diff --git a/templates/template/packages/README.md b/templates/template/packages/README.md index 39fa0073..b335ca40 100644 --- a/templates/template/packages/README.md +++ b/templates/template/packages/README.md @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ To check whether the new packages you are introducing will cause any issues with - Run `make clean` - Run `make charts` to test your changes by committing the generated directories and pushing it to a branch. Once it is available at such a branch, it can be picked up by any tools that can point to Github based Helm Repositories (e.g. Rancher Cluster Explorer Apps & Marketplace). - If you encounter bugs, undo the `make charts` commit (e.g. `git reset HEAD~1 --hard` or `git reset HEAD~1 --soft; git checkout -- .; git clean -df` if you want to do it in multiple steps) and repeat the above steps. -- Once you are ready to make a PR, ensure the last commit contains only the generated `make charts` changes and submit a PR. The PR worklow will automatically run `make validate` to ensure that your current repository wouldn't introduce any conflicts during a release. +- Once you are ready to make a PR, ensure the last commit contains only the generated `make charts` changes and submit a PR. The PR workflow will automatically run `make validate` to ensure that your current repository wouldn't introduce any conflicts during a release. - Open up a PR with your changes. ### Troubleshooting