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snap collector plugin - memcache

Collected Metrics

This plugin has the ability to gather the following metrics:

Namespace Description
/raintank/memcache/general/pid Process id of this server process
/raintank/memcache/general/uptime Number of secs since the server started
/raintank/memcache/general/time current UNIX time according to the server
/raintank/memcache/general/version Version string of this server
/raintank/memcache/general/pointer_size Default size of pointers on the host OS (generally 32 or 64)
/raintank/memcache/general/rusage_user Accumulated user time for this process (seconds:microseconds)
/raintank/memcache/general/rusage_system Accumulated system time for this process (seconds:microseconds)
/raintank/memcache/general/curr_items Current number of items stored
/raintank/memcache/general/total_items Total number of items stored since the server started
/raintank/memcache/general/bytes Current number of bytes used to store items
/raintank/memcache/general/curr_connections Number of open connections
/raintank/memcache/general/total_connections Total number of connections opened since the server started running
/raintank/memcache/general/rejected_connections Conns rejected in maxconns_fast mode
/raintank/memcache/general/connection_structures Number of connection structures allocated by the server
/raintank/memcache/general/reserved_fds Number of misc fds used internally
/raintank/memcache/general/cmd_get Cumulative number of retrieval reqs
/raintank/memcache/general/cmd_set Cumulative number of storage reqs
/raintank/memcache/general/cmd_flush Cumulative number of flush reqs
/raintank/memcache/general/cmd_touch Cumulative number of touch reqs
/raintank/memcache/general/get_hits Number of keys that have been requested and found present
/raintank/memcache/general/get_misses Number of items that have been requested and not found
/raintank/memcache/general/get_expired Number of items that have been requested but had already expired.
/raintank/memcache/general/delete_misses Number of deletions reqs for missing keys
/raintank/memcache/general/delete_hits Number of deletion reqs resulting in an item being removed.
/raintank/memcache/general/incr_misses Number of incr reqs against missing keys.
/raintank/memcache/general/incr_hits Number of successful incr reqs.
/raintank/memcache/general/decr_misses Number of decr reqs against missing keys.
/raintank/memcache/general/decr_hits Number of successful decr reqs.
/raintank/memcache/general/cas_misses Number of CAS reqs against missing keys.
/raintank/memcache/general/cas_hits Number of successful CAS reqs.
/raintank/memcache/general/cas_badval Number of CAS reqs for which a key was found, but the CAS value did not match.
/raintank/memcache/general/touch_hits Numer of keys that have been touched with a new expiration time
/raintank/memcache/general/touch_misses Numer of items that have been touched and not found
/raintank/memcache/general/auth_cmds Number of authentication commands handled, success or failure.
/raintank/memcache/general/auth_errors Number of failed authentications.
/raintank/memcache/general/evictions Number of valid items removed from cache to free memory for new items
/raintank/memcache/general/reclaimed Number of times an entry was stored using memory from an expired entry
/raintank/memcache/general/bytes_read Total number of bytes read by this server from network
/raintank/memcache/general/bytes_written Total number of bytes sent by this server to network
/raintank/memcache/general/limit_maxbytes Number of bytes this server is allowed to use for storage.
/raintank/memcache/general/listen_disabled_num Number of times server has stopped accepting new connections (maxconns).
/raintank/memcache/general/time_in_listen_disabled_us Number of microseconds in maxconns.
/raintank/memcache/general/threads Number of worker threads requested. (see doc/threads.txt)
/raintank/memcache/general/conn_yields Number of times any connection yielded to another due to hitting the -R limit.
/raintank/memcache/general/hash_power_level Current size multiplier for hash table
/raintank/memcache/general/hash_bytes Bytes currently used by hash tables
/raintank/memcache/general/expired_unfetched Items pulled from LRU that were never touched by get/incr/append/etc before expiring
/raintank/memcache/general/evicted_unfetched Items evicted from LRU that were never touched by get/incr/append/etc.
/raintank/memcache/general/slabs_moved Total slab pages moved
/raintank/memcache/general/crawler_reclaimed Total items freed by LRU Crawler
/raintank/memcache/general/crawler_items-checked Total items examined by LRU Crawler
/raintank/memcache/general/lrutail_reflocked Times LRU tail was found with active ref. Items can be evicted to avoid OOM errors.
/raintank/memcache/general/moves_to_cold Items moved from HOT/WARM to COLD LRU's
/raintank/memcache/general/moves_to_warm Items moved from COLD to WARM LRU
/raintank/memcache/general/moves_within_lru Items reshuffled within HOT or WARM LRU's
/raintank/memcache/general/direct_reclaims Times worker threads had to directly reclaim or evict items.
/raintank/memcache/general/lru_crawler_starts Times an LRU crawler was started
/raintank/memcache/general/lru_maintainer_juggles Number of times the LRU bg thread woke up
/raintank/memcache/general/slab_global_page_pool Slab pages returned to global pool for reassignment to other slab classes.
/raintank/memcache/general/slab_reassign_rescues Items rescued from eviction in page move
/raintank/memcache/general/slab_reassign_evictions_nomem Valid items evicted during a page move (due to no free memory in slab)
/raintank/memcache/general/slab_reassign_inline_reclaim Internal stat counter for when the page mover clears memory from the chunk freelist when it wasn't expecting to.
/raintank/memcache/general/slab_reassign_busy_items Items busy during page move, requiring a retry before page can be moved.
/raintank/memcache/general/log_worker_dropped Logs a worker never wrote due to full buf
/raintank/memcache/general/log_worker_written Logs written by a worker, to be picked up
/raintank/memcache/general/log_watcher_skipped Logs not sent to slow watchers.
/raintank/memcache/general/log_watcher_sent Logs written to watchers.
/raintank/memcache/settings/maxbytes Maximum number of bytes allows in this cache
/raintank/memcache/settings/maxconns Maximum number of clients allowed.
/raintank/memcache/settings/tcpport TCP listen port.
/raintank/memcache/settings/udpport UDP listen port.
/raintank/memcache/settings/verbosity 0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = lots
/raintank/memcache/settings/oldest Age of the oldest honored object.
/raintank/memcache/settings/umask umask for the creation of the domain socket.
/raintank/memcache/settings/growth_factor Chunk size growth factor.
/raintank/memcache/settings/chunk_size Minimum space allocated for key+value+flags.
/raintank/memcache/settings/num_threads Number of threads (including dispatch).
/raintank/memcache/settings/reqs_per_event Max num IO ops processed within an event.
/raintank/memcache/settings/tcp_backlog TCP listen backlog.
/raintank/memcache/settings/item_size_max maximum item size
/raintank/memcache/settings/hashpower_init Starting size multiplier for hash table
/raintank/memcache/settings/lru_crawler_sleep Microseconds to sleep between LRU crawls
/raintank/memcache/settings/lru_crawler_tocrawl Max items to crawl per slab per run
/raintank/memcache/settings/hot_lru_pct Pct of slab memory reserved for HOT LRU
/raintank/memcache/settings/warm_lru_pct Pct of slab memory reserved for WARM LRU
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/chunk_size The amount of space each chunk uses. One item will use one chunk of the appropriate size.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/chunks_per_page How many chunks exist within one page. A page by default is less than or equal to one megabyte in size. Slabs are allocated by page, then broken into chunks.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/total_pages Total number of pages allocated to the slab class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/total_chunks Total number of chunks allocated to the slab class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/get_hits Total number of get requests serviced by this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/cmd_set Total number of set requests storing data in this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/delete_hits Total number of successful deletes from this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/incr_hits Total number of incrs modifying this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/decr_hits Total number of decrs modifying this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/cas_hits Total number of CAS commands modifying this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/cas_badval Total number of CAS commands that failed to modify a value due to a bad CAS id.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/touch_hits Total number of touches serviced by this class.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/used_chunks How many chunks have been allocated to items.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/free_chunks Chunks not yet allocated to items, or freed via delete.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/free_chunks_end Number of free chunks at the end of the last allocated page.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/*/mem_requested Number of bytes requested to be stored in this slab[*].
/raintank/memcache/slabs/total/active_slabs Total number of slab classes allocated.
/raintank/memcache/slabs/total/total_malloced Total amount of memory allocated to slab pages.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/number Number of items presently stored in this class. Expired items are not automatically excluded.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/number_hot Number of items presently stored in the HOT LRU.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/number_warm Number of items presently stored in the WARM LRU.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/number_cold Number of items presently stored in the COLD LRU.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/number_noexp Number of items presently stored in the NOEXP class.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/age Age of the oldest item in the LRU.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/evicted Number of times an item had to be evicted from the LRU before it expired.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/evicted_nonzero Number of times an item which had an explicit expire time set had to be evicted from the LRU before it expired.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/evicted_time Seconds since the last access for the most recent item evicted from this class. Use this to judge how recently active your evicted data is.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/outofmemory Number of times the underlying slab class was unable to store a new item. This means you are running with -M or an eviction failed.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/tailrepairs Number of times we self-healed a slab with a refcount leak. If this counter is increasing a lot, please report your situation to the developers.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/reclaimed Number of times an entry was stored using memory from an expired entry.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/expired_unfetched Number of expired items reclaimed from the LRU which were never touched after being set.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/evicted_unfetched Number of valid items evicted from the LRU which were never touched after being set.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/crawler_reclaimed Number of items freed by the LRU Crawler.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/lrutail_reflocked Number of items found to be refcount locked in the LRU tail.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/moves_to_cold Number of items moved from HOT or WARM into COLD.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/moves_to_warm Number of items moved from COLD to WARM.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/moves_within_lru Number of times active items were bumped within HOT or WARM.
/raintank/memcache/items/*/direct_reclaims Number of times worker threads had to directly pull LRU tails to find memory for a new item.

The list of available metrics might vary depending on the Memcache version or the system configuration.