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File metadata and controls

executable file
301 lines (222 loc) · 12.2 KB


The Mapbox Maps API supports the retrieval of vector and raster tilesets as images, TileJSON, or embeddable HTML slippy maps.

If you use Mapbox GL JS, Mapbox.js, or another library like Leaflet, you're already using the Maps API. You do not need to read this reference to design or use Mapbox maps. Instead, this documentation is meant for software developers who want to programmatically understand these resources.

Restrictions and limits

  • Use of the Mapbox Maps API endpoint is rate limited based on your user plan. The default is 100,000 requests per minute.
  • Exceeding your user plan's number requests per minute will result in an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response.
  • For information on rate limit headers, see the Rate limits section.

If you require a higher rate limit, contact us.

Retrieve tiles

GET /v4/{map_id}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}{@2x}.{format}

Returns an image tile, vector tile, or UTFGrid in the specified format.

The response is an image tile in the specified format. For performance, image tiles are delivered with a max-age header value set 12 hours in the future.

URL parameter Description
map_id Unique identifier for the tileset in the format To composite multiple tilesets, use a comma-separated list of up to 15 tileset IDs.
zoom Specifies the tile's zoom level, as described in the Slippy Map Tilenames specification.
{x}/{y} Specifies the tile's column {x} and row {y}, as described in the Slippy Map Tilenames specification.
Request a higher DPI version of the image.
format Specifies the format of the returned tiles:
.mvtVector tile
pngTrue color PNG
png3232 color indexed PNG
png6464 color indexed PNG
png128128 color indexed PNG
png256256 color indexed PNG
jpg7070% quality JPG
jpg8080% quality JPG
jpg9090% quality JPG
The format of any image request can be replaced by any of these formats to adjust image quality for different bandwidth requirements. Higher-compression formats like jpg70 or png32 can be useful to favor performance over image quality.

Note: Tiles that include mapbox.satellite are always delivered as JPEGs, even if the URL specifies PNG. The PNG format can't efficiently encode photographic images like those used by mapbox.satellite.

Request style-optimized tiles

Vector tiles can be further optimized by including a style ID with the tile request. If the style parameter is provided, the sources, filters, minzoom, and maxzoom properties of that style are analyzed, and data that won't be visible on the map is removed from the vector tile. Mapbox GL JS can request style-optimized vector tiles that are hosted on Mapbox with a Mapbox Style JSON.

A style-optimized tile request requires the style query parameter:

Query parameter Description
The style parameter is broken into two parts, the style ID and the style's recently edited timestamp. The timestamp parameter comes from the style JSON's modified property, which is included with any style created with Mapbox Studio.

Note: Unused layers and features are removed from optimized styles. If you plan to dynamically change the style at runtime using Mapbox GL JS or a Mapbox mobile SDK, broadening filters and zoom ranges won't work the same way since any data that isn't visible with the loaded style also won't be included in the data.

Example request

curl "{your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a 2x tile; this 512x512 tile is appropriate for high-density displays like Retina
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a tile with 70% quality JPG encoding
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Retrieve a tile with 32 color indexed PNG
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Return a style-optimized tile using the style query parameter
curl "{your_access_token}"
// This API cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Java SDK
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Objective-C libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Swift libraries

Retrieve an HTML slippy map

GET /v4/{map_id}{/options}.html{#hash}

Returns HTML for a slippy map that can be used for sharing or embedding.

URL parameter Description
map_id Unique identifier for the tileset in the format
A comma-separated list of controls and map behaviors to be included in the map:
  • zoomwheel: Enable zooming with the mouse wheel
  • zoompan: Enable zoom and pan controls
  • geocoder: Add a geocoder control to the result slippy map
  • share: Add a share control

A request to retrieve an HTML slippy map can be further refined by adding the optional hash parameter:

Query parameter Description
Specify a zoom level and location for the map to center on, in the format #zoom/lat/lon. Note: This hash is placed after the access_token in the request.

Example request

# Returns a map with zoom and pan controls, a geocoder, and a share control
curl ",zoompan,geocoder,share.html?access_token={your_access_token}"
// This API cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Java SDK
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Objective-C libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Swift libraries

Retrieve TileJSON metadata

GET /v4/{map_id}.json

Returns TileJSON metadata for a tileset. The TileJSON object describes a map's resources, like tiles, markers, and UTFGrid, as well as its name, description, and centerpoint.

URL parameter Description
map_id Unique identifier for the tileset in the format

This endpoint can be further customized with the optional secure parameter:

Query parameter Description
By default, resource URLs in the retrieved TileJSON (such as in the "tiles" array) will use the HTTP scheme. Include this query parameter in your request to receive HTTPS resource URLs instead.

Example request

curl "{your_access_token}"

# Request HTTPS resource URLs in the retrieved TileJSON
curl "{your_access_token}"
// This API cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This API cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Java SDK
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Objective-C libraries
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Swift libraries

Example response

  "attribution": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; Mapbox</a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; OpenStreetMap</a> <a class=\"mapbox-improve-map\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Improve this map</a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; DigitalGlobe</a>",
  "autoscale": true,
  "bounds": [-180, -85, 180, 85],
  "cacheControl": "max-age=43200,s-maxage=604800",
  "center": [0, 0, 3],
  "created": 1358310600000,
  "description": "",
  "id": "mapbox.satellite",
  "maxzoom": 19,
  "minzoom": 0,
  "modified": 1446150592060,
  "name": "Mapbox Satellite",
  "private": false,
  "scheme": "xyz",
  "tilejson": "2.0.0",
  "tiles": [
  "webpage": ""

Retrieve a standalone marker

GET /v4/marker/{name}-{label}+{color}{@2x}.png

Request a single marker image without an accompanying background map.

URL Parameter Description
name Marker shape and size. Options are pin-s and pin-l.
A Maki v0.5.0 icon value. Options are an alphanumeric label a through z, 0 through 99, or a valid Maki icon. If a letter is requested, it will be rendered in uppercase only.
A 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal color code. The default color is gray.
Include to request a high DPI version of the image.

Example request

# Returns a small red marker that contains a car icon, high DPI version
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Returns a large default gray marker
curl "{your_access_token}"

# Returns a small blue marker labeled A
curl "{your_access_token}"
// This method cannot be accessed with the JavaScript SDK
# This method cannot be accessed with the Python SDK
# This method cannot be accessed with Mapbox CLI
// This API cannot be accessed with the Mapbox Java SDK
@import MapboxStatic;

MBMarkerOptions *options = [[MBMarkerOptions alloc] initWithSize:MBMarkerSizeSmall iconName:@"cafe"];
    options.color = [UIColor brownColor];
    options.color = [NSColor brownColor];
MBSnapshot *snapshot = [[MBSnapshot alloc] initWithOptions:options accessToken:@"<#your access token#>"];

// Retrieve the image synchronously, blocking the calling thread.
// `image` is a `UIImage` on iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and an `NSImage` on macOS.
self.imageView.image = snapshot.image;

// Alternatively, pass a completion handler to run asynchronously on the main thread.
[snapshot imageWithCompletionHandler:^(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    self.imageView.image = image;
import MapboxStatic

let options = MarkerOptions(
  size: .small,
  iconName: "cafe")
options.color = .brown

// If Snapshot conflicts with another class in your module, use `MapboxStatic.Snapshot`.
let snapshot = Snapshot(
  options: options,
  accessToken: "<#your access token#>")

// Retrieve the image synchronously, blocking the calling thread.
// `image` is a `UIImage` on iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and an `NSImage` on macOS.
imageView.image = snapshot.image

// Alternatively, pass a completion handler to run asynchronously on the main thread.
snapshot.image { (image, error) in
    imageView.image = image