To deploy the reflex infrastructure, you will need to use terraform and have an AWS account to deploy to. You will also need CloudTrail configured in your account. For information on setting up CloudTrail see the AWS Documentation.
If using the CLI, you will need to install python3.
Reflex uses Terraform under the hood, so you'll need to install that as well.
If you're already launching Terraform with an AWS provider setup, continue using that provider confirguration, otherwise, continue using roles or credentials as:
Reflex currently only supports AWS, so you'll need to setup AWS credentials or a role for Terraform to utilize. For instructions on setting up your credentials see the AWS documentation.
To get started with Reflex, install the Reflex CLI: pip install reflex-cli
Note: when using the system's python3 installation, the above command may be pip3 install reflex-cli
. We recommend python environment management via pyenv
or pipenv
If you'd like to use our reflex terraform modules independently, simply reference them properly as a git source.
As an example of this, the following is the output of a built module using the reflex CLI's reflex build
module "reflex-aws-enforce-s3-encryption" {
source = "git::"
sns_topic_arn = module.central-sns-topic.arn
reflex_kms_key_id = module.reflex-kms-key.key_id
mode = ""
For information about the terraform modules, check out the relevant rule or engine repository in our Github organization.