FROM as builder RUN yum update -y && yum install \ git gcc gcc-c++ python3 \ cyrus-sasl-devel make \ tar wget \ cmake diffutils curl-devel -y COPY ./ . ARG RHOAS_VERSION RUN RHOAS_CLI_PATH=/opt/rhoas TAG=$RHOAS_VERSION ./ #Using version 1.6 of Kafkacat. Build from master has an issue where it doesn't accept input in producer mode until you hit Ctrl-D. RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch 1.6.0 /opt/kafkacat RUN pushd /opt/kafkacat && ./ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FROM LABEL maintainer="" ENV RHOAS_CLI_PATH="/usr/local/bin/rhoas" ENV OC_CLI_PATH="/usr/local/bin/oc" # Install required packages RUN microdnf install shadow-utils yum jq # Create the RHOAS user RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash rhoas USER rhoas COPY contrib/oc /usr/local/bin/oc COPY contrib/odo /usr/local/bin/odo COPY --from=builder --chown=root:root /opt/rhoas ${RHOAS_CLI_PATH} COPY scripts /usr/local/bin USER root RUN mkdir -p /.config/rhoas && chmod 777 -R /.config/rhoas && echo "{}" > /.config/rhoas/config.json && chmod 777 /.config/rhoas/config.json RUN mkdir /.kube && chmod 777 /.kube USER rhoas COPY --from=builder --chown=root:root /opt/kafkacat/kafkacat /usr/local/bin/kafkacat ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]