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Object/Vehicle Re-identification

License: MIT

Baseline code for object re-identification. Based on layumi's person re-id repo. The code is general (although tested on vehicles), and works for any re-id task or dataset if the required annotation files are created.

A vehicle re-id tutorial is available in a Kaggle notebook for training, evaluating, and using a model.


Tested on python3.7 to 3.10, but probably other versions work too. Clone the repo, then create a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

And install the requirements (mostly torch and other utility packages ~2.0GB in total):

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

A complete install is not always necessary with the exact versions in the requirements.txt, the following versions also seem to work:


Data preparation

For training a re-id model the dataset has to be prepared. The images can be stored in any structure, but a csv file is needed for the train and validation subsets. The csv files contain a row per image and have mandatory path and id columns (and possible other columns, that are ignored).

$ head train_annot.csv 

The paths are relative to the dataset root folder, which is passed to the scripts. An example directory structure could look like this:

|── datasets/
|    |── annot/
|        |── train_annot.csv
|        |── val_annot.csv
|    |── VeRi-Wild/
|        |── images/ 
│    ├── cityflow2_reid/
|    |── VehicleX/ 


The script can be used to train a model, and saves it into a subdirectory under model. The most important (mandatory) parameters:

  • --name: Name of the model under the model subdirectory, it shouldn't exist yet, or things can be overwritten.
  • --data_dir: The root directory of the datasets.
  • --train_csv_path: The csv containing training data.
  • --val_csv_path: The csv containing validation data.

Other very important parameters:

  • --batchsize: Batch size during training, should be reasonable (like 32, 64).
  • --model: By default a Resnet50-ibn is trained. All options are: ['resnet', 'resnet_ibn', densenet', 'swin', 'hr', 'efficientnet']
  • --model_subtype: Type of model (e.g "50" or "101" for resnet, and "b0"-"b7" for efficientnet).
  • --total_epoch: Number of epochs - around 15 to 20 is needed at a minimum depending on the size of the dataset (with ~400 000 images I got decent results even after 10)
  • --warm_epoch: Number of warmup epochs (increase learning rate gradually)
  • --save_freq: Sets the frequency of saving a model in epochs (1: saving after each one, 2: after every second, etc), but the model is saved at the very end regardless.
  • --lr: Base learning rate.
  • --fp16: Use Mixed precision training (convert to float16 automatically in forward pass)
  • --triplet, --contrast, --sphere, --circle: Loss functions.

The following command is an example to train a Resnet50-ibn with contrastive loss:

python3 \
    --data_dir=datasets/ \
    --name=resnet_debug  \
    --train_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_train.csv \
    --val_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_val.csv \
    --save_freq=1 \
    --fp16 \
    --contrast \

If we cannot complete the whole training in one session, it can be continued from a checkpoint by providing the following parameters:

  • --name: it's value is the same as in the previous run
  • --checkpoint: A model weight to be loaded, it is under the model's directory with the name ofnet_X.pth. (X = the number of epochs)
  • --start_epoch: Epoch to continue from, if the checkpoint was net_X.pth this should be X+1.

Test and evaluate

The script computes embeddings for all gallery and query images and evaluates various metrics. It can be run with the following parameters:

  • --data_dir: Root dataset directory.
  • --query_csv_path: Query annotation csv file.
  • --gallery_csv_path: Gallery annot csv file.
  • --model_opts: Path to the options used when training the model (e.g ~/vehicle_reid/model/resnet_debug/opts.yaml)
  • --checkpoint: Path to the checkpoint. The last one is always saved, but if we overtrained we can choose a previous one.
  • --batchsize: Batch size for the model (does only affect performance, in case of low memory, this should be decreased).

Use trained model to extract features and evaluate metrics by:

python3 \
    --data_dir=datasets/ \
    --query_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_cityflow_query.csv \
    --gallery_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_cityflow_gallery.csv \
    --model_opts=model/resnet_debug/opts.yaml \
    --checkpoint=model/resnet_debug/net_14.pth \

It will output Rank@1, Rank@5, Rank@10 and mAP results.


A simple script allows us to inspect and save some queries. It can be run with the same parameters as, but if we already ran on the current dataset, it saved the result as pytorch_result.mat. The --use_saved_mat switch makes the visualization script use this cached result instead of loading and executing the model:

python3 \
    --data_dir=datasets/ \
    --query_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_cityflow_query.csv \
    --gallery_csv_path=datasets/annot/id_split_cityflow_gallery.csv \
    --model_opts=model/resnet_debug/opts.yaml \
    --checkpoint=model/resnet_debug/net_14.pth \

A screenshot of the utility is below. The query image is the first with a black border, then come the gallery images ordered descending by similarity to the query (so only the most similar images are shown). The gallery images have a green or red border depending on whether they are the same or a different id than the query. The left and right arrows on the keyboard helps to navigate the queries.

Cityflow sample query.


name images identities
VRIC 60K 5622
Cityflow (v2) 313K 880
VeRi-776 50K 776
VeRi-Wild 416K 40K
VehicleID 221K 26K
PKU-VD1 846K 141K
PKU-VD2 807K 79K
VehicleX ∞ (~170 models)



Models are trained on a random 75% of VRIC train, and tested on VRIC test. All trainings used cross entropy as id loss, this is not listed in losses. The default param values used (these are only mentioned in the table if they differ from this):
--batchsize=32, --total_epoch=20, --warm_epoch=3, --erasing_p=0.5, --samples_per_class=4, --lr=0.05

model metric losses other params Rank@1 Rank@5 Rank@10 mAP
Resnet50-ibn --circle, --contrast 73.1 91.0 94.8 77.1
Resnet50-ibn --contrast 72.3 89.6 93.0 76.2
Resnet50-ibn --circle 72.1 90.7 94.3 76.2
Resnet50-ibn --triplet 71.9 89.2 93.0 75.9
Resnet50-ibn --cosface 69.1 86.7 90.7 73.1
Resnet50-ibn --instance 68.6 86.8 90.8 72.7
Resnet50-ibn --arcface 68.3 87.3 91.0 72.5
Resnet50-ibn --sphere 68.0 86.6 90.5 72.1
Resnet50-ibn 68.4 86.8 90.4 72.5
Resnet50-ibn --samples_per_class=1 67.3 86.7 91.2 71.7
Resnet50-ibn --batchsize=64 64.5 84.5 89.9 69.1
Resnet50-ibn --batchsize=64, --samples_per_class=6 64.6 83.9 88.3 69.0
Resnet50-ibn --label_smoothing=0.05 68.5 86.4 90.3 72.5
Resnet50-ibn --fp16 68.6 86.5 90.7 72.6
Resnet50 64.6 84.8 89.6 69.2
Efficientnet-b0 63.7 83.3 88.1 68.2
HRNet 70.4 87.8 91.3 74.2
DenseNet121 65.8 85.6 90.4 70.2


The following paper uses and reports the result of the original baseline model (for person re-id). You may cite it in your paper.

  title={Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification},
  author={Zheng, Zhedong and Yang, Xiaodong and Yu, Zhiding and Zheng, Liang and Yang, Yi and Kautz, Jan},
  journal={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},