*Прочтите это на русском языке: Russian
- You don't have to load fonts which will eliminate an
request. - You don't need to download
150 kb
for 1 icon. - All icons
inline SGV
in CSS. Clean html - Don't loose quality when disabling font smoothing.
- Don't askew icons if for some reason the font file wasn't loaded or loaded with errors.
- All icons from version
npm i fontawesome-scss --save-dev
or just simply add fontAwesome.scss
to your project.
@include fa($icon-name, color, size)
icon-name - Name of the icon prepended by $
, for example: $fa-user
color - any value supported by css
, hex, rgba, css variables.
size - any value supported by css
You could skip any of the arguments
Red color icon, 18px
@include fa($fa-user, red ,18px);
CSS result
.text:before {
content: '\00A0';
display: inline-block;
line-height: 44px;
width: 44px;
height: 44px;
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml utf8, <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="6.5-37.5,271.5-112.5S1876,22,1876-84 S1838.5-280.5,1763.5-355.5z"/></svg>);
If you want to save time, here is sublime snippet.
@include fa (\$${1:name});
fontawesome-scss is a teamwork of
reskwer and sokoliurii