This Python App will export Zerto API data from the new ZVM appliance in prometheus format. It has several different threads that each scrape different parts of the ZVM API. To visualize the data in Grafana you will need to scrape this app with Prometheus and then create dashboards using Grafana.
Login to the server where you want to run this exporter and clone the project:
git clone
Go to the project directory:
cd Zerto_Exporter
Build image and start the container:
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
Add this part at the end of the configuration of your Prometheus (prometheus.yaml):
- job_name: python-exporter
metrics_path: /metrics.txt
- targets: ['<IP-of-Node-Exporter-Server>:9999']
Huge shout out to hmdhszd for the framework that started this project. You can find his non-zerto version of a Python Prometheus Exporter here.