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rome:: delegate

Defined in header <rome/delegate.hpp>.

template<typename Signature, typename Behavior = target_is_expected>
class delegate;  // undefined

template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename Behavior>
class delegate<Ret(Args...), Behavior>;

Instances of class template rome::delegate can store and invoke any callable target -- functions, lambda expressions, std::function, other function objects, as well as static and non-static member functions.

The stored callable object is called the target of rome::delegate. If a rome::delegate contains no target, it is called empty.

Invoking the target of an empty rome::delegate results in a defined behavior configurable by the Behavior template parameter (see Template parameters below).

Assigning a function object target to a rome::delegate can be done during construction of or with an assignment to the rome::delegate. Other callable targets such as functions and member functions either need to be wrapped by a function object (e.g. by a lambda expression) or use the provided factory method create. See also the Examples below.

Small targets are stored in the local storage of a rome::delegate. Such small object optimization takes place if:

  • the target is a function object of size smaller or equal to sizeof(void*)
    e.g. a lambda expression capturing a pointer
  • the target is a function
  • the target is a member function, both the member function pointer and the reference to the object are stored locally

If a function object target is bigger than sizeof(void*), new storage is dynamically allocated.

The size of a rome::delegate is the size of an object pointer plus twice the size of a function pointer:

sizeof(rome::delegate<Ret(Args...), Behavior>)
    == sizeof(void*) + 2*sizeof(void (*)())

A rome::delegate is moveable but not copyable.

Template parameters

  • Ret
    The return type of the target being called.

  • Args...
    The argument types of the target being called.

  • Behavior
    Defines the behavior of an empty rome::delegate being called. Defaults to rome::target_is_expected.

    The behavior can be chosen by declaring the delegate with one the following types:

    • rome::target_is_expected
      A valid target is expected to be assigned before the rome::delegate is called.
      When an empty rome::delegate is being called:

    • rome::target_is_optional (only if Ret==void)
      Assigning a target to the rome::delegate is optional. Calling an empty delegate returns directly without doing anything.
      Compile error, if Ret != void.

    • rome::target_is_mandatory
      Prevents by design that a rome::delegate can be empty. This has following consequences:

      • Default constructor is deleted. A new instance of rome::delegate can only be created by passing a target to the constructor or by using one of the factory functions create.
      • There is no possibility to drop a currently assigned target, though it can be overridden by assigning a new target.

      Note: The rome::delegate still becomes empty after a move, i.e., after auto y = std::move(x) x is empty and behaves as if Behavior was set to rome::target_is_expected.

Member functions

  • constructor
    constructs a new rome::delegate instance
  • desctructor
    destroys a rome::delegate instance
  • operator=
    assigns or drops a target
  • swap
    swaps the targets
  • operator bool
    checks if a valid target is contained
  • operator()
    invokes the target
  • create - static
    creates a new rome::delegate instance with given target assigned

Non-member functions


The most similar C++ standard library counterpart is std::move_only_function (since C++23). It has similar behavior and interface, with following main differences:

  • undefined behavior when called empty
  • specifiable cv-qualifiers, ref-qualifiers and noexcept-specifiers for operator()
  • direct assignment of functions and member functions possible
    With rome::delegate they need to be wrapped by a function object (e.g. lambda expression) or by using the create function.
  • unspecified storage size for small object optimization


Basic usage examples for all three types of Behavior and the three target types function, member function and function object.

See the code in examples/basic_examples.cpp.

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <rome/delegate.hpp>

void print(int i) {
    std::cout << i << '\n';

int plus100(int i) {
    return i + 100;

struct TargetClass {
    int value = 0;

    void set(int i) {
        value = i;

struct Example {
    rome::delegate<int(int), rome::target_is_mandatory> onMandatoryNotEmpty;
    rome::delegate<int(int) /*, rome::target_is_expected*/> onExpectedNotEmpty;  // (1)
    // rome::delegate<int(int), rome::target_is_optional> onMaybeEmpty;          // (2) does not compile
    rome::delegate<void(int), rome::target_is_optional> onMaybeEmpty;

    Example(decltype(onMandatoryNotEmpty)&& mand) : onMandatoryNotEmpty{std::move(mand)} {  // (3)

int main() {
    TargetClass obj{};
    Example x{std::negate<>{}};                       // (3)

    std::cout << "Calls after initialization:\n";
    try {
    catch (const rome::bad_delegate_call& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << '\n';

    std::cout << "\nCalls with fresh assigned targets:\n";
    x.onMandatoryNotEmpty = [](int i) { return i + 10; };
    x.onExpectedNotEmpty  = [](int i) { return plus100(i); };
    x.onMaybeEmpty        = [&obj](int i) { obj.set(i); };

    std::cout << "\nCalls after dropping targets:\n";
    // x.onMandatoryNotEmpty = nullptr;               // (4) does not compile
    x.onExpectedNotEmpty  = nullptr;
    x.onMaybeEmpty        = nullptr;
    try {
    catch (const rome::bad_delegate_call& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
  • (1) - second template parameter is rome::target_is_expected by default
  • (2) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_optional must have void return
  • (3) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_mandatory has deleted default constructor, a target must be assigned during construction
  • (4) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_mandatory does not allow to drop targets


Calls after initialization:

Calls with fresh assigned targets:

Calls after dropping targets:

See also

  • rome::fwd_delegate
    The same as rome::delegate but restricts data to be forwarded only.
  • std::move_only_function (C++23)
    Wraps a callable object of any type with specified function call signature.
  • std::function (C++11)
    Wraps a callable object of any copy constructible type with specified function call signature.