Here we describe basic tools and commands to process either Illumina or Nanopore sequencing data using SARS-CoV-2 amplification data as an example. The goal is to construct a genome sequence using a reference-based approach. Althought the methodological steps are quite similar, both Illumina and Nanopore need different tools and parameters.
Example data can be found here: and is also referenced in the used commands again.
In this part, we will go through the different steps to generate from a FASTQ raw sequencing data file a SARS-CoV-2 consensus genome and lineage annotation. We will do this using the Linux system and command line interfance.
The tools we will use are listed here and will be discussed in detail below:
(Illumina & Nanopore)
(Illumina & Nanopore)SAMtools
(Illumina & Nanopore)IGV
(Illumina & Nanopore)
Variant calling & Consensus
(Illumina & Nanopore)
Lineage annotation
(Illumina & Nanopore)
In addition, we install but will not directly use:
These tools are handy if you want to perform quality-control directly on the raw signal FAST5 files (PycoQC
), of you want to annotate variant calls for example to know which amino acid is changed (SNPeff
), and to perform a basic quality-control of your final consensus sequence (president
In general, you can Google all of these tools and find further information in publications, GitHub code repositories and on (Bio)conda.
Install all tools
Because this is a quite heavy environment we will use mamba
as an updated version of conda
to faster resolve the environment and install all tools.
# config some channels, this might be already done.
# basically helps to not explicitly type the channels
conda config --add channels default
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
# now we create a new environment and install all tools
mamba create -n workshop fastqc fastp nanoplot pycoqc filtlong minimap2 samtools bcftools igv pangolin president snpeff bamclipper freebayes
conda activate workshop
Note: We skip medaka
here because the tools has some conflicting dependencies with other tools. Thus, we will use medaka
later in a separate mamba
Note2: It might be also more convenient to have separate environments for each tool or to summarize tools per task (e.g. mapping) in one environment. Like it would be also best practice using a Workflow Management System. You can also do that if you want and then switch between environments.
You can obtain example read files for Illumina and Nanopore here or use the commands below:
# Illumina
wget --no-check-certificate -O SARSCoV2-illumina.R1.fastq.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O SARSCoV2-illumina.R2.fastq.gz
# Nanopore
wget --no-check-certificate -O SARSCoV2-nanopore.fastq.gz
ATTENTION: here we set now variables to point to the example data sets so we can just use that in the following commands. Adjust accordingly for your system and folder structure.
Quality assessment
# activate the conda environment
conda activate workshop
# always remember that almost all tools have a help page
fastqc --help
Check the output HTML file. How does the quality look like? Anything strange?
Now, we want to quality-trim the Illumina reads to get rid of low-quality base calls especially at the end of reads. Then we check again the quality via fastqc
Quality trimming
fastp -i $ILLUMINA_SAMPLE1 -I $ILLUMINA_SAMPLE2 -o clean_reads.R1.fastq.gz -O clean_reads.R2.fastq.gz --thread 4 --qualified_quality_phred 20 --length_required 50
fastqc -t 2 clean_reads.R{1,2}.fastq.gz
How did the quality change?
ATTENTION: From now on we work with the clean_reads.R{1,2}.fastq.gz
data files!
Quality assessment
# activate the conda environment
conda activate workshop
# always remember that almost all tools have a help page
NanoPlot --help
# run NanoPlot on your FASTQ file
NanoPlot -t 4 --fastq $NANOPORE_SAMPLE -o nanoplot/raw
# run NanoPlot on your FASTQ file with some more parameters
NanoPlot -t 4 --fastq $NANOPORE_SAMPLE --title "Raw reads" \
--color darkslategrey --N50 --loglength -o nanoplot/raw
Length filtering
# Attention! min and max length of course depent on your sequencing protocol!
# the example nanopore reads were sequenced with the ARTIC V1200 kit and thus
# yield ~1.2kbp reads
filtlong --min_length 800 --max_length 1400 $NANOPORE_SAMPLE | gzip - > clean_reads_nanopore.fastq.gz
NanoPlot -t 4 --fastq clean_reads_nanopore.fastq.gz --title "Filtered reads" \
--color darkslategrey --N50 --loglength -o nanoplot/clean
Note: PycoQC
is another neat tool for QC and can be also used on raw signal FAST5 data, thus, providing even more detailed insights in the quality of your data. Please feel free to install and run the tool on your own using raw FAST5 data.
First, we need a reference genome (in FASTA format) to map against. We will use the index reference sequence for SARS-CoV-2. You can download it manually from
or for example via
wget --no-check-certificate -O nCoV-2019.reference.fasta
# we also download an index for later usage
wget --no-check-certificate -O nCoV-2019.reference.fasta.fai
ATTENTION: In our example we will use minimap2
for both Illumina and Nanopore data. However, minimap2
was initially developed with long-read alignment in mind. There is a short-read mode, but it might be beneficial to also use specialized short-read-mapper such as BWA-MEM.
# map the filtered reads to the reference genome
# Illumina
minimap2 -x sr -t 4 -a -o minimap2-illumina.sam nCoV-2019.reference.fasta clean_reads.R1.fastq.gz clean_reads.R2.fastq.gz
# Nanopore
minimap2 -x map-ont -t 4 -a -o minimap2-nanopore.sam nCoV-2019.reference.fasta clean_reads_nanopore.fastq.gz
Please notice the different parameter settings used for Illumina and Nanopore data! Check the GitHub page of minimap2
for more information.
Process mapping results
# convert mapping results (SAM format) into a binary format
# the binary format can be faster read by a machine but not by a human
# we will use the binary format (called BAM) for visualization of the mapping
# we will use a FOR loop to process both, Illumina and Nanopore data
for SAM in minimap2-illumina.sam minimap2-nanopore.sam; do
# get the basename of the input SAM
BN=$(basename $SAM .sam)
# 1) convert SAM to BAM --> check the file size after convert!
samtools view -bS $SAM > $BN.bam
# 2) sort the BAM
samtools sort $BN.bam > $BN.sorted.bam
# 3) index the BAM
samtools index $BN.sorted.bam
Look at the mapped reads
# start the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
igv &
# hint: if you still want to use your terminal although a tool with a
# graphical interface is running, you can add a '&' to your command
# to move the running process in the background. By that, you can still
# use your terminal.
Now, we will load the reference FASTA (that we used for the mapping) and the sorted BAM file (with the mapped reads) into IGV to look at the results. The samtools index
command is important so that IGV can actually load the sorted BAM file! As so often, a certain index structure is needed.
- First, load the
reference FASTA via "Genomes" > "Load Genome from File" - Second, load the sorted BAM file via "File" > "Load from File"
Hint: You can load both the Illumina and Nanopore BAM file and compare them! How do they differ?
Additional resources
It is important to remove primer sequences from your amplicon reads. The primer sequences are used to amplify parts of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. But that also means that they are not actually part of your sequenced SARS-CoV-2 sample and thus might mask important mutations located in the primer binding region. Therefore, they should be removed, which you can for example do via BAMclipper
To accurately clip the primer sequences, we need to know where they are located. This is usually stored in a so-called BED file and can be found for various primer schemes online.
# First, we download the primer BED scheme for Cleanplex scheme that was used
# Change to another BED file if needed!
wget --no-check-certificate -O cleanplex.amplicons.bedpe
# It's important that the FASTA header of the reference genome
# and the IDs in the BED file match, let's check:
head nCoV-2019.reference.fasta
head cleanplex.amplicons.bedpe
# we can see: they dont match!
# In the reference FASTA: 'MN908947.3'
# In the BED file: 'NC_045512.2'
# So we need to replace the ID in the BED file, e.g. via
sed 's/NC_045512.2/MN908947.3/g' cleanplex.amplicons.bedpe > cleanplex-corrected.amplicons.bedpe
# check again
head nCoV-2019.reference.fasta
head cleanplex-corrected.amplicons.bedpe -b minimap2-illumina.sorted.bam -p cleanplex-corrected.amplicons.bedpe -n 4
# First, we download the primer BED scheme for the ARTIC V1200 scheme
# Change to another BED file if needed!
wget --no-check-certificate -O nCoV-2019.bed
# It's important that the FASTA header of the reference genome
# and the IDs in the BED file match, let's check:
head nCoV-2019.reference.fasta
head nCoV-2019.bed
# now we convert this BED file into a BEDPE file needed by BAMclipper.
# The Illumina BED file we used above was already in the correct BEDPE format.
# we download a python script to do so:
wget --no-check-certificate -O
# and run it
python nCoV-2019.bed --forward_identifier _LEFT --reverse_identifier _RIGHT -o nCoV-2019.bedpe
# now we can use BAMclipper - finally -b minimap2-nanopore.sorted.bam -p nCoV-2019.bedpe -n 4
Task: Compare the unclipped BAM file with the clipped BAM file in IGV. Do you see differences? Hint: you can load multiple BAM files into IGV.
For Illumina data we use freebayes
to call variants. We installed the tool already in the Conda workshop environment. We also use some default parameter.
Call variants with freebayes
# first re-calulate the index for the reference FASTA (sometimes issues occur bc/ of different samtool versions used)
samtools faidx nCoV-2019.reference.fasta
# now variant calling
freebayes -f nCoV-2019.reference.fasta --min-alternate-count 10 \
--min-alternate-fraction 0.1 --min-coverage 20 --pooled-continuous \
--haplotype-length -1 minimap2-illumina.sorted.primerclipped.bam > freebayes-illumina.vcf
The result is a VCF file, short for variant call format. A tab-separated file with information on the detected variants/ mutations.
We want to use Medaka
for variant calling. Medaka
is not in your current workshop
environment because it was conflicting with the other tools. That's why we need a separate Mamba environment for Medaka
- Make a new environment for
might have many dependencies that conflict
- an alternative to
can be much faster in solving your environment, e.g. here for the toolmedaka
- thus, let us install
and then installmedaka
mamba create -y -p envs/medaka "medaka>=1.8.0"
conda activate envs/medaka
Call variants with Medaka
# first generate a file with information about potential variants
# considering the used basecalling model. You should use the matching
# model from your Guppy basecalling settings!
medaka consensus --model r941_min_hac_g507 --threads 4 --chunk_len 800 --chunk_ovlp 400 minimap2-nanopore.sorted.primerclipped.bam medaka-nanopore.consensus.hdf
# actually call the variants
medaka variant nCoV-2019.reference.fasta medaka-nanopore.consensus.hdf medaka-nanopore.vcf
# annotate VCF with read depth info etc. so we can filter it
medaka tools annotate medaka-nanopore.vcf nCoV-2019.reference.fasta minimap2-nanopore.sorted.primerclipped.bam medaka-nanopore.annotate.vcf
Important: Always use the matching medaka
model based on how you or others did the guppy
basecalling! You can check which medaka
models are available via:
medaka tools list_models | grep -v Default
Task: Compare the results from the VCF file with what you can observe via the IGV browser. Can you find the variants medaka
called also in IGV?
Check and filter the VCF file
ATTENTION: We just do this here as an example using the Nanopore VCF. Just exchange the Nanopore annotated VCF input file with the Freebayes VCF file.
# switch to the workshop env if you are not already on it
conda activate workshop
# compress the annotated VCF file (needed for the next steps)
bgzip -f medaka-nanopore.annotate.vcf
# index a TAB-delimited genome position file in bgz format
# and create an index file
tabix -f -p vcf medaka-nanopore.annotate.vcf.gz
# generate the consensus
bcftools consensus -f nCoV-2019.reference.fasta medaka-nanopore.annotate.vcf.gz -o consensus-nanopore.fasta
# rename the consensus FASTA, right now the FASTA ID is still the reference
sed -i 's/MN908947.3/Consensus-Nanopore/g' consensus-nanopore.fasta
Attention: The above commands yield a simple consensus sequence without all necessary quality checks! What did we not do so far?
- we did not properly filter the VCF file, e.g. for low-coverage variants
- we should also mask low coverage regions in the consensus genome
- for example the 5' and 3' end of the genome usually has low coverage
- but amplicon drop outs can also lead to low (or even no) coverage in the genome
- we did also not distinguish the two primer pools. It improves your accuracy to perform variant calling for each primer pool separately and then merge the resulting VCF files
pangolin -t 4 consensus.fasta
Task: Check the output. Which lineage was annotated? Which version of pangolin
did you run? You can check this via pangolin -v
. It is important to use the newest version of pangolin
to also get results for newly defined lineages. You can update pangolin
via pangolin --update
. If you used an older version that was installed into the 'workshop' environment, try to create a new separate conda environment for pangolin
and install the newest version. Rerun the lineage annotation. Are there differences?
Task: Read the manual page of president
and try to run the tool on your own to check the quality of your reconstructed consensus sequence.