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File metadata and controls

174 lines (126 loc) · 7.36 KB

Simulation with IDE support

Prepare the IDEs

Omnetpp++: Setup the Eclipse-IDE

The eclipse environment OMNeT++ IDE uses a workspace directory to store its preferences and development artifacts. Do the following steps to create and save a project.

Step 1: Create folder for meta-files

Create a folder in your repository

mkdir omnetpp-ws

Step 2: Start the omnetpp container and import the subprojects

Start the omnetpp container:


Step 3: Import project with sub modules

Choose File>Import>General>Existing projects> and import following folders:

  • inet4
  • crownet
  • simu5g
  • artery

When importing the folder veins only import the modules 1 (veins) and 3 (inet).

  • veins

Step 4: Close and restart the Environment

Choose the folder omnetpp-ws to see the project which was just created.

Run the simulation

In order for the simulation to run, make sure all the necessary services are running (f.e. in different terminals).

  • Open up the omnetpp-ide
    • terminal-1: omnetpp-ide
  • start the flowcontrol-container
    • terminal-2: control-ide
    • opens pycharm (later used to start mobility provider)
  • start a mobility container (sumo|vadere):
    • terminal-3: sumo
    • terminal-3: vadere

Then in the omnet-ide select your omnetpp.ini, right click it and either select Run as or Debug as. After the simulation UI shows up, select your configuration (from omnetpp.ini [config_name_here]) and press ok.


Let's run the sumo_crossing_peds_cars inside crownet/crownet/simulations/testSim. This is a simple simulation with two pedestrians and a crossing (without cars). The three persons are walking side by side.

  1. Start the omnetpp-ide to take a look at the simulation

    the omnet ide can be started with the terminal command: omnetpp-ide

ide file inspect We know, that our configuration has sumo in its name, but now we see, that it also extends the withSumoPeds network-configuration. Therefore, we need to start up the sumo mobility container

  1. start the mobility container with

    to start the sumo container, open a new terminal and type in: sumo

  2. Let's check out the withSumoPeds configuration does

    we can't find it in the omnetpp.ini file, let's check out the default_configs.ini

[Config withSumoPeds]
extends = withSumoBase
**.ignoreVehicle = true
**.ignorePersons = false

The withSumoPeds seems to further extend the withSumoBase configuration. To see what the configuration does, we need to check this parent as well.

[Config withSumoBase]
*.traci.core.typename = "Core"
*.traci.core.version = -1
*.traci.core.selfStopping = false
*.traci.launcher.typename = "SumoLauchner"
*.traci.launcher.hostname = "sumo"
*.traci.launcher.port = 9999
*.traci.mapper.typename = "BasicModuleMapper"
*.traci.mapper.personType = "crownet.nodes.ApplicationLayerPedestrian"
*.traci.mapper.vehicleType = "crownet.nodes.ApplicationLayerVehicle"
*.traci.nodes.typename = "SumoCombinedNodeManager"
*.traci.nodes.personSinkModule = ".mobility"
*.traci.nodes.vehicleSinkModule = ".mobility"
*.traci.nodes.personNode = "pNode"
*.traci.nodes.vehicleNode = "vNode"
*.traci.subscriptions.typename = "BasicSubscriptionManager"
# actiavete visualisation. replace with "" empty string to deactivate
*.*Node[*].mobility.visualRepresentation = "^"

*.coordConverter.typename = "OsgCoordConverterSumo"
*.coordConverter.epsg_code = "EPSG:32632"
*.coordConverter.coreModule ="traci.core"
**.useVadere = false

Now we finaly see the configuration for our mobility provider. In order for components to communitcate with each other it is important, that we set the ports correctly. In our configuration we see, that we configured omnet to expect sumo to be on port 9999.

If we take a look at our sumo terminal, we see that it printed out: Listening on port 9999.

Seems good, both application are configured on the correct port.

Note: If we want our application to use another port, we don't need to change the withSumoBase since it would definitely break stuff somewhere else. A better approach would be to override the *.traci.launcher.port parameter in our sumo_crossing_peds_cars configuration.

  1. Start the flowcontrol service

    to start the flowcontrol ide (pycharm), run control-ide in a new terminal

The different control strategies are implemented in a controller, that can be started within the control-ide. The script inside the simulation folder provides a control controller for this simulation. This script needs to be run with the control-ide we opened not a while ago.

First, we need to make sure, that we have configured the right python environment for our project. (We builded the venvs with analysis-all in a previous tutorial)

Make sure the crownet_dev is selected as the python environment in the bottom right corner of pycharm.

Current python interpreter validation in pycharm

After that, we navigate to crownet/crownet/simulations/testSim/ and open the script.

We right-click inside the script and chose the run control_1 option to start the controller.

Now the controller is running and waiting for a connection.

  1. Start the simulation

    To start the simulation, right-click the omnetpp.ini file inside the omnet-ide window and click Run As > OMNeT++ Simulation

run simulation in the ide

This will bring up a new window for the graphical visualization of the simulation. It is asking for a configuration name. We now select our previous created simulation sumo_crossing_peds_cars

window for the configuration selection

After selection a configuration, we are ready to start the simulation. The following window displays the simulation. After pressing the "play" button (triangle) the simulation should start. There are also option to "Fast Run", "Express Run" and "Run to event". sumo simulation with pedestrians

  1. Let's have a look how the simulation scenario is being set up

    in our omnetpp.ini we see the following line: *.traci.launcher.sumoCfgBase = absFilePath("sumo/example_peds_cars.sumo.cfg")

    Open the file sumo/example_peds_cars.sumo.cfg

We now see the input files for the sumo config in xml style

      <net-file value=""/>
      <route-files value="example_peds_cars.rou.xml"/>

Let's look closer into the example_peds_cars.rou.xml to see how the routes are set up.

  <person id="1" depart="0.00">
      <walk edges="-e_C_p0 -e_p1_C"/>
  <vType id="type1" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="5" maxSpeed="70"/>
  <vehicle id="5" type="type1" depart="10.0" color="1,0,0">
    <route edges="e_v0_C e_C_v1"/>

We now see, that there are different tags. The person tag is a simple pedestrian with the id of 1. He will start at simulation timestep 0.00 and walks from the edge -e_C_p0 to -e_p1_C. The definition of edges can be found in the file

The same applies to the vehicle. But for the vehicle, has the type type1. This modifies the acceleration, deceleration and maxSpeed to give cars different behavior.