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TLComp -- Computing with Toeplitz-like matrices in Matlab

Toeplitz matrices, and matrices arising from arithmetic operations among Toeplitz matrices enjoy a low rank representation w.r.t. to so-called displacement operators [1]. This toolbox offers convenient and fast operations with such structured matices, taking advantage of their low rank representation.


  1. TLComp relies on the "drsolve" [2] package for operations that involve solving systems of linear equations, please download and install it from

  2. Download and unpack the TLComp toolbox

  3. Within Matlab add the installation folder to the matlab path, viz. addpath(fullfile(pwd, 'tlcomp-v0.1.0')).


%% Generate data for two toeplitz matrices
[c1, r1] = random_toeplitz(8, 8);
[c2, r2] = random_toeplitz(8, 8);

%% We provide a class |ToepMat|
TM1 = ToepMat(c1, r1);
TM2 = ToepMat(c2, r2);

%% Addition, scalar multiplication yield a |ToepMat|
disp(TM1 + TM2)
disp(TM1 - TM2)
disp(2i*pi * TM1)
  8x8 ToepMat
  8x8 ToepMat
  8x8 ToepMat
%% Mixed |ToepMat| / double array products yield full arrays
disp(TM1 * ones(8,1));
  -0.8618 - 0.8925i
   0.0425 - 0.7769i
  -1.4210 - 0.6578i
  -0.0681 - 0.5681i
   1.4395 - 1.3148i
  -0.2738 - 2.0862i
   0.8891 - 1.8790i
  -2.9664 - 2.8394i
disp(TM1 * ones(8,8));
  Columns 1 through 5

  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i
   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i
  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i
  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i
   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i
  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i
   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i
  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i

  Columns 6 through 8

  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i  -0.8618 - 0.8925i
   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i   0.0425 - 0.7769i
  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i  -1.4210 - 0.6578i
  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i  -0.0681 - 0.5681i
   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i   1.4395 - 1.3148i
  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i  -0.2738 - 2.0862i
   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i   0.8891 - 1.8790i
  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i  -2.9664 - 2.8394i
%% Product of two Toeplitz matrices yields a |TLMat| object
disp(TM1 * TM2)
  8x8 TLMat, displacement rank 4
%% Convert |ToepMat| to full array
  Columns 1 through 5

   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i  -0.0768 - 0.3662i  -0.2414 + 0.1604i  -2.0367 - 0.4784i
   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i  -0.0768 - 0.3662i  -0.2414 + 0.1604i
  -2.2595 - 0.8750i   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i  -0.0768 - 0.3662i
   1.6197 + 0.1019i  -2.2595 - 0.8750i   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i
  -0.5290 - 1.2252i   1.6197 + 0.1019i  -2.2595 - 0.8750i   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i
  -1.9547 - 0.6110i  -0.5290 - 1.2252i   1.6197 + 0.1019i  -2.2595 - 0.8750i   0.1401 - 0.7831i
   1.0861 - 0.1590i  -1.9547 - 0.6110i  -0.5290 - 1.2252i   1.6197 + 0.1019i  -2.2595 - 0.8750i
  -2.0636 + 0.3248i   1.0861 - 0.1590i  -1.9547 - 0.6110i  -0.5290 - 1.2252i   1.6197 + 0.1019i

  Columns 6 through 8

   0.2668 + 0.0122i  -0.7960 - 0.9941i  -0.7643 - 0.8987i
  -2.0367 - 0.4784i   0.2668 + 0.0122i  -0.7960 - 0.9941i
  -0.2414 + 0.1604i  -2.0367 - 0.4784i   0.2668 + 0.0122i
  -0.0768 - 0.3662i  -0.2414 + 0.1604i  -2.0367 - 0.4784i
   1.7919 + 1.2852i  -0.0768 - 0.3662i  -0.2414 + 0.1604i
   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i  -0.0768 - 0.3662i
   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i   1.7919 + 1.2852i
  -2.2595 - 0.8750i   0.1401 - 0.7831i   0.9947 + 0.3872i
%% Evaluate deg-6 Taylor polynomial of expm(TM1)
p = 1./factorial(6:-1:0);
E = polyvalm(p, TM1);  % No "full" arithmetic here!
disp(E); % Result is a TLMat
  8x8 TLMat, displacement rank 8
EE = polyvalm(p, full(TM1)); % Compare with dense computation
disp(norm(E - EE, 'fro') / norm(EE, 'fro'));
%% Toeplitz-inverse is a |TLMat| of d-rank 2
  8x8 TLMat, displacement rank 2
%% Shifted inverse, useful for partial fraction expansion
sigma = exp(3i/4 * pi);
disp(inv(TM1 - sigma * toepeye(8)));
  8x8 TLMat, displacement rank 2
%% Solve a linear system
b = TM1 * ones(8,1);
x = TM1 \ b;
disp(norm(x - ones(8,1)));
%% It's also quite fast, using the GKO algorithm
[c,r,T] = random_toeplitz(4096,4096);
TMbig = ToepMat(c,r);
b = randn(4096,1);
tic; x = TMbig \ b; toc
Elapsed time is 0.947514 seconds.
%% Compare with full arithmetic
tic; xx = T\b; toc
Elapsed time is 2.697644 seconds.
%% Rational function evaluation, here: Cayley transform
e2 = zeros(16,1);
e2(2) = 1;
TM = ToepMat(-e2, e2); % Skew-symm
rT = TM.ratevalm([1,1], [1,-1]); % This is a |TLMat|
disp(norm(full(rT) - ( (full(TM) - eye(16)) \ (full(TM) + eye(16) ) )));
%% Can also be computed with \
rT = (TM - toepeye(16)) \ (TM + toepeye(16)); % Again a |TLMat|
disp(norm(full(rT) - ( (full(TM) - eye(16)) \ (full(TM) + eye(16) ) )));
%% Determinant is supported through GKO/LU factorization
TM = ToepMat([1,2,3,4]);
%% Construct A TLMat object from a generator
G = orth(randn(8,4));
B = orth(randn(8,4)) * diag([10,1,0.01, 1e-12]);
TL1 = TLMat(G, B);  % drank is 4
TL2 = TL1.truncate_tol(1e-8); % remove ranks relatively smaller than 1e-8
fprintf('Trunctated from %d to %d, generator difference: %.2e\n', ...
    drank(TL1), drank(TL2), gennorm(TL1 - TL2));
Trunctated from 4 to 3, generator difference: 1.00e-12

More background

The displacement operator we use in this toolbox is the Sylvester-type operator

   D(A) = Z_{1} A - A * Z_{-1}

where Z_s is the s-circulant matrix, i.e., for n=4

Z_s = [
    0 0 0 s
    1 0 0 0
    0 1 0 0
    0 0 1 0

Many details on the scope and implementation of TLComp are subject of an upcoming publication [3].


[1] Kailath, T., & Sayed, A. H. (Eds.). (1999). Fast reliable algorithms for matrices with structure. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA.

[2] A. Aricò and G. Rodriguez. A fast solver for linear systems with displacement structure. Numer. Algorithms, 55(4):529-556, 2010. DOI:

[3] TLComp paper, in preparation