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104 lines (76 loc) · 2.62 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (76 loc) · 2.62 KB

Run a docker test node

  1. Build and run your own docker image using docker-compose file. Build time could take up to 60 min.

    git clone
    docker-compose -p my_wika_node -f docker-compose.yaml up --build
  2. Pull and run latest image of wika test node using docker-compose file

    git clone
    docker-compose -p my_wika_node -f docker-compose.yaml up

Install locally

  1. Follow substrate documentation to install dependencies (do #1 only)

  2. For example, in apt world

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev
  3. Install and setup rust

    curl -sSf | sh
    source ~/.cargo/env
    rustup default stable
    rustup update
    rustup update nightly
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
  4. Git clone substrate

    Current substrate repo compatible tag is monthly-2021-08

    git clone
    cd substrate
    git checkout monthly-2021-08
    cd ..
  5. Git clone wika-node side by side with substrate

    git clone
  6. Compile it Should take 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on your number of CPUs, also note that a minimum of 4Gb of RAM is required here.

    cd wika_node
    cargo build
    cargo build --release

Run locally for development

./target/debug/wika-node --tmp --dev -lOWNERS=debug -lLIKE=debug
./target/release/wika-node --tmp --dev -lOWNERS=debug -lLIKE=debug

Enabling offchain worker with Alice as a verifier

  1. Add Alice's private keys to the owner pallet.

    curl http://localhost:9933 -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d "@./dev_keys/alice_ownr.json"
  2. Use the owners pallet addVerifier transaction to add Alice public key as a verifier.

Generating a chain spec file


.target/release/wika-node  --chain test build-spec > specfile.json

Start a test node and join test net


./target/release/wika-node \
    --public-addr /ip4/x.x.x.x \
    --base-path /var/db_wika/test1 \
    --telemetry-url 'wss:// 0' \
    --name xyz1 \
    --chain specfile.json \
    --bootnodes /ip4/z.z.z.z/tcp/30334/p2p/xyz