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This repository contains source code for the COMAP ROACH2 system


To download, clone this repository and its submodules:

git clone
cd comap
git submodule init
git submodule update

This will obtain an appropriate mlib_devel version, against which the FPGA designs in this repository have been compiled.


Environment Configuration

Create a startsg.local environment file. An appropriate template (used for compiling on is startsg.local.maze. This contains:

export XILINX_PATH=/data/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS
export MATLAB_PATH=/data/matlab-r2013b
export GAVRT_PATH=/home/jackh/src/comap/legacy_casper

export XILINX_PLATFORM=lin64

Modify the first 3 lines with appropriate paths. The legacy_casper GAVRT library is distributed as part of this repository.

The COMAP FPGA designs have been compiled using the following tool versions:

  • MATLAB R2013b
  • Xilinx ISE 14.7
  • Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

Other OS / tool versions may work, but haven't been tested.

Loading FPGA Designs

  1. Start simulink by running, at the top-level of this repository:
./startsg startsg.local

MATLAB will start and after a few moments the terminal will become responsive.

  1. Load Xilinx System Generator

Empirical evidence is that System Generator can fail to load when used with Ubuntu 16.04 (which is not an officially supported OS). To work around this, a manual start script has been created to be run after MATLAB starts.

In the MATLAB prompt, execute:

>> runme

After a minute, System Generator will complete loading, and the MATLAB prompt will once again become responsive.

Loading FPGA Models

The COMAP ROACH2 Simulink model is fpga_src/comap_v31.slx.

This model compiles using the casper_xps flow, and meets timing at an ADC sample rate of 4.28 GSamples/second. This corresponds to a "simulink" clock rate of 267.5 MHz.

Some manual changes to the configuration of the FFT blocks in this design are necessary if the FFTs are redrawn (for example, because of a library update using update_casper_blocks). Without these changes, the design won't quite meet timing.

Change the FFT stage 2 and FFT-direct state 3-3 butterfly logic to use soft-logic, rather than DSP slices, for its adders. This can be set manually using the Simulink dialog prompt, or from the MATLAB prompt with the commands:

>> set_param([bdroot '/fft_wideband_real/fft_biplex_real_4x/biplex_core/fft_stage_2'], 'dsp48_adders', 'off')
>> set_param([bdroot '/fft_wideband_real1/fft_biplex_real_4x/biplex_core/fft_stage_2'], 'dsp48_adders', 'off')
>> set_param([bdroot '/fft_wideband_real/fft_direct/butterfly3_3'], 'dsp48_adders', 'off')
>> set_param([bdroot '/fft_wideband_real1/fft_direct/butterfly3_3'], 'dsp48_adders', 'off')


The following modifications have been made to the comap_v30.slx design (compiled at 250 MHz) in order to meet timing at 267.5 MHz:

  1. Create new control environment variable CASPER_USE_XILINX_CAST and regenerate all blocks with this set to 1, to avoid using CASPER custom cast logic.
  2. Set convert latency to 2 (was 1) in FFT blocks.
  3. Turn off DSP48 adders in stage 2 of FFT blocks.
  4. Add fanout registers to address lines of coefficient cX_Y RAM blocks, and compensate for latency change at ssbX inputs.
  5. Add fanout-control of valid GoTo blocks, providing 4 copies to drive downstream logic.
  6. Change various small counters to implement in behavioural HDL.
  7. Make cast blocks in final spectrometer power computation wrap (not saturate) since the bitwidths involved guarantee against overflow.
  8. Add UCF yellow block, to link placement constraints into CASPER build process.
  9. Set version register to hold value 31 (was 29, even though the model was named comap_v30.slx)
  10. Latency rearrangement in misc sync logic.

None of these changes should have any functional effect on the design, though the total FFT latency has been somewhat increased.