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Developer Manual

1. Overview

respeakerd is the server application for the microphone array solutions of SEEED, based on librespeaker which combines the audio front-end processing algorithms.

It's also a good example showing how to utilize the librespeaker. Users can implement their own server application / daemon to invoke librespeaker.

This manual shows how to compile and run this project respeakerd, and then introduces the protocol used in the communication between respeakerd and a Python client implementation for AVS (

2. How to compile

2.1 Dependencies

$ sudo apt install -y cmake libdbus-1-dev
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-cache policy librespeaker
$ sudo apt install -y librespeaker-dev

2.2 Compile

$ cd PROJECT-ROOT/build
$ cmake ..  #`cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..` if you want to build the debug version
$ make

2.3 Build deb package

$ sudo apt-get install -y debhelper dh-make fakeroot
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cp -rf ../debian .
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades librespeaker-dev/testing  #or `librespeaker-dev/stretch` if you want to build release version
# sed -i '6c \\tcmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..' debian/rules  #if you want to build release version
$ chmod a+x debian/
$ debian/

3. Parameters

3.1 Command line parameters

The command line parameters may change during the development of this project. To get the updated information of the command line paramenters, please inspect the options with

$ respeakerd -help
Usage: respeakerd [options]
respeakerd is a server application for the microphone arrays of SEEED.

  -m, --mode=MODE                          the mode of respeakerd, can be: standard, pulse
                                           default: standard
      --mic-type=MIC_TYPE                  the type of microphone array, can be CIRCULAR_6MIC, CIRCULAR_4MIC
                                           default: CIRCULAR_6MIC
  -t, --test                               test the configuration file and exit
      --hotword-engine=STRING              the hotword engine, can be: snowboy, snips
                                           default: snowboy
      --snowboy-res-path=PATH              the path to snowboay's resource file
                                           default: /usr/share/respeaker/snowboy/resources/common.res
      --snowboy-model-path=PATH            the path to snowboay's model file
                                           default: /usr/share/respeaker/snowboy/resources/snowboy.umdl
      --snowboy-sensitivity=FLOAT_NUMBER   the sensitivity of snowboy
                                           default: 0.5
      --snips-model-path=PATH              the path to snips's hotword model files
                                           default: /usr/share/respeaker/snips/model
      --snips-sensitivity=FLOAT_NUMBER     the sensitivity of snips hotword engine
                                           default: 0.5
  -s, --source=STRING                      the source of pulseaudio from which the audio stream is pulled
                                           default: default
  -g, --agc-level=INTEGER                  target dBFS for AGC, the range is [-31, 0]
                                           e.g. -g "-3" or --agc-level="-3", default: -3
  -r, --ref-channel=INTEGER                the channel index of the AEC reference, 6 or 7
                                           default: 6
      --fifo-file=FILE                     the path of the fifo file which is required by the pulse mode
                                           default: /tmp/music.input
      --dynamic-doa                        if specified, the DoA direction will dynamically track the sound,
                                           otherwise it only changes when hotword detected
  -w, --enable-wav-log                     enable logging audio streams into wav files for debugging purpose
  -v, --debug                              print more messages
  -h, --help                               display this help and exit
      --version                            output version information and exit

respeakerd can work in multiple modes.

  1. Standard mode (default, or -mode=standard) In this mode respeakerd will work as a socket server, and communicate with clients via the socket protocol, audio stream and events like triggered will go through this socket, in JSON format. The socket is an UNIX Domain Socket at /tmp/respeakerd.sock. respeakerd will recreate this socket file every time it startup.

  2. PulseAudio mode (-mode=pulse) respeakerd can stream its output into PulseAudio system in this mode. With the PulseAudio system, the processed audio stream out of respeakerd can then be dispatched to arbitrary consumer applications. To work with PulseAudio, configurations need to be done for PulseAudio, see 4. More about PulseAudio mode. After those configurations, PulseAudio will create a fifo file /tmp/music.input to receive and dispatch audio stream. So if you don't know how to configure PulseAudio to create the fifo file at another path, please don't change the -fifo_file parameter of respeakerd, just use the default.

3.2 Configuration file

All the command line options (except --test and --config) will be reflected in the configuration file. The default location of the configuration file is /etc/respeaker/respeakerd.conf.

The configurations in the file have lower priority than the command line options, that is, if you specify the same option both in command line and the configuration file, respeakerd will take the value from command line.

4. More about PulseAudio mode

4.1 PulseAudio configuratin

sample format and rate

If you're using the Pi, the following things should be checked. (We put those modifications into ReSpeaker Core v2's system image, if you're using Core v2, just ignore)

  • default-sample-format = float32le
  • default-sample-rate = 48000

Get your current default settings with pactl info and check.

For simplifying the configurations, we provide a tool - respeakerd-pi-tools, you can install this tool via

sudo apt install respeakerd-pi-tools

And do the configurations with ease

sudo respeakerd-pi-tools setup-pulse


We need PulseAudio's module-pipe-source module to be loaded, this will be handled by respeakerd_safe, it will detect if users have configured respeakerd to work as pulsemode, and will load the module automatically. When we're doing development, we might hope to load the module manually.

pactl load-module module-pipe-source source_name="respeakerd_output" format=s16le rate=16000 channels=1
pactl set-default-source respeakerd_output

Or just put into PulseAudio's configuration file.

$ sudo vim /etc/pulse/

Add the following lines to the end of this file:

load-module module-pipe-source source_name="respeakerd_output" format=s16le rate=16000 channels=1
set-default-source respeakerd_output

4.2 Start respeakerd in PulseAudio mode

When we're doing development, we might want to start respeakerd in pulse mode manually.

$ cd PROJECT-ROOT/build
$ src/respeakerd --mode=pulse --source="alsa_input.platform-sound_0.seeed-8ch" --debug

Add other options if you need.

Please note that if no application's consuming the audio stream from respeakerd_output source, respeakerd will seem like get stuck. This is normal because writing to a Linux pipe will be blocked if there's no consumer at the other end of this pipe. Everything will be working if you start to read the pipe, e.g. parecord -d respeakerd_output dump.wav.

Appendix A. Socket protocol

respeakerd exposes unix domain socket at /tmp/respeakerd.sock, this socket is a duplex stream socket, including input channel and output channel.

Output channel: respeakerd outputs audio data and events to clients.

Input channel: clients report messages to respeakerd, e.g. cloud_ready status message.

Please note that for now the respeakerd only accepts one client connection.

The messages are wrapped in json format, splited by "\r\n", like:


A.1 The json structure of output channel

{"type": "audio", "data": "audio data encoded with base64", "direction": float number in degree unit}
{"type": "event", "data": "hotword", "direction": float number in degree unit}

A.2 The json structure of input channel

For now the following messages are supported:

{"type": "status", "data": "ready"}

This is a status message which indicates that the client application has just connected to the cloud (here this client is both a client of respeakerd and a client of ASR cloud, e.g. Alexa Voice Service), respeakerd can now accept voice commands. In the following of this muanual, we illustrate all the mentions of cloud with Alexa.

{"type": "status", "data": "connecting"}

This is a status message which indicates that Alexa client has just lost connection to the cloud, respeakerd can't accept voice commands until ready state.

{"type": "cmd", "data": "stop_capture"}

This is a command message issued from the client. Generally the client gets this message from Alexa cloud, as Alexa has detected the end of a sentence. respeakerd hasn't utilize this message for now, it just keeps posting data to the client, becuase the base library the client is using - voice-engine - does drop packets when Alexa isn't available to receive inputs.

{"type": "status", "data": "on_speak"}

This is a status message which indicates that the client has just received the speech synthesis from Alexa and will begin to play. respeakerd utilizes this status to enhence the algorithms. It's recommended that the client should capture this event and pass it down to respeakerd if you're doing your own client application.

Appendix B. D-Bus protocol

respeakerd uses System Bus to deliver signals. This is especially usefull when it's working with the C++ version AVS client, as the C++ version AVS client doesn't communicate with respeakerd via the socket protocol but PulseAudio instead, so it can no longer receive the critical hotword event from respeakerd via json through the socket protocol. It receives the events via D-Bus.

D-Bus object name: "/io/respeaker/respeakerd" Interface: "respeakerd.signal"

respeakerd outputs:

  • trigger signal
  • respeakerd_ready signal

respeakerd listens to:

  • client ready signal
  • client connecting signal
  • client on_speak signal

And the following signals will be listened by the pixel_ring_server (scripts/pixel_ring_server, which is a Python script to drive the RBG led ring on the board)

  • on_idle signal
  • on_listen signal
  • on_think signal
  • on_speak signal

Except trigger and respeakerd_ready, all other signals are generated by the C++ AVS client.