diff --git a/src/content/learn/state-a-components-memory.md b/src/content/learn/state-a-components-memory.md index 0d2fd910..d994c544 100644 --- a/src/content/learn/state-a-components-memory.md +++ b/src/content/learn/state-a-components-memory.md @@ -62,75 +62,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova velika skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ``` @@ -242,75 +242,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ``` @@ -431,75 +431,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ``` @@ -627,75 +627,75 @@ let image = document.getElementById('image'); let sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; // Učini da UI prikazuje inicijalni state. @@ -796,75 +796,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ``` @@ -967,75 +967,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ``` @@ -1129,75 +1129,75 @@ export default function Gallery() { export const sculptureList = [{ name: 'Homenaje a la Neurocirugía', artist: 'Marta Colvin Andrade', - description: 'Although Colvin is predominantly known for abstract themes that allude to pre-Hispanic symbols, this gigantic sculpture, an homage to neurosurgery, is one of her most recognizable public art pieces.', + description: 'Iako je Marta Colvin pretežno poznata po apstraktnim temama koje aludiraju na pre-hispanske simbole, ova ogromna skulptura, koja je omaž neurohirurgiji, jedna je od njenih najpoznatijih remek dela.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Mx7dA2Y.jpg', - alt: 'A bronze statue of two crossed hands delicately holding a human brain in their fingertips.' + alt: 'Bronzana statua dve skrštene ruke koje pažljivo drže ljudski mozak vrhovima prstiju.' }, { name: 'Floralis Genérica', artist: 'Eduardo Catalano', - description: 'This enormous (75 ft. or 23m) silver flower is located in Buenos Aires. It is designed to move, closing its petals in the evening or when strong winds blow and opening them in the morning.', + description: 'Ovaj ogromni (75 ft. ili 23m) srebrni cvet se nalazi u Buenos Ajresu. Dizajniran je da se pomera, zatvarajući svoje latice uveče ili kada duvaju jaki vetrovi, a otvarajući ih ujutru.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/ZF6s192m.jpg', - alt: 'A gigantic metallic flower sculpture with reflective mirror-like petals and strong stamens.' + alt: 'Velika metalna skulptura cveta sa reflektujućim laticama nalik na ogledalo i snažnim prašnicima.' }, { name: 'Eternal Presence', artist: 'John Woodrow Wilson', - description: 'Wilson was known for his preoccupation with equality, social justice, as well as the essential and spiritual qualities of humankind. This massive (7ft. or 2,13m) bronze represents what he described as "a symbolic Black presence infused with a sense of universal humanity."', + description: 'Wilson je poznat po svojoj preokupiranosti jednakošću, socijalnom pravdom, kao i suštinskim i duhovnim kvalitetima čovečanstva. Ova masivna (7ft. ili 2,13m) bronzana skulptura predstavlja ono što je on objasnio kao "simbolično crno prisustvo prožeto osećajem univerzalne humanosti".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/aTtVpES.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture depicting a human head seems ever-present and solemn. It radiates calm and serenity.' + alt: 'Skulptura ljudske glave koja deluje sveprisutno i svečano. Zrači mirnoćom i spokojstvom.' }, { name: 'Moai', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'Located on the Easter Island, there are 1,000 moai, or extant monumental statues, created by the early Rapa Nui people, which some believe represented deified ancestors.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Nalazi se na Uskršnjem ostrvu, gde postoji oko 1,000 moai očuvanih monumentalnih skulptura, koje su napravili prvobitni Rapa Nui ljudi, za koje se veruje da predstavljaju pretke Bogova.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/RCwLEoQm.jpg', - alt: 'Three monumental stone busts with the heads that are disproportionately large with somber faces.' + alt: 'Tri monumentalne biste sa neproporcionalno velikim glavama i namrštenim licima.' }, { name: 'Blue Nana', artist: 'Niki de Saint Phalle', - description: 'The Nanas are triumphant creatures, symbols of femininity and maternity. Initially, Saint Phalle used fabric and found objects for the Nanas, and later on introduced polyester to achieve a more vibrant effect.', + description: 'Nane su trijumfalna stvorenja, simboli ženstvenosti i majčinstva. Inicijalno, Saint Phalle je koristila tkaninu i pronađene objekte za Nane, ali je kasnije uvela poliester kako bi napravila živopisniji dojam.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/Sd1AgUOm.jpg', - alt: 'A large mosaic sculpture of a whimsical dancing female figure in a colorful costume emanating joy.' + alt: 'Velika mozaička skulptura neobične ženske figure u raznobojnom kostimu koji odiše radošću.' }, { name: 'Ultimate Form', artist: 'Barbara Hepworth', - description: 'This abstract bronze sculpture is a part of The Family of Man series located at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Hepworth chose not to create literal representations of the world but developed abstract forms inspired by people and landscapes.', + description: 'Ova apstraktna bronzana skulptura je deo The Family of Man serije koja se nalazi u Jorkširskom parku skulptura. Hepworth je odlučila da ne pravi bukvalne reprezentacije sveta, već apstraktne forme inspirisane ljudima i pejzažima.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/2heNQDcm.jpg', - alt: 'A tall sculpture made of three elements stacked on each other reminding of a human figure.' + alt: 'Visoka skulptura tri elementa jedna na drugom koja podseća na ljudsku figuru.' }, { name: 'Cavaliere', artist: 'Lamidi Olonade Fakeye', - description: "Descended from four generations of woodcarvers, Fakeye's work blended traditional and contemporary Yoruba themes.", + description: "Pošto potiče od četiri generacije drvorezbara, Fakeye-ova dela su mešavina tradicionalne i savremene Joruba tematike.", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/wIdGuZwm.png', - alt: 'An intricate wood sculpture of a warrior with a focused face on a horse adorned with patterns.' + alt: 'Složena drvena skulptura ratnika čije lice je fokusirano na konja ukrašenim šarama.' }, { name: 'Big Bellies', artist: 'Alina Szapocznikow', - description: "Szapocznikow is known for her sculptures of the fragmented body as a metaphor for the fragility and impermanence of youth and beauty. This sculpture depicts two very realistic large bellies stacked on top of each other, each around five feet (1,5m) tall.", + description: "Alina je poznata po skulpturama izdeljenog tela kao metafore za krhkost i nestalnost mladosti i lepote. Ova skulptura prikazuje dva veoma realistična velika stomaka jednog na drugom, gde je svaki visok oko 5 stopa (1,5m).", url: 'https://i.imgur.com/AlHTAdDm.jpg', - alt: 'The sculpture reminds a cascade of folds, quite different from bellies in classical sculptures.' + alt: 'Ova skulptura podseća na slapove nabora i dosta se razlikuje od stomaka na klasičnim skulpturama.' }, { name: 'Terracotta Army', - artist: 'Unknown Artist', - description: 'The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The army consisted of more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses.', + artist: 'Nepoznati umetnik', + description: 'Terracotta Army je kolekcija terakota skulptura koje predstavljaju armiju Qin Shi Huang-a, prvog cara Kine. Armija se sastojala od preko 8,000 vojnika, 130 kola sa 520 konja i 150 članova konjice.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/HMFmH6m.jpg', - alt: '12 terracotta sculptures of solemn warriors, each with a unique facial expression and armor.' + alt: '12 terakota skulptura svečanih vojnika, od kojih svaki ima jedinstvenu facijalnu ekspresiju i oklop.' }, { name: 'Lunar Landscape', artist: 'Louise Nevelson', - description: 'Nevelson was known for scavenging objects from New York City debris, which she would later assemble into monumental constructions. In this one, she used disparate parts like a bedpost, juggling pin, and seat fragment, nailing and gluing them into boxes that reflect the influence of Cubism’s geometric abstraction of space and form.', + description: 'Nevelson je poznata po uklanjanju objekata iz ruševina Njujorka, od kojih je kasnije pravila monumentalne konstrukcije. Za ovo je koristila rasparene delove poput noge od kreveta, palice za žongliranje i delove sedišta, zakucavajući ih i lepeći u kutije koje podsećaju na kubističku geometrijsku apstrakciju prostora i forme.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/rN7hY6om.jpg', - alt: 'A black matte sculpture where the individual elements are initially indistinguishable.' + alt: 'Crna mat skulptura gde su pojedinačni delovi na početku bili neprimetni.' }, { name: 'Aureole', artist: 'Ranjani Shettar', - description: 'Shettar merges the traditional and the modern, the natural and the industrial. Her art focuses on the relationship between man and nature. Her work was described as compelling both abstractly and figuratively, gravity defying, and a "fine synthesis of unlikely materials."', + description: 'Shettar spaja tradicionalno i moderno, prirodno i industrijsko. Njena umetnost se fokusira na vezu između čoveka i prirode. Njen rad se opisuje kao ubedljiv i apstraktno i figurativno, prokoseći gravitaciji, kao i "dobra sinteza neobičnih materijala".', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/okTpbHhm.jpg', - alt: 'A pale wire-like sculpture mounted on concrete wall and descending on the floor. It appears light.' + alt: 'Bleda skulptura nalik na žicu postavljena na betonski zid spuštajući se na pod. Izgleda lako.' }, { name: 'Hippos', artist: 'Taipei Zoo', - description: 'The Taipei Zoo commissioned a Hippo Square featuring submerged hippos at play.', + description: 'Zoološki vrt u Tajpeju je naručio trg nilskih konja koji se igraju zaronjeni.', url: 'https://i.imgur.com/6o5Vuyu.jpg', - alt: 'A group of bronze hippo sculptures emerging from the sett sidewalk as if they were swimming.' + alt: 'Grupa bronzanih skulptura nilskih konja koji kao da isplivavaju na trotoar.' }]; ```