do local _M = { Version = 1.4 }; if Krutilities and Krutilities.Version >= _M.Version then -- Newer/equal version already loaded. return; end -- [[ Optimization ]] -- local type = type; local pairs = pairs; local CreateFrame = CreateFrame; -- [[ Local Functions ]] -- local Shared_ProcessPoints = function(target, points, parent) if points then if type(points) == "string" then target:SetPoint(points, parent, points, 0, 0); else if #points == 0 then -- Single point. points.point = points.point or "CENTER"; target:SetPoint(points.point, points.relativeTo or parent, points.relativePoint or points.point, points.x or 0, points.y or 0); else -- Many points for i = 1, #points do local point = points[i]; point.point = point.point or "CENTER"; target:SetPoint(point.point, point.relativeTo or parent, point.relativePoint or point.point, point.x or 0, point.y or 0); end end end end end local Shared_Sizing = function(target, node) local width = node.width or nil; local height = node.height or nil; if node.size then if type(node.size) == "table" then width = node.size[1]; height = node.size[2]; else width = node.size; height = node.size; end end if width then target:SetWidth(width); end if height then target:SetHeight(height); end end local Shared_Mixin = function(target, mixin) if mixin then for key, value in pairs(mixin) do target[key] = value; end end end local Shared_Inject = function(target, parent, injectSelf) if injectSelf then parent[injectSelf] = target; end end local Shared_CreateChild = function(createFunc, frame, node) local new = createFunc(frame, node); if node.buttonTex then if node.buttonTex == "PUSHED" then frame:SetPushedTexture(new); elseif node.buttonTex == "HIGHLIGHT" then frame:SetHighlightTexture(new); end end if node.scrollChild then frame:SetScrollChild(new); end end local Shared_HandleChildren = function(frame, childFunc, node) if node == nil then return; end local nodeCount = #node; if nodeCount > 0 then -- Node contains children, spawn them all. for i = 1, nodeCount do Shared_CreateChild(childFunc, frame, node[i]); end else -- No children, treat as a single object. Shared_CreateChild(childFunc, frame, node); end end -- [[ Global Utility ]] -- -- [[ Clone a table, shallow or deep ]] -- _M.CloneTable = function(input, deep) local inputType = type(input); local output; if inputType == "table" then output = {}; if deep then -- Deep copy (copy-by-value) for key, value in next, input, nil do output[_M.CloneTable(key, true)] = _M.CloneTable(value, true); end else -- Shallow copy (copy-by-reference) for key, value in pairs(input) do output[key] = value; end end else output = input; end return output; end -- [[ Dump an object using Blizzard's debugging tool ]] -- _M.Dump = function(input) if type(input) ~= "string" then _M._TEMP = input; input = "Krutilities._TEMP"; end SlashCmdList["DUMP"](input); _M._TEMP = nil; end -- [[ Event handler creation utility ]] -- _M.EventHandler = function(addon, events) local eventFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME"); for eventName, funcName in pairs(events) do eventFrame:RegisterEvent(eventName); end eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) addon[events[event]](...); end); return eventFrame; end _M.Frame = function(self, node) assert(type(node) == "table", "Krutilities:Frame called with invalid constructor table."); Shared_Mixin(node, node.mixin); if self ~= _M then node.parent = self; end if node.parentName then = "$parent" .. node.parentName; end if node.parent then -- Parent cannot be string, attempt a global lookup. if type(node.parent) == "string" then node.parent = _G[node.parent]; end else -- Default to UIParent. node.parent = UIParent; end local frame = CreateFrame(node.type or "FRAME",, node.parent, node.inherit); if node.hidden then frame:Hide(); end if node.enableMouse then frame:EnableMouse(); end if node.strata then frame:SetFrameStrata(node.strata); end -- Generic stuff. Shared_Sizing(frame, node); Shared_Inject(frame, node.parent, node.injectSelf); -- Anchor points if node.setAllPoints then frame:SetAllPoints(true); end if node.points == nil then node.points = { point = "CENTER" }; end Shared_ProcessPoints(frame, node.points, node.parent); -- Backdrop if node.backdrop then frame:SetBackdrop(node.backdrop); end -- Data if then for key, value in pairs( do frame[key] = value; end end -- Editbox Stuff if node.type == "EDITBOX" then if node.multiLine then frame:SetMultiLine(true); else frame:SetMultiLine(false); end if node.autoFocus then frame:SetAutoFocus(true); else frame:SetAutoFocus(false); end end -- Children Shared_HandleChildren(frame, _M.Texture, node.textures); Shared_HandleChildren(frame, _M.Frame, node.frames); Shared_HandleChildren(frame, _M.Text, node.texts); -- Scripts if node.scripts then for scriptEvent, scriptFunc in pairs(node.scripts) do if scriptEvent == "OnLoad" then scriptFunc(frame); else frame:SetScript(scriptEvent, scriptFunc); if not node.hidden and scriptEvent == "OnShow" then scriptFunc(frame); end end end end -- Inject shortcut functions. frame.SpawnTexture = _M.Texture; frame.SpawnText = _M.Text; frame.SpawnFrame = _M.Frame; return frame; end _M.Texture = function(frame, node) assert(type(node) == "table", "Krutilities:Texture called with invalid constructor table."); Shared_Mixin(node, node.mixin); if not node.parent then node.parent = frame ~= _M and frame or UIParent; end if node.parentName then = "$parent" .. node.parentName; end local tex = node.parent:CreateTexture(, node.layer, node.inherit, node.subLevel or 0); -- Generic stuff Shared_Sizing(tex, node); Shared_Inject(tex, frame, node.injectSelf); -- Tiling local tileX = node.tile or node.tileX; local tileY = node.tile or node.tileY; tex:SetHorizTile(tileX); tex:SetVertTile(tileY); tex:SetTexture(node.texture, tileX, tileY); -- Anchor points if node.points == nil and node.setAllPoints ~= false then node.setAllPoints = true; end if node.setAllPoints then tex:SetAllPoints(true); end Shared_ProcessPoints(tex, node.points, frame); -- Colour filter if node.color then local r = node.color.r or node.color[1] or 0; local g = node.color.g or node.color[2] or 0; local b = node.color.b or node.color[3] or 0; local a = node.color.a or node.color[4] or 1; tex:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a); end -- Tex coords. if node.texCoord then tex:SetTexCoord(node.texCoord[1], node.texCoord[2], node.texCoord[3], node.texCoord[4]); end return tex; end _M.Text = function(frame, node) assert(type(node) == "table", "Krutilities:Text called with invalid constructor table."); Shared_Mixin(node, node.mixin); if not node.parent then node.parent = frame ~= _M and frame or UIParent; end if node.parentName then = "$parent" .. node.parentName; end local text = frame:CreateFontString(, node.layer, node.inherit); -- Generic Stuff Shared_Sizing(text, node); Shared_Inject(text, frame, node.injectSelf); -- Text / Alignment if node.text then text:SetText(node.text); end if node.justifyH then text:SetJustifyH(node.justifyH); end if node.justifyV then text:SetJustifyV(node.justifyV); end if node.maxLines then text:SetMaxLines(node.maxLines); end -- Colouring if node.color then local r = node.color.r or node.color[1] or 0; local g = node.color.g or node.color[2] or 0; local b = node.color.b or node.color[3] or 0; local a = node.color.a or node.color[4] or 1; text:SetTextColor(r, g, b, a); end -- Anchor points if node.points == nil then node.points = { point = "CENTER" }; end Shared_ProcessPoints(text, node.points, frame); return text; end -- Expose module to global scope. Krutilities = _M; end