A non-fungible token standard for the DFINITY Internet Computer.
NFTs are basic building blocks for the web3 economy, such as gaming, social network, digital art, etc. To better help the web3 economy grow on the IC ecosystem, we propose a standard token interface for non-fungible tokens, the standard provides basic functionality to transfer tokens, allow tokens to be approved so they can be operated by a third party, it also support history transaction storage and query, provide full traceability and verifiability for NFTs including their metadata.
Metadata: information about this NFT collection
public type Metadata = { logo: Text; name: Text; symbol: Text; desc: Text; totalSupply: Nat; owner: Principal; };
TokenMetadata: metadata of a single token
public type Location = { #InCanister: Blob; // NFT encoded data #AssetCanister: (Principal, Blob); // asset storage canister id, storage key #IPFS: Text; // IPFS content hash #Web: Text; // URL pointing to the file }; public type Attribute = { key: Text; value: Text; }; public type TokenMetadata = { filetype: Text; // jpg, png, mp4, etc. location: Location; attributes: [Attribute]; };
TokenInfo: information of a single token
public type TokenInfo = { index: Nat; var owner: Principal; var metadata: ?TokenMetadata; var operator: ?Principal; timestamp: Time.Time; };
UserInfo: user information
public type UserInfo = { var operators: TrieSet.Set<Principal>; // principals allowed to operate on the user's behalf var allowedBy: TrieSet.Set<Principal>; // principals approved user to operate their's tokens var allowedTokens: TrieSet.Set<Nat>; // tokens the user can operate var tokens: TrieSet.Set<Nat>; // user's tokens };
TxRecord: transaction record
/// Update call operations public type Operation = { #mint: ?TokenMetadata; #burn; #transfer; #approve; #approveAll; #revokeAll; // revoke approvals #setMetadata; }; /// Update call operation record fields public type Record = { #user: Principal; #metadata: ?TokenMetadata; // op == #setMetadata }; public type TxRecord = { caller: Principal; op: Operation; index: Nat; tokenIndex: ?Nat; from: Record; to: Record; timestamp: Time.Time; };
TxReceipt & MintResult
public type Error = { #Unauthorized; #TokenNotExist; #InvalidSpender; }; public type TxReceipt = Result.Result<Nat, Error>; // txid public type MintResult = Result.Result<(Nat, Nat), Error>; // token index, txid
Mint a new token with metadata metadata
to user to
, returns a TxReceipt
. Note that metadata
can be null
when mint, and can be set later with setTokenMetadata
public shared(msg) func mint(to: Principal, metadata: ?TokenMetadata): async MintResult
Set metadata for the existing token tokenId
public shared(msg) func setTokenMetadata(tokenId: Nat, metadata: TokenMetadata): async TxReceipt
Set operator for the token tokenId
to operator
, each token can only have 1 operator.
public shared(msg) func approve(tokenId: Nat, operator: Principal): async TxReceipt
Set approval for the operator operator
to value
, if value == true
, this means allow operator
to spend owner's tokens, if value == false
, this means revoke the approval to operator
public shared(msg) func setApprovalForAll(operator: Principal, value: Bool): async TxReceipt
Transfer the token tokenId
from user from
to user to
public shared(msg) func transferFrom(from: Principal, to: Principal, tokenId: Nat): async TxReceipt
Returns the logo of the token.
public query func logo() : async Text
Returns the name of the token.
public query func name() : async Text
Returns the symbol of the token.
public query func symbol() : async Text
Returns the description of the token.
public query func desc() : async Text
Returns the number of tokens user who
public query func balanceOf(who: Principal): async Nat
Returns the total supply the this NFT collection.
public query func totalSupply(): async Nat
Returns the metadata about this NFT collection.
public query func getMetadata(): async Metadata
Check if operator
is allowed to operate owner
's tokens.
public query func isApprovedForAll(owner: Principal, operator: Principal): async Bool
Get the operator of the token tokenId
public query func getOperator(tokenId: Nat): async Principal
Get user information.
public query func getUserInfo(who: Principal): async UserInfoExt
Get the token information user who
public query func getUserTokens(owner: Principal): async [TokenInfoExt]
Return owner of token tokenId
public query func ownerOf(tokenId: Nat): async Principal
Get the token information of tokenId
public query func getTokenInfo(tokenId: Nat): async TokenInfoExt
Returns transaction history size.
public query func historySize(): async Nat
Get the transaction record with index index
public query func getTransaction(index: Nat): async TxRecord
Get transaction records in the range [start, start + limit)
public query func getTransactions(start: Nat, limit: Nat): async [TxRecord]
Get the transaction amount of user.
public query func getUserTransactionAmount(user: Principal): async Nat
Get the transactions records in the range [start, start + limit)
related to user user
. Note the range is not the global range of all transactions.
public query func getUserTransactions(user: Principal, start: Nat, limit: Nat): async [TxRecord]
Burn the token tokenId
, only the owner of the token can do this.
public func burn(tokenId: Nat): async TxReceipt
Mint multiple NFTs in one update call, only the NFT issuer can do this.
public shared(msg) func batchMint(to: Principal, arr: [?TokenMetadata]): async MintResult
Returns information of all tokens.
public query func getAllTokens() : async [TokenInfoExt]