contains the jar file which can be used to just play the game
Java JDK (1.8.x)
Getting started (with Eclipse or Intelij)
Clone the repository
Import as a gradle project (Eclipse) or import the build.gradle file (Intelij)
To start the program in the app/Client package
This will throw an error as it won't be able to find the assets
Change the working directory to app/assets by editing the run configuration
1. To create a new feature:
create a separate branch
git checkout -b networking
make commits to that branch
git add .
git commit -m " message"
git push
if the feature is ready, make a Pull Request
to the master
2. To contribute to the feature that is currently being developed:
create a new branch (with the name of the feature and your name)
git checkout -b networking-myname
make changes & commit them
Make a Pull Request
To the main branch for that feature
If the feature is ready, make a Pull Request
to the master