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File metadata and controls

323 lines (262 loc) · 12.5 KB

Realtime HTTP/JSON Data Server (with user authentication/RBAC/JWT)

This NodeJS/Express module can serve JSON-SCADA realtime data for the web-based interface.

It can also server the HTML files from the src/AdminUI/dist folder.

It is possible to access Grafana on "/grafana" path adjusting the JS_GRAFANA_SERVER environment variable.

It is recommended to apply a reverse proxy (Nginx) on top of this service to serve securely to client on external networks. For best scalability static files should be served directly via Nginx or Apache, redirecting /grafana to the Grafana server and /Invoke to this Node.js service.

Example Nginx config as a reverse proxy

# data API
location /Invoke/ {
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   Host $http_host;

# Grafana server
location /grafana/ {
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   Host $http_host;

# Supervisor web access, if desired
location /supervisor/ {
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   Host $http_host;

# Static files
location / {
    root /home/username/json-scada/src/AdminUI/dist;

Data Services API

Access point : /Invoke/

Inspired by the OPC-UA material below:

Read Service

This service is used to read realtime values from the MongoDB server. It is necessary to specify the nodes (data points) to be read by the numeric _id key or by the tag string key.

Reference documentation

Read Request: call the Post method for the /Invoke access point with the following JSON structure:

    "ServiceId": 629,
    "Body": {
        "RequestHeader": {
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T12:40:47.373Z",
        "RequestHandle": 54027318,
        "TimeoutHint": 1500,
        "ReturnDiagnostics": 2,
        "AuthenticationToken": null
        "MaxAge": 0,
        "TimestampsToReturn": 2,
        "NodesToRead": [
            "NodeId": { "IdType": 0, "Id": 6620, "Namespace": 2 },
            "AttributeId": 13
            "NodeId": { "IdType": 1, "Id": "KAW2AL-27XCBR5231", "Namespace": 2 },
            "AttributeId": 13

Response example:

    "NamespaceUris": [
    "ServerUris": [],
    "ServiceId": 632,
    "Body": {
        "ResponseHeader": {
        "RequestHandle": 54027318,
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T12:40:48.305Z",
        "ServiceDiagnostics": { "LocalizedText": 0 },
        "StringTable": [
            "The operation completed successfully.",
            "Query time: 12 ms"
        "ServiceResult": 0
        "Results": [
            "StatusCode": 0,
            "NodeId": { "IdType": 1, "Id": "KAW2BC1--RBLK", "Namespace": 2 },
            "Value": { "Type": 1, "Body": false, "Quality": 0 },
            "_Properties": {
                "_id": 6620,
                "valueString": "NORMAL",
                "alarmed": true,
                "annotation": "",
                "origin": "supervised"
            "SourceTimestamp": "2020-09-17T12:40:36.168Z"
            "StatusCode": 0,
            "NodeId": { "IdType": 1, "Id": "KAW2AL-27XCBR5231", "Namespace": 2 },
            "Value": { "Type": 1, "Body": true, "Quality": 0 },
            "_Properties": {
                "_id": 3279,
                "valueString": "ON",
                "alarmed": false,
                "annotation": "",
                "origin": "supervised"
            "SourceTimestamp": "2020-09-14T17:51:12.547Z"

The non OPC-UA standard _Properties object from the response has extended attributes for the point.

Write Service

This service is used to send commands from the web UI to the server.

Reference documentation:

Write Request: call the Post method for the /Invoke access point with the following JSON structure:

    "ServiceId": 671,
    "Body": {
    "RequestHeader": {
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T13:35:30.186Z",
        "RequestHandle": 94046531,
        "TimeoutHint": 1500,
        "ReturnDiagnostics": 2,
        "AuthenticationToken": null
    "NodesToWrite": [
        "NodeId": { "IdType": 0, "Id": 64083, "Namespace": 2 },
        "AttributeId": 13,
        "Value": { "Type": 11, "Body": 1 }


    "NamespaceUris": [
    "ServerUris": [],
    "ServiceId": 674,
    "Body": {
        "ResponseHeader": {
        "RequestHandle": 94046531,
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T13:35:31.115Z",
        "ServiceDiagnostics": { "LocalizedText": 0 },
        "StringTable": [],
        "ServiceResult": 0
    "Results": [0],
    "_CommandHandles": ["5f6366233fabf37f071097e9"]

Next, use read requests (with AttributeId: 12) to monitor command feedback, using the _CommandHandles value.

    "ServiceId": 629,
    "Body": {
    "RequestHeader": {
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T13:35:30.396Z",
        "RequestHandle": 78655446,
        "TimeoutHint": 1250,
        "ReturnDiagnostics": 2,
        "AuthenticationToken": null
    "MaxAge": 0,
    "NodesToRead": [
        "NodeId": { "IdType": 0, "Id": 64083, "Namespace": 2 },
        "AttributeId": 12,
        "ClientHandle": "5f6366233fabf37f071097e9"

Response as defined in

    "NamespaceUris": [
    "ServerUris": [],
    "ServiceId": 809,
    "Body": {
        "ResponseHeader": {
        "RequestHandle": 78655446,
        "Timestamp": "2020-09-17T13:35:31.325Z",
        "ServiceDiagnostics": { "LocalizedText": 0 },
        "StringTable": [],
        "ServiceResult": 0
        "MonitoredItems": [
            "ClientHandle": "5f6366233fabf37f071097e9",
            "Value": { "Value": 1, "StatusCode": 2159149056 },
            "NodeId": {
            "IdType": 1,
            "Id": "KAW2TR2-0XCBR5206----K",
            "Namespace": 2

When the StatusCode for the command is 0 (Good) the command was acknowledged ok.

Read History Service Request

Request Unique Attributes Value

File Services API

Access point : /getFile

This API can be used to retrieve files stored in MongoDB Gridfs. Files can be manipulated using the mongofiles tool.

The MQTT client driver can be used to subscribe and save files published to MQTT topics on a broker. In this case, the file name is the MQTT topic name.


  • name [String] - File name (for files saved by the MQTT driver, use the MQTT topic name). Required parameter
  • bucket [String] - Gridfs bucket name. Default is "fs". Optional parameter
  • mime [String] - Mime type for the HTTP header. If not specified, it will be guessed based on the file extension. Optional parameter
  • refresh [Integer] - Time interval in seconds to reload page automatically (using the refresh HTTP header). Optional parameter



User Authentication / Authorization (RBAC)

When enabled, the user roles (Role Based Access Control - RBAC) and rights are configured in the collections roles and users in the MongoDB database.

roles Collection Schema

  • name [String] - role name.
  • isAdmin [Boolean] - right to create, alter and delete users and roles.
  • changePassword [Boolean] - right to change its own password.
  • sendCommands [Boolean] - right to send commands (controls) via protocol.
  • enterAnnotations [Boolean] - right to create blocking annotations.
  • enterNotes [Boolean] - right to create documental annotations.
  • enterManuals [Boolean] - right to alter manual values.
  • enterLimits [Boolean] - right to set limits for analog points.
  • substituteValues [Boolean] - right to substitute supervised values.
  • ackEvents [Boolean] - right to acknowledge and eliminate events.
  • ackAlarms [Boolean] - right to acknowledge and eliminate alarms.
  • disableAlarms [Boolean] - right to disable/enable alarms for points.
  • group1List [Array of String] - right to access only a limited set of data (from a group1 list). An empty list means no restrictions on groups.
  • displayList [Array of String] - right to access only a limited set of displays. An empty list means no restrictions on displays.
  • maxSessionDays [Double] - time in days for the maximum session period (after this, the JWT access token expires).

To each user can be attributed a set of roles. Each right in each user role are combined to be the less restrictive (except for arrays). The combination is a logical OR for booleans, maximum value for numbers and union for arrays. When arrays are combined, an empty array can be combined with a non-empty list leaving to a more restrictive result.

Environment Variables

  • JS_IP_BIND [String] - IP address for server to listen. Use "" to listen on all interfaces. Default="localhost" (local host only).
  • JS_HTTP_PORT [Integer] - HTTP Port for server listening. Default=8080.
  • JS_GRAFANA_SERVER [Integer] - HTTP URL to the Grafana server (for reverse proxy on /grafana). Default="".
  • JS_CONFIG_FILE [String] - JSON SCADA config file name. Default="../../conf/json-scada.json".
  • JS_AUTHENTICATION [String] - Control of user Authentication/Authorization. Leave empty or do not define to enable user authentication. Define as "NOAUTH" to disable user authentication. Default=(will use authentication).
  • JS_JWT_SECRET [String] - Encryption key for the JWT token. Default=value defined in ./app/config/auth.config.js.
  • JS_READ_FROM_SECONDARY [String] - Use "TRUE" to change the preferred read to a secondary MongoDB server. By default all read operations are directed to the primary server.

For connection to the PostgreSQL historian, it is possible to use the standard Libpq environment variables.

Command line arguments

  • 1st Argument [String] - Control of user Authentication/Authorization. Define as "NOAUTH" to disable user authentication. Default=(will use authentication).

Tool to create users and change password via command line

Use this tool to create new users or change passwords using the command line.


node updateUser.js username password [email] [config file name]

Username and password arguments are mandatory, email and config file are optional.

If the user is not found in the database it will be created a new user. This new user will not be able to login until an administrator assign him some role.