The HyperConverged Cluster allows modifying the KubeVirt cluster configuration by editing the HyperConverged Cluster CR (Custom Resource).
The HyperConverged Cluster operator copies the cluster configuration values to the other operand's CRs.
Note: The cluster configurations are supported only in API version v1beta1
or higher.
Some configurations are done separately to Infra and Workloads. The CR's Spec object contains the infra
and the
The structures of the infra
and the workloads
objects are the same. The HyperConverged Cluster operator will update
the other operator CRs, according to the specific CR structure. The meaning is if, for example, the other CR does not
support Infra cluster configurations, but only Workloads configurations, the HyperConverged Cluster operator will only
copy the Workloads configurations to this operator's CR.
Below are the cluster configuration details. Currently, only "Node Placement" configuration is supported.
Kubernetes lets the cluster admin influence node placement in several ways, see for a general overview.
The HyperConverged Cluster's CR is the single entry point to let the cluster admin influence the placement of all the pods directly and indirectly managed by the HyperConverged Cluster Operator.
The nodePlacement
object is an optional field in the HyperConverged Cluster's CR, under spec.infra
and spec.workloads
Note: The HyperConverged Cluster operator does not allow modifying of the workloads' node placement configurations if there are already existing virtual machines or data volumes.
The nodePlacement
object contains the following fields:
is the node selector applied to the relevant kind of pods. It specifies a map of key-value pairs: for the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels (it can have additional labels as well). See
enables pod affinity/anti-affinity placement expanding the types of constraints that can be expressed with nodeSelector. affinity is going to be applied to the relevant kind of pods in parallel with nodeSelector See
is a list of tolerations applied to the relevant kind of pods. See for more info.
The HyperConverged Cluster Operator and the operators for its component are supposed to be deployed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM). Thus, the HyperConverged Cluster Operator is not going to directly influence its own placement but that should be influenced by the OLM. The cluster admin indeed is allowed to influence the placement of the Pods directly created by the OLM configuring a nodeSelector or tolerations directly on the OLM subscription object.
- Place the infra resources on nodes labeled with "nodeType = infra", and workloads in nodes labeled with "nodeType = nested-virtualization", using node selector:
... spec: infra: nodePlacement: nodeSelector: nodeType: infra workloads: nodePlacement: nodeSelector: nodeType: nested-virtualization
- Place the infra resources on nodes labeled with "nodeType = infra", and workloads in nodes labeled with
"nodeType = nested-virtualization", preferring nodes with more than 8 CPUs, using affinity:
... spec: infra: nodePlacement: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: nodeType operator: In values: - infra workloads: nodePlacement: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: nodeType operator: In values: - nested-virtualization preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 preference: matchExpressions: - key: operator: gt values: - 8
- In this example, there are several nodes that are saved for KubeVirt resources (e.g. VMs), already set with the
taint. This taint will prevent any scheduling to these nodes, except for pods with the matching tolerations.... spec: workloads: nodePlacement: tolerations: - key: "key" operator: "Equal" value: "kubevirt" effect: "NoSchedule"
The featureGates
field is an optional set of optional boolean feature enabler. The features in this list are advanced
or new features that are not enabled by default.
To enable a feature, add its name to the featureGates
list and set it to true
. Missing or false
feature gates
disables the feature.
Set the withHostPassthroughCPU
feature gate in order to allow migrating a virtual machine with CPU host-passthrough
mode. This can provide slightly better CPU performance, but should be enabled only when the Cluster is homogeneous from
CPU HW perspective.
Default: false
Additional information: LibvirtXMLCPUModel
kind: HyperConverged
name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
infra: {}
workloads: {}
withHostPassthroughCPU: true
Set the live migration configurations by modifying the fields in the liveMigrationConfig
under the spec
Bandwidth limit of each migration, in MiB/s. The format is a number and with the Mi
suffix, e.g. 64Mi
default: 64Mi
The migration will be canceled if it has not completed in this time, in seconds per GiB of memory. For example, a virtual machine instance with 6GiB memory will timeout if it has not completed migration in 4800 seconds. If the Migration Method is BlockMigration, the size of the migrating disks is included in the calculation. The format is a number.
default: 800
Number of migrations running in parallel in the cluster. The format is a number.
default: 5
Maximum number of outbound migrations per node. The format is a number.
default: 2
The migration will be canceled if memory copy fails to make progress in this time, in seconds. The format is a number.
default: 150
kind: HyperConverged
name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
bandwidthPerMigration: 64Mi
completionTimeoutPerGiB: 800
parallelMigrationsPerCluster: 5
parallelOutboundMigrationsPerNode: 2
progressTimeout: 150
Administrators can control which host devices are exposed and permitted to be used in the cluster. Permitted host
devices in the cluster will need to be allowlisted in KubeVirt CR by its vendor:product
selector for PCI devices or
mediated device names. Use the permittedHostDevices
field in order to manage the permitted host devices.
The permittedHostDevices
field is an optional field under the HyperConverged spec
The permittedHostDevices
field contains two optional arrays: the pciHostDevices
and the mediatedDevices
HCO propagates these arrays as is to the KubeVirt custom resource; i.e. no merge is done, but a replacement.
The pciHostDevices
array is an array of PciHostDevice
objects. The fields of this object are:
- a combination of avendor_id:product_id
required to identify a PCI device on a host.This identifier 10de:1eb8 can be found using
; for example:lspci -nnv | grep -i nvidia
- name by which a device is advertised and being requested. -
- indicates that this resource is being provided by an external device plugin.KubeVirt in this case will only permit the usage of this device in the cluster but will leave the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.
The mediatedDevices
array is an array of MediatedDevice
objects. The fields of this object are:
- name of a mediated device type required to identify a mediated device on a host.For example: mdev type nvidia-226 represents GRID T4-2A.
The selector is matched against the content of
. -
- name by which a device is advertised and being requested. -
- indicates that this resource is being provided by an external device plugin.KubeVirt in this case will only permit the usage of this device in the cluster but will leave the allocation and monitoring to an external device plugin.
kind: HyperConverged
name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
- pciVendorSelector: "10DE:1EB8"
resourceName: ""
externalResourceProvider: true
- pciVendorSelector: "8086:6F54"
resourceName: ""
- mdevNameSelector: "GRID T4-1Q"
resourceName: ""
In addition to featureGates
field in HyperConverged CR's spec, the user can set annotations in the HyperConverged CR
to unfold more configuration options.
Warning: Annotations are less formal means of cluster configuration and may be dropped without the same deprecation
process of a regular API, such as in the spec
Starting from HCO version 1.3.0, OvS CNI support is disabled by default on new installations.
In order to enable the deployment of OvS CNI DaemonSet on all workload nodes, an annotation of deployOVS: true
be set on HyperConverged CR.
It can be set while creating the HyperConverged custom resource during the initial deployment, or during run time.
- To enable OvS CNI on the cluster, the HyperConverged CR should be similar to:
kind: HyperConverged
deployOVS: "true"
- OvS CNI can also be enabled during run time of HCO, by annotating its CR:
kubectl annotate HyperConverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n kubevirt-hyperconverged deployOVS=true --overwrite
If HCO was upgraded to 1.3.0 from a previous version, the annotation will be added as true
and OvS will be deployed.
Subsequent upgrades to newer versions will preserve the state from previous version, i.e. OvS will be deployed in the upgraded version if and only if it was deployed in the previous one.
HCO enables users to modify the operand CRs directly using jsonpatch annotations in HyperConverged CR.
Modifications done to CRs using jsonpatch annotations won't be reconciled back by HCO to the opinionated defaults.
The following annotations are supported in the HyperConverged CR:
- for KubeVirt
- for CDI
- for CNAO configurations
The content of the annotation will be a json array of patch objects, as defined in RFC6902.
- The user wants to set the KubeVirt CR’s
field totrue
. In order to do that, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:
annotations: |-
"op": "add",
"path": "/spec/configuration/migrations",
"value": {"allowPostCopy": true}
From CLI it will be:
$ kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged \'[{"op": "add", \
"path": "/spec/configuration/migrations", \
"value": {"allowPostCopy": true} }]' annotated
$ kubectl get kubevirt -n kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
| jq '.spec.configuration.migrations.allowPostCopy'
$ kubectl annotate --overwrite -n kubevirt-hyperconverged hco kubevirt-hyperconverged \'[{"op": "add", \
"path": "/spec/configuration/migrations", \
"value": {"allowPostCopy": false} }]' annotated
$ kubectl get kubevirt -n kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
| jq '.spec.configuration.migrations.allowPostCopy'
$ kubectl get hco -n kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -o json \
| jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "TaintedConfiguration")'
"lastHeartbeatTime": "2021-03-24T17:25:49Z",
"lastTransitionTime": "2021-03-24T11:33:11Z",
"message": "Unsupported feature was activated via an HCO annotation",
"reason": "UnsupportedFeatureAnnotation",
"status": "True",
"type": "TaintedConfiguration"
- The user wants to override the default URL used when uploading to a DataVolume, by setting the CDI CR's
. In order to do that, the following annotation should be added to the HyperConverged CR:
annotations: |-
"op": "add",
"path": "/spec/config/uploadProxyURLOverride",
"value": ""
Note: The full configurations options for Kubevirt, CDI and CNAO which are available on the cluster, can be explored by using kubectl explain <resource name>.spec
. For example:
$ kubectl explain kv.spec
KIND: KubeVirt
RESOURCE: spec <Object>
certificateRotateStrategy <Object>
configuration <Object>
holds kubevirt configurations. same as the virt-configMap
customizeComponents <Object>
imagePullPolicy <string>
The ImagePullPolicy to use.
imageRegistry <string>
The image registry to pull the container images from Defaults to the same
registry the operator's container image is pulled from.
To inspect lower-level objects onder spec
, they can be specified in kubectl explain
, recursively. e.g.
$ kubectl explain
KIND: KubeVirt
RESOURCE: network <Object>
NetworkConfiguration holds network options
defaultNetworkInterface <string>
permitBridgeInterfaceOnPodNetwork <boolean>
permitSlirpInterface <boolean>
- To explore kubevirt configuration options, use
kubectl explain kv.spec
- To explore CDI configuration options, use
kubectl explain cdi.spec
- To explore CNAO configuration options, use
kubectl explain networkaddonsconfig.spec
Using the jsonpatch annotation feature incorrectly might lead to unexpected results and could potentially render the Kubevirt-Hyperconverged system unstable.
The jsonpatch annotation feature is particularly dangerous when upgrading Kubevirt-Hyperconverged, as the structure or the semantics of the underlying components' CR might be changed. Please remove any jsonpatch annotation usage prior the upgrade, to avoid any potential issues.