Integrate gpg
Asymmetric mode use public/private key system, you can use gpg-agent
as daemon on your computer.
Looks at how to documentation to understand how to add/remove recipients.
You can easily revoke an access to everybody and see who crypte and when file whas crypted.
"backend": "gpg",
"asymmetric": true,
"files": [
"recipients": [
"John Doe <user@domain.tld>",
"User 2 <user2@domain.tld>"
List of recipients is autocompleted from your gpg --list-keys
Symetric ask you a passphrase to crypt files. You have to share this passphrase in your team.
"backend": "gpg",
"asymmetric": false,
"files": [
- Generate your key :
gpg --gen-key
- Get your key ident:
gpg --list-keys
- Send your key to dist server :
gpg --keyserver --send-keys YOURKEYIDENT
- Get the key from your friends :
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys FRIENDKEY
- Alternatively you can search all key verylastoom with :
gpg --keyserver --search-keys verylastroom
- Indicate you trust a key:
gpg --edit-key FRIENDKEY
# In shell gpg opened
# Then choose 5th options (I trust ultimately)