Name the product in a way the reader (i.e. your target customers) will understand. Hungry @ HR
Describe who the market for the product is and what benefit they get. One sentence only underneath the title. Find where to eat when you're at Hack Reactor
Give a summary of the product and the benefit. Assume the reader will not read anything else so make this paragraph good. Yelp for Hack Reactor students
Describe the problem your product solves. Allows students to find restaurants that are fast, cheap, and good for groups
Describe how your product elegantly solves the problem. Ratings and reviews from only HR students will give future students ideas on where to go
A quote from a spokesperson in your company.
Describe how easy it is to get started. Getting started is easy. Just log in with GitHub and start browsing restaurants
Provide a quote from a hypothetical customer that describes how they experienced the benefit. "Hungry @ Hr helped me quickly find food that I could eat within an hour with my classmates"
Wrap it up and give pointers where the reader should go next. Go to to find food.