs/testing/lib.tgz
+md5sum = ee540ba3904d90f49781d3c994ac8220
recipe = plone.recipe.command
diff --git a/conf/nginx.conf.in b/conf/nginx.conf.in
index 2459bcae6..b65c3ac3e 100644
--- a/conf/nginx.conf.in
+++ b/conf/nginx.conf.in
@@ -79,5 +79,12 @@ http {
proxy_read_timeout 120;
proxy_pass http://${init-gunicorn:bind}:${init-gunicorn:port}/;
+ location /socket.io {
+ proxy_pass;
+ proxy_redirect off;
+ proxy_http_version 1.1;
+ proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
+ proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
+ }
diff --git a/conf/supervisord.conf.in b/conf/supervisord.conf.in
index 00a06dc80..5579d00bc 100644
--- a/conf/supervisord.conf.in
+++ b/conf/supervisord.conf.in
@@ -181,3 +181,24 @@ stdout_logfile_backups=10 ; # of stdout logfile backups (default 10)
stderr_logfile=${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord_%(program_name)s_stderr.log ; stderr log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
stderr_logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
stderr_logfile_backups=10 ; # of stderr logfile backups (default 10)
+; dc2 daemon
+command=${supervisord-conf:dc2_cmd} ; the program (relative uses PATH, can take args)
+process_name=%(program_name)s ; process_name expr (default %(program_name)s)
+numprocs=1 ; number of processes copies to start (def 1)
+autostart=false ; start at supervisord start (default: true)
+autorestart=unexpected ; whether/when to restart (default: unexpected)
+startsecs=2 ; number of secs prog must stay running (def. 1)
+startretries=3 ; max # of serial start failures (default 3)
+exitcodes=0,2 ; 'expected' exit codes for process (default 0,2)
+stopsignal=TERM ; signal used to kill process (default TERM)
+stopwaitsecs=5 ; max num secs to wait b4 SIGKILL (default 10)
+stdout_logfile=${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord_%(program_name)s_stdout.log ; stdout log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
+stdout_logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
+stdout_logfile_backups=10 ; # of stdout logfile backups (default 10)
+stderr_logfile=${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord_%(program_name)s_stderr.log ; stderr log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
+stderr_logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
+stderr_logfile_backups=10 ; # of stderr logfile backups (default 10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/prod-buildout.cfg b/prod-buildout.cfg
index 84f29bf39..5c735b5fc 100644
--- a/prod-buildout.cfg
+++ b/prod-buildout.cfg
@@ -43,23 +43,11 @@ input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/nginx-prod.conf.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
-bind =
-port = 8000
-workers = 1
-user = rocky
logfile = ${buildout:depdir}/var/log/gunicorn.log
-pidfile = ${buildout:depdir}/var/run/gunicorn.pid
input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/gunicorn.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/init.d/gunicorn
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
-host =
-port = 9001
-logdir = ${buildout:depdir}/var/log
-logfile = ${supervisord-conf:logdir}/supervisord.log
-pidfile = ${buildout:depdir}/var/run/supervisord.pid
gunicorn_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/gunicorn --bind=${init-gunicorn:bind}:${init-gunicorn:port} --pid=${init-gunicorn:pidfile} --workers=${init-gunicorn:workers} --log-file=${init-gunicorn:logfile} --pythonpath=${buildout:depdir}/src/rockstor --settings=settings --timeout=120 --graceful-timeout=120 wsgi:application
smart_manager_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/sm
replicad_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/replicad
@@ -67,11 +55,8 @@ ts_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/task-scheduler
dc_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/data-collector
sm_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/service-monitor
ztask_cmd = ${buildout:depdir}/bin/django ztaskd --noreload -f ${supervisord-conf:logdir}/ztask.log
-input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/supervisord-prod.conf.in
-output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/supervisord.conf
-recipe = collective.recipe.template
rootdir = ${buildout:depdir}/src/rockstor
datastore = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/storageadmin/datastore
smartdb = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/smart_manager/smartdb
@@ -81,13 +66,7 @@ template_dir2 = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/templates/admin
smb_conf = ${buildout:depdir}/conf/smb.conf
logfile = ${buildout:depdir}/var/log/rockstor.log
taplib = ${django-settings-conf:rootdir}/smart_manager/taplib
-tapport = 10000
-sinkport = 10001
-input = ${buildout:directory}/conf/settings.conf.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/src/rockstor/settings.py
-schedulerport = 10001
-reppubport = 10002
-reprecvport = 10003
debug = False
kernel = '4.1.0-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64'
@@ -96,13 +75,8 @@ recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = zc.sourcerelease
-recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
-url = http://rockstor.com/downloads/js/lib.tgz
-md5sum = a949705f5af85db40c92ea1ef8337479
-strip-top-level-dir = true
-destination = ${buildout:directory}/static/js/lib
-on-update = true
-ignore-existing = true
+url = http://rockstor.com/downloads/jslibs/production/lib.tgz
+md5sum = 491e4fa5fb5358521b05aeeb68a43353
recipe = plone.recipe.command
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1209fc135..bd8bc9b92 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
'qgroup-clean = scripts.qgroup_clean:main',
'rockon-json = scripts.rockon_util:main',
'flash-optimize = scripts.flash_optimize:main',
+ 'dc2 = smart_manager.dc2:main',
@@ -67,7 +68,10 @@
'six == 1.7.3',
'django-ztask == 0.1.5',
'mock == 1.0.1',
- 'coverage'
+ 'coverage',
+ 'gevent-socketio',
+ 'psycogreen',
+ 'psutil',
diff --git a/src/rockstor/smart_manager/dc2.py b/src/rockstor/smart_manager/dc2.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa6c3a158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rockstor/smart_manager/dc2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+from gevent import monkey
+import gevent
+from socketio.server import SocketIOServer
+from socketio import socketio_manage
+from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace
+from socketio.mixins import BroadcastMixin
+from django.conf import settings
+from system.osi import (uptime, kernel_info)
+from system.services import service_status
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ServicesNamespace(BaseNamespace, BroadcastMixin):
+ # Called before the recv_connect function
+ def initialize(self):
+ logger.debug('Services have been initialized')
+ def recv_connect(self):
+ logger.debug("Services has connected")
+ self.emit('services:connected', {
+ 'key': 'services:connected', 'data': 'connected'
+ })
+ self.spawn(self.send_service_statuses)
+ def recv_disconnect(self):
+ logger.debug("Services have disconnected")
+ def send_service_statuses(self):
+ # Iterate through the collection and assign the values accordingly
+ services = ('nfs', 'smb', 'ntpd', 'winbind', 'netatalk',
+ 'snmpd', 'docker', 'smartd', 'replication',
+ 'nis', 'ldap', 'sftp', 'data-collector', 'smartd',
+ 'service-monitor', 'docker', 'task-scheduler')
+ while True:
+ data = {}
+ for service in services:
+ data[service] = {}
+ output, error, return_code = service_status(service)
+ if (return_code == 0):
+ data[service]['running'] = return_code
+ else:
+ data[service]['running'] = return_code
+ self.emit('services:get_services', {
+ 'data': data, 'key': 'services:get_services'
+ })
+ gevent.sleep(5)
+class SysinfoNamespace(BaseNamespace, BroadcastMixin):
+ start = False
+ supported_kernel = settings.SUPPORTED_KERNEL_VERSION
+ # Called before the connection is established
+ def initialize(self):
+ logger.debug("Sysinfo has been initialized")
+ # This function is run once on every connection
+ def recv_connect(self):
+ logger.debug("Sysinfo has connected")
+ self.emit("sysinfo:sysinfo", {
+ "key": "sysinfo:connected", "data": "connected"
+ })
+ self.start = True
+ gevent.spawn(self.send_uptime)
+ gevent.spawn(self.send_kernel_info)
+ # Run on every disconnect
+ def recv_disconnect(self):
+ logger.debug("Sysinfo has disconnected")
+ self.start = False
+ def send_uptime(self):
+ # Seems redundant
+ while self.start:
+ self.emit('sysinfo:uptime', {
+ 'data': uptime(), 'key': 'sysinfo:uptime'
+ })
+ gevent.sleep(30)
+ def send_kernel_info(self):
+ try:
+ self.emit('sysinfo:kernel_info', {
+ 'data': kernel_info(self.supported_kernel),
+ 'key': 'sysinfo:kernel_info'
+ })
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.debug('kernel error')
+ # Emit an event to the front end to capture error report
+ self.emit('sysinfo:kernel_error', {'error': str(e)})
+ self.error('unsupported_kernel', str(e))
+class Application(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = []
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ path = environ['PATH_INFO'].strip('/') or 'index.html'
+ if path.startswith('/static') or path == 'index.html':
+ try:
+ data = open(path).read()
+ except Exception:
+ return not_found(start_response)
+ if path.endswith(".js"):
+ content_type = "text/javascript"
+ elif path.endswith(".css"):
+ content_type = "text/css"
+ elif path.endswith(".swf"):
+ content_type = "application/x-shockwave-flash"
+ else:
+ content_type = "text/html"
+ start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', content_type)])
+ return [data]
+ if path.startswith("socket.io"):
+ socketio_manage(environ, {'/services': ServicesNamespace,
+ '/sysinfo': SysinfoNamespace})
+def not_found(start_response):
+ start_response('404 Not Found', [])
+ return ['
Not found
+def main():
+ logger.debug('Listening on port and on port 10843 (flash policy server)')
+ SocketIOServer(('', 8001), Application(),
+ resource="socket.io", policy_server=True).serve_forever()
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/css/style.css b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/css/style.css
index 6bbacb02a..6f1be17bd 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/css/style.css
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/css/style.css
@@ -1660,11 +1660,6 @@ input[type="radio"].selectedRoot {
border-radius: 7px;
-/* Rockstor update modal dialog */
-#update-modal {
- margin-left: -380px;
- height: 300px;
/* Rockstor shutdown modal dialog */
#shutdown-modal {
@@ -2546,4 +2541,10 @@ This file is generated by `grunt build`, do not edit it by hand.
padding: 10px 15px;
+#uptime {
+ float: right;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ color: white;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/rockstor.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/rockstor.js
index e04c61cbe..f489fef82 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/rockstor.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/rockstor.js
@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ function fetchLoadAvg() {
+/* Deprecated in favor of websockets
function fetchKernelInfo() {
url: '/api/commands/kernel',
@@ -441,42 +442,7 @@ function fetchKernelInfo() {
-function displayLoadAvg(data) {
- var n = parseInt(data.results[0]['uptime']);
- var load_1 = parseFloat(data.results[0]['load_1']);
- var load_5 = parseFloat(data.results[0]['load_5']);
- var load_15 = parseFloat(data.results[0]['load_15']);
- var secs = n % 60;
- var mins = Math.round(n/60) % 60;
- var hrs = Math.round(n / (60*60)) % 24;
- var days = Math.round(n / (60*60*24)) % 365;
- var yrs = Math.round(n / (60*60*24*365));
- var str = 'Uptime: ';
- if (RockStorGlobals.kernel) {
- str = 'Linux: ' + RockStorGlobals.kernel + ' ' + str;
- }
- if (yrs == 1) {
- str += yrs + ' year, ';
- } else if (yrs > 1) {
- str += yrs + ' years, ';
- }
- if (days == 1) {
- str += days + ' day, ';
- } else if (days > 1) {
- str += days + ' days, ';
- }
- if (hrs < 10) {
- str += '0';
- }
- str += hrs + ':';
- if (mins < 10) {
- str += '0';
- }
- str += mins;
- str += ' Load: ' + load_1 + ', ' + load_5 + ', ' + load_15;
- $('#appliance-loadavg').html(str);
function fetchServerTime() {
RockStorGlobals.serverTimeTimer = window.setInterval(function() {
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/router.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/router.js
index 99a99406f..61ff20851 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/router.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/router.js
@@ -122,18 +122,12 @@ var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
if (RockStorGlobals.currentAppliance == null) {
- if (!RockStorGlobals.loadAvgDisplayed) {
- updateLoadAvg();
- }
if (!RockStorGlobals.serverTimeFetched) {
if (!RockStorGlobals.browserChecked) {
- if (!RockStorGlobals.kernel) {
- fetchKernelInfo();
- }
// set a timer to get current rockstor version and checkif there is an
// update available
@@ -835,12 +829,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
- // Initialize websocket connection
- // logger.debug('connecting to websocket');
- // RockStorSocket.socket = io.connect('https://' + document.location.host + ':' + NGINX_WEBSOCKET_PORT,
- // {secure: true}
- // );
- // RockStorSocket.socket.on('sm_data', RockStorSocket.msgHandler);
// Initialize global error popup
$('#global-err-overlay').overlay({load: false});
@@ -888,4 +876,57 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
+ /********** Websockets **************/
+ // These are global websocket events
+ // Grab the far right of the breadcrumb (under nav)
+ var $loadavg = $('#appliance-loadavg');
+ var kernelInfo = function(data) {
+ $loadavg.text('Linux: ' + data);
+ };
+ var displayLoadAvg = function(data) {
+ var n = parseInt(data);
+ var secs = n % 60;
+ var mins = Math.round(n/60) % 60;
+ var hrs = Math.round(n / (60*60)) % 24;
+ var days = Math.round(n / (60*60*24)) % 365;
+ var yrs = Math.round(n / (60*60*24*365));
+ var str = 'Uptime: ';
+ if (yrs == 1) {
+ str += yrs + ' year, ';
+ } else if (yrs > 1) {
+ str += yrs + ' years, ';
+ }
+ if (days == 1) {
+ str += days + ' day, ';
+ } else if (days > 1) {
+ str += days + ' days, ';
+ }
+ if (hrs < 10) {
+ str += '0';
+ }
+ str += hrs + ':';
+ if (mins < 10) {
+ str += '0';
+ }
+ str += mins;
+ $('#uptime').text(str);
+ };
+ RockStorSocket.addListener(kernelInfo, this, 'sysinfo:kernel_info');
+ RockStorSocket.addListener(displayLoadAvg, this, 'sysinfo:uptime');
+ RockStorSocket.sysinfo.on('kernel_error', function(data) {
+ // Handling errors just by emitting message via the server
+ if (data.error.indexOf('kernel') !== -1) {
+ // Put an alert at the top of the page
+ $('#browsermsg').html('' + data.error + '
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/socket_listen.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/socket_listen.js
index b004a8450..39de88946 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/socket_listen.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/socket_listen.js
@@ -25,26 +25,35 @@
var RockStorSocket = {};
-RockStorSocket.handlerMap = {} // initialize handler array
+RockStorSocket.handlerMap = {}; // initialize handler array
-RockStorSocket.addListener = function(fn, fn_this, key) {
- RockStorSocket.handlerMap[key] = {fn: fn, fn_this: fn_this};
+// Connect globally to sysinfo as the information is in the breadcrumb
+RockStorSocket.sysinfo = io.connect('/sysinfo', {'secure': true, 'force new connection': true});
+// Add the function and context to be fired when a message comes in
+RockStorSocket.addListener = function(fn, fn_this, namespace) {
+ RockStorSocket.handlerMap[namespace] = {fn: fn, fn_this: fn_this};
+ var key = namespace.split(':')[0];
+ RockStorSocket[key].on(namespace, RockStorSocket.msgHandler);
+// Disconnect everything
RockStorSocket.removeAllListeners = function() {
- _.each(_.keys(RockStorSocket.handlerMap), function(key) {
- delete RockStorSocket.handlerMap[key];
- });
+ _.each(_.keys(RockStorSocket.handlerMap), function(key) {
+ delete RockStorSocket.handlerMap[key];
+ });
+RockStorSocket.removeOneListener = function(socketName) {
+ RockStorSocket[socketName].disconnect();
+// Fire appropriate callback given message
RockStorSocket.msgHandler = function(data) {
- logger.debug('received msg');
- msg_data = JSON.parse(data.msg);
- _.each(_.keys(RockStorSocket.handlerMap), function(key) {
- if (!_.isNull(msg_data[key]) && !_.isUndefined(msg_data[key])) {
- var obj = RockStorSocket.handlerMap[key];
- obj.fn.call(obj.fn_this, msg_data[key]);
+ var obj = RockStorSocket.handlerMap[data.key];
+ if (!_.isNull(obj) && !_.isUndefined(obj)) {
+ obj.fn.call(obj.fn_this, data.data);
- });
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/common/navbar.jst b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/common/navbar.jst
index d4141ae35..864ec2ab4 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/common/navbar.jst
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/common/navbar.jst
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
+ Shop
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/rockons/rockons.jst b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/rockons/rockons.jst
index 87c191b14..30853b1bc 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/rockons/rockons.jst
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/rockons/rockons.jst
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
<% if ( !status ) {%>
Warning! Rock-on service is not running. Please turn it on to use features on this screen.
<% } else { %>
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/update/version_info.jst b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/update/version_info.jst
index 9cf5fe071..b84e79cb8 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/update/version_info.jst
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/templates/update/version_info.jst
@@ -15,26 +15,8 @@
@@ -66,10 +48,6 @@
The Rockstor update is still going on. if the page does not automatically refresh after a few minutes, please try manually refreshing after some time.
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/cpu_usage_widget.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/cpu_usage_widget.js
index 3bdbdddc9..904e4ec32 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/cpu_usage_widget.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/cpu_usage_widget.js
@@ -366,17 +366,17 @@ CpuUsageWidget = RockStorWidgetView.extend({
//this.cpuData = data;
var _this = this;
// Render svg
- this.svg = d3.select(this.el).select('#cpuusage-avg')
- .append("svg")
- .attr("class", "cpugraph")
- .attr("width", this.width + this.margin.left + this.margin.right)
- .attr("height", this.height + this.margin.top + this.margin.bottom +
- this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom);
- this.svgG = this.svg.append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" +
- (this.margin.left + this.padding.left) + "," +
- (this.margin.top + this.padding.top) + ")");
+ this.svg = d3.select(this.el).select('#cpuusage-avg')
+ .append("svg")
+ .attr("class", "cpugraph")
+ .attr("width", this.width + this.margin.left + this.margin.right)
+ .attr("height", this.height + this.margin.top + this.margin.bottom +
+ this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom);
+ this.svgG = this.svg.append("g")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" +
+ (this.margin.left + this.padding.left) + "," +
+ (this.margin.top + this.padding.top) + ")");
// svg clip path
@@ -399,9 +399,10 @@ CpuUsageWidget = RockStorWidgetView.extend({
// X Axis
this.xAxis = this.svgG.append("g")
- .attr("class", "cpugraph x axis")
- .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this.height + ")")
- .call(this.x.axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.x).orient("bottom").ticks(5));
+ .attr("class", "cpugraph x axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this.height + ")")
+ .call(this.x.axis = d3.svg.axis().scale(this.x).orient("bottom").ticks(5));
// X Grid
this.x.grid = d3.svg.axis()
@@ -412,9 +413,10 @@ CpuUsageWidget = RockStorWidgetView.extend({
this.xGrid = this.svgG.append("g")
- .attr("class", "cpugraph grid")
- .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this.height + ")")
- .call(this.x.grid) ;
+ .attr("class", "cpugraph grid")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this.height + ")")
+ .call(this.x.grid) ;
this.path = this.svgG.append("g")
.attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)")
@@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ CpuUsageWidget = RockStorWidgetView.extend({
.attr("d", this.line)
- .attr("transform", null);
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)");
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/memory_utilization.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/memory_utilization.js
index e272cdb61..071368aa4 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/memory_utilization.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/dashboard/memory_utilization.js
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ MemoryUtilizationWidget = RockStorWidgetView.extend({
_this.x.domain([min_ts, max_ts]);
- .attr("d", function(d) { return _this.area(d.values); });
- //.attr('transform', null);
+ .attr("d", function(d) { return _this.area(d.values); })
+ .attr('transform', "translate(0,0)");
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/services.js b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/services.js
index debd8347d..85a2f71dd 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/services.js
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/static/storageadmin/js/views/services.js
@@ -26,284 +26,255 @@
/* Services */
ServicesView = Backbone.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click .slider-stop': "stopService",
- 'click .slider-start': "startService",
- 'click .configure': "configureService",
- "click #join-domain": "showJoinDomainPopup",
- },
+ events: {
+ 'click .slider-stop': "stopService",
+ 'click .slider-start': "startService",
+ 'click .configure': "configureService",
+ "click #join-domain": "showJoinDomainPopup"
+ },
- initialize: function() {
- this.template = window.JST.services_services;
- this.paginationTemplate = window.JST.common_pagination;
- this.collection = new ServiceCollection();
- this.actionMessages = {
- 'start': 'started',
- 'stop': 'stopped',
- 'restart': 'restarted',
- 'reload': 'reloaded'
- };
- this.updateFreq = 5000;
- this.smTs = null; // current timestamp of sm service
- },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.template = window.JST.services_services;
+ this.paginationTemplate = window.JST.common_pagination;
+ this.collection = new ServiceCollection();
+ this.actionMessages = {
+ 'start': 'started',
+ 'stop': 'stopped',
+ 'restart': 'restarted',
+ 'reload': 'reloaded'
+ };
+ this.smTs = null; // current timestamp of sm service
+ },
- render: function() {
- var _this = this;
- this.collection.fetch({
- success: function(collection, response, options) {
- _this.renderServices();
- }
- });
- this.startPolling();
- return this;
- },
+ render: function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.collection.fetch({
+ success: function(collection, response, options) {
+ _this.renderServices();
+ // Register function for socket endpoint
+ RockStorSocket.services = io.connect('/services', {'secure': true});
+ RockStorSocket.addListener(_this.servicesStatuses, _this, 'services:get_services');
- renderServices: function() {
- var _this = this;
- $(this.el).empty();
- var adConfigStr = this.collection.get('winbind').get('config');
- if (!_.isNull(adConfigStr)) {
- this.adServiceConfig = JSON.parse(adConfigStr);
- }
- if (_.isNull(this.adServiceConfig) || _.isUndefined(this.adServiceConfig)) {
- this.adServiceConfig = {};
- }
- // find service-monitor service
- $(this.el).append(this.template({
- services: this.collection,
- adServiceConfig: this.adServiceConfig
- }));
- this.$(".ph-pagination").html(this.paginationTemplate({
- collection: this.collection
- }));
- this.$('input.service-status').simpleSlider({
- "theme": "volume",
- allowedValues: [0,1],
- snap: true
- });
+ }
+ });
- this.$('input.service-status').each(function(i, el) {
- var slider = $(el).data('slider-object');
- // disable track and dragger events to disable slider
- slider.trackEvent = function(e) {};
- slider.dragger.unbind('mousedown');
- });
- this.$('.simple-overlay').overlay({load: false});
+ return this;
+ },
- // join domain modal
- this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal({
- show: false
- });
+ servicesStatuses: function(data) {
+ var _this = this;
+ _.each(data, function(value, key, list) {
+ // Returns array of one object
+ var collectionArr = _this.collection.where({ 'name': key });
+ var collectionModel = collectionArr[0];
+ if ( collectionArr.length > 0) {
+ if ( value.running > 0) {
+ collectionModel.set('status', false);
+ } else {
+ collectionModel.set('status', true);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.renderServices();
- this.$('#join-domain-form').validate({
- onfocusout: false,
- onkeyup: false,
- rules: {
- administrator: 'required',
- password: 'required'
- },
- submitHandler: function() {
- var button = _this.$('#join-domain-submit');
- if (buttonDisabled(button)) return false;
- disableButton(button);
- var data = JSON.stringify(_this.$('#join-domain-form').getJSON());
- $.ajax({
- url: "/api/commands/join-winbind-domain",
- type: "POST",
- contentType: 'application/json',
- dataType: "json",
- data: data,
- success: function(data, status, xhr) {
- enableButton(button);
- RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus = true;
- _this.showJoinDomainStatus();
- _this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal('hide');
- },
- error: function(xhr, status, error) {
- enableButton(button);
- var msg = parseXhrError(xhr)
- _this.$('#join-domain-err').html(msg);
- RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus = false;
- _this.showJoinDomainStatus();
- }
- });
- return false;
- }
+ },
- });
- var adService = this.collection.get('winbind');
- if (adService.get('status') &&
- (this.adServiceConfig.security == 'ads' ||
- this.adServiceConfig.security == 'domain')) {
- this.showJoinDomainStatus();
- }
- },
+ renderServices: function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ $(this.el).empty();
+ var adConfigStr = this.collection.get('winbind').get('config');
+ if (!_.isNull(adConfigStr)) {
+ this.adServiceConfig = JSON.parse(adConfigStr);
+ }
+ if (_.isNull(this.adServiceConfig) || _.isUndefined(this.adServiceConfig)) {
+ this.adServiceConfig = {};
+ }
+ // find service-monitor service
+ $(this.el).append(this.template({
+ services: this.collection,
+ adServiceConfig: this.adServiceConfig
+ }));
+ this.$(".ph-pagination").html(this.paginationTemplate({
+ collection: this.collection
+ }));
+ this.$('input.service-status').simpleSlider({
+ "theme": "volume",
+ allowedValues: [0,1],
+ snap: true
+ });
- startService: function(event) {
- var _this = this;
- var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
- // if already started, return
- if (this.getSliderVal(serviceName).toString() == "1") return;
- this.stopPolling();
- this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, true);
- $.ajax({
- url: "/api/sm/services/" + serviceName + "/start",
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data, status, xhr) {
- _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, true);
- _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 1);
- _this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, false);
- _this.startPolling();
- },
- error: function(xhr, status, error) {
- _this.setStatusError(serviceName, xhr);
- _this.startPolling();
- }
- });
- },
+ this.$('input.service-status').each(function(i, el) {
+ var slider = $(el).data('slider-object');
+ // disable track and dragger events to disable slider
+ slider.trackEvent = function(e) {};
+ slider.dragger.unbind('mousedown');
+ });
+ this.$('.simple-overlay').overlay({load: false});
- stopService: function(event) {
- var _this = this;
- var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
- if (serviceName == 'service-monitor') return;
- // if already stopped, return
- if (this.getSliderVal(serviceName).toString() == "0") return;
- this.stopPolling();
- this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, true);
- $.ajax({
- url: "/api/sm/services/" + serviceName + "/stop",
- type: "POST",
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(data, status, xhr) {
- _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, false);
- _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 0);
- _this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, false);
- _this.startPolling();
- },
- error: function(xhr, status, error) {
- _this.setStatusError(serviceName, xhr);
- _this.startPolling();
- }
- });
- },
+ // join domain modal
+ this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal({
+ show: false
+ });
- configureService: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var _this = this;
- var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
- app_router.navigate('services/' + serviceName + '/edit', {trigger: true});
- },
+ this.$('#join-domain-form').validate({
+ onfocusout: false,
+ onkeyup: false,
+ rules: {
+ administrator: 'required',
+ password: 'required'
+ },
+ submitHandler: function() {
+ var button = _this.$('#join-domain-submit');
+ if (buttonDisabled(button)) return false;
+ disableButton(button);
+ var data = JSON.stringify(_this.$('#join-domain-form').getJSON());
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/api/commands/join-winbind-domain",
+ type: "POST",
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ dataType: "json",
+ data: data,
+ success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+ enableButton(button);
+ RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus = true;
+ _this.showJoinDomainStatus();
+ _this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal('hide');
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, status, error) {
+ enableButton(button);
+ var msg = parseXhrError(xhr);
+ _this.$('#join-domain-err').html(msg);
+ RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus = false;
+ _this.showJoinDomainStatus();
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
- setStatusLoading: function(serviceName, show) {
- var statusEl = this.$('div.command-status[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
- if (show) {
- statusEl.html('
- } else {
- statusEl.empty();
- }
- },
+ });
+ var adService = this.collection.get('winbind');
+ if (adService.get('status') &&
+ (this.adServiceConfig.security == 'ads' ||
+ this.adServiceConfig.security == 'domain')) {
+ this.showJoinDomainStatus();
+ }
+ },
- setStatusError: function(serviceName, xhr) {
- var statusEl = this.$('div.command-status[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
- var msg = parseXhrError(xhr)
- // remove any existing error popups
- $('body').find('#' + serviceName + 'err-popup').remove();
- // add icon and popup
- statusEl.empty();
- var icon = $('').addClass('icon-exclamation-sign').attr('rel', '#' + serviceName + '-err-popup');
- statusEl.append(icon);
- var errPopup = this.$('#' + serviceName + '-err-popup');
- var errPopupContent = this.$('#' + serviceName + '-err-popup > div');
- errPopupContent.html(msg);
- statusEl.click(function(){ errPopup.overlay().load(); });
- },
+ startService: function(event) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
+ // if already started, return
+ if (this.getSliderVal(serviceName).toString() == "1") return;
+ this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, true);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/api/sm/services/" + serviceName + "/start",
+ type: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+ _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, true);
+ _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 1);
+ _this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, false);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, status, error) {
+ _this.setStatusError(serviceName, xhr);
+ }
+ });
+ },
- highlightStartEl: function(serviceName, on) {
- var startEl = this.$('div.slider-start[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
- if (on) {
- startEl.addClass('on');
- } else {
- startEl.removeClass('on');
- }
- },
+ stopService: function(event) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
+ if (serviceName == 'service-monitor') return;
+ // if already stopped, return
+ if (this.getSliderVal(serviceName).toString() == "0") return;
+ this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, true);
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "/api/sm/services/" + serviceName + "/stop",
+ type: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+ _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, false);
+ _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 0);
+ _this.setStatusLoading(serviceName, false);
+ },
+ error: function(xhr, status, error) {
+ _this.setStatusError(serviceName, xhr);
+ }
+ });
+ },
- setSliderVal: function(serviceName, val) {
- this.$('input[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]').simpleSlider('setValue',val);
- },
+ configureService: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var _this = this;
+ var serviceName = $(event.currentTarget).data('service-name');
+ app_router.navigate('services/' + serviceName + '/edit', {trigger: true});
+ },
- getSliderVal: function(serviceName) {
- return this.$('input[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]').data('slider-object').value;
- },
+ setStatusLoading: function(serviceName, show) {
+ var statusEl = this.$('div.command-status[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
+ if (show) {
+ statusEl.html('
+ } else {
+ statusEl.empty();
+ }
+ },
- cleanup: function() {
- this.stopPolling();
- },
+ setStatusError: function(serviceName, xhr) {
+ var statusEl = this.$('div.command-status[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
+ var msg = parseXhrError(xhr);
+ // remove any existing error popups
+ $('body').find('#' + serviceName + 'err-popup').remove();
+ // add icon and popup
+ statusEl.empty();
+ var icon = $('').addClass('icon-exclamation-sign').attr('rel', '#' + serviceName + '-err-popup');
+ statusEl.append(icon);
+ var errPopup = this.$('#' + serviceName + '-err-popup');
+ var errPopupContent = this.$('#' + serviceName + '-err-popup > div');
+ errPopupContent.html(msg);
+ statusEl.click(function(){ errPopup.overlay().load(); });
+ },
- startPolling: function() {
- var _this = this;
- // start after updateFreq
- this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() {
- _this.updateStatus();
- }, this.updateFreq);
- },
+ highlightStartEl: function(serviceName, on) {
+ var startEl = this.$('div.slider-start[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]');
+ if (on) {
+ startEl.addClass('on');
+ } else {
+ startEl.removeClass('on');
+ }
+ },
- updateStatus: function() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.startTime = new Date().getTime();
- _this.collection.fetch({
- silent: true,
- success: function(collection, response, options) {
- _this.collection.each(function(service) {
- var serviceName = service.get('name');
- if (service.get('status')) {
- _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, true);
- _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 1);
- } else {
- _this.highlightStartEl(serviceName, false);
- _this.setSliderVal(serviceName, 0);
- }
- });
- var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
- var diff = currentTime - _this.startTime;
- // if diff > updateFreq, make next call immediately
- if (diff > _this.updateFreq) {
- _this.updateStatus();
- } else {
- // wait till updateFreq msec has elapsed since startTime
- _this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout( function() {
- _this.updateStatus();
- }, _this.updateFreq - diff);
- }
- }
- });
- },
+ setSliderVal: function(serviceName, val) {
+ this.$('input[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]').simpleSlider('setValue',val);
+ },
- stopPolling: function() {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_.isUndefined(this.timeoutId)) {
- window.clearInterval(this.timeoutId);
- }
- },
+ getSliderVal: function(serviceName) {
+ return this.$('input[data-service-name="' + serviceName + '"]').data('slider-object').value;
+ },
- showJoinDomainPopup: function(event) {
- if (!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass('disabled')) {
- this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal('show');
- }
- },
+ cleanup: function() {
+ RockStorSocket.removeOneListener('services');
+ },
+ showJoinDomainPopup: function(event) {
+ if (!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass('disabled')) {
+ this.$('#join-domain-modal').modal('show');
+ }
+ },
- showJoinDomainStatus: function() {
- if (!_.isUndefined(RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus) &&
- !_.isNull(RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus)) {
- if (RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus) {
- this.$('#join-domain-status').html('Join Ok');
- } else {
- this.$('#join-domain-status').html('Not Joined');
- }
+ showJoinDomainStatus: function() {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus) &&
+ !_.isNull(RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus)) {
+ if (RockStorGlobals.adJoinStatus) {
+ this.$('#join-domain-status').html('Join Ok');
+ } else {
+ this.$('#join-domain-status').html('Not Joined');
+ }
+ }
- }
diff --git a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/templates/storageadmin/base.html b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/templates/storageadmin/base.html
index 9dbf0d9c7..36d76e79e 100644
--- a/src/rockstor/storageadmin/templates/storageadmin/base.html
+++ b/src/rockstor/storageadmin/templates/storageadmin/base.html
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
@@ -126,7 +127,10 @@