Paper is a modern freedesktop icon theme whose design is based around the use of bold colours and simple geometric shapes to compose icons. Each icon has been meticulously designed for pixel-perfect viewing.
While it does take some inspiration from the icons in Google's Material Design, some aspects have been adjusted to better suit a desktop environment.
Paper is licenced under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. When reusing this work be sure to include a proper attribution:
"Paper Icons" by Sam Hewitt is licensed under CC-SA-4.0
Software that is included is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
Download instructions are available on the official site.
You can build and install the Paper icon themes from source, provide you have gnome-common
installed on your system.
sudo make install
You can file an icon request as a GitHub issue. Filing an icon request or reporting a missing icon, please take care in providing the following useful information:
- A screenshot of your issue or an image of the original icon you are requesting to be themed
- The file name for the missing icon or the requested icon, for example
- A short description of the application or software that you are requesting an icon for.
Note: some software ships hardcoded icons, meaning when you install icons are not placed in the system-wide directory /usr/share/icons
which makes them unthemeable.
If you like, you can assign a bounty to your request via Bountysource:
You can visit the support channel #Paper-Chat
on Freenode for questions and discussion or join the Gitter chat:
You can also support the development of Paper by donating. Donations are much appreciated. 😊