I value any contribution to mime-types you can provide: a bug report, a feature request, or code contributions.
There are a few guidelines for contributing to mime-types:
Code changes will not be accepted without tests. The test suite is written with Minitest.
Match my coding style.
Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your commits into logical chunks as necessary.
Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release is made, the version will be updated at that point.
Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes.
New or changed behaviours require new or updated documentation.
The mime-types registry is no longer contained in mime-types, but in mime-types-data. Please see that project for contributions there.
mime-types uses Ryan Davis’s Hoe to manage the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be interested in:
$ rake
which runs the tests the same way that:
$ rake test $ rake travis
will do.
To assist with the installation of the development dependencies for mime-types, I have provided the simplest possible Gemfile pointing to the (generated) mime-types.gemspec
file. This will permit you to do:
$ bundle install
to get the development dependencies. If you aleady have hoe
installed, you can accomplish the same thing with:
$ rake newb
This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and generate the RDoc.
You can run tests with code coverage analysis by running:
$ rake test:coverage
mime-types offers several benchmark tasks to measure different measures of performance.
There is a repeated load test, measuring how long it takes to start and load mime-types with its full registry. By default, it runs fifty loops and uses the built-in benchmark library.
$ rake benchmark:load
There are two allocation tracing benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads). These can only be run on Ruby 2.1 or better and requires the allocation_tracer gem (not installed by default).
$ rake benchmark:allocations $ rake benchmark:allocations:columnar
There are two loaded object count benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads). These use ObjectSpace.count_objects
$ rake benchmark:objects $ rake benchmark:objects:columnar
Here’s the most direct way to get your work merged into the project:
Fork the project.
Clone down your fork (
git clone git://github.com/<username>/ruby-mime-types.git
). -
Create a topic branch to contain your change (
git checkout -b my_awesome_feature
). -
Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order.
Make sure everything still passes by running
. -
If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors.
Push the branch up (
git push origin my_awesome_feature
). -
Create a pull request against mime-types/ruby-mime-types and describe what your change does and the why you think it should be merged.
Austin Ziegler created mime-types.
Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to mime-types:
Aaron Patterson
Aggelos Avgerinos
Andre Pankratz
Andy Brody
Arnaud Meuret
Brandon Galbraith
Chris Gat
David Genord
Eric Marden
Garret Alfert
Godfrey Chan
Greg Brockman
Hans de Graaff
Henrik Hodne
Jeremy Evans
Juanito Fatas
Łukasz Śliwa
Keerthi Siva
Ken Ip
Martin d’Allens
Mauricio Linhares
Richard Hirner
Richard Hurt
Richard Schneeman
Tibor Szolár
Todd Carrico