Load chart data and update chart based on inputs
In both ways we will configure chart, chose either one.
php artisan make:dachartjs ProjectCharts
namespace App\Charts;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Abstracts\AbstractChart;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Types\Bar\HorizontalBarChart;
class ProjectCharts extends AbstractChart
protected function chartTitle(): string
return 'Project Charts';
protected function chartType(): string
return HorizontalBarChart::class;
protected function labels(): array
return []; // empty labels, will be loaded by ajax
protected function datasets(): array
return []; // empty datasets, will be loaded by ajax
protected function chartSize(): array
return [
'height' => 250
Note: datasets() and labels() are empty because these data will be loaded by ajax.
In controller: now use the class in the controller
use App\Charts\ProjectCharts;
class ChartController extends Controller {
public function index(){
$chart = new ProjectCharts();
return view('charts.report')->with('chart',$chart->template());
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Chart;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Types\Bar\HorizontalBarChart;
class ReportController extends Controller {
public function index()
$barChart = (new Chart('Project Charts', HorizontalBarChart::class))
->labels([]) // empty labels, will be loaded by ajax
->datasets([]) // empty datasets, will be loaded by ajax
return view('dashboard')->with('chart',$barChart);
use \RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Facades\ChartResponse;
class ChartController {
public function projectCharts(Request $request)
// default dates
$start_date = date('Y-m')."-"."01";
$end_date = date("Y-m-t");
// replace default dates with user inputs
if ($request->has('start_date') && $request->has('end_date')) {
$start_date = $request->get('start_date');
$end_date = $request->get('end_date');
$projectPending = Project::where('status','pending')
$projectCompleted = Project::where('status','completed')
$taskPending = Task::where('status','pending')
$taskCompleted = Task::where('status','completed')
$datasets = [
return ChartResponse::labels(['Projects','Tasks'])->datasets($datasets)->toJson();
In view file:
<div class="row">
<input type="text" id="start_date" class="form-control datepicker" placeholder="" aria-label="">
<input type="text" id="end_date" class="form-control datepicker" placeholder="" aria-label="">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="search-btn" type="button">
<i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> Search
<div class="chart">
<!-- generate chart canvas html -->
{!! $chart->chartHtml() !!}
<!-- generate chart.js CDN -->
{!! $chart->chartLibraries() !!}
<!-- update or refresh by firing an event -->
{!! $chart->apiChartScripts([
'url' => url('project/charts'),
'type' => 'POST',
'headers' => [
'X-CSRF-TOKEN' => csrf_token()
], 'search-btn', ["start_date","end_date"]) !!}
When 'search-btn' is clicked it get values from start_date, end_date inputs and update the chart based on inputs. Input ids used as http request key to get data in the back-end (e:g; $request->get('start_date'), $request->get('end_date'))
Note: If your route need authorization then make sure you added Authorization header
$chart->apiChartScripts([ 'url' => url('project/charts'), 'type' => 'POST', 'headers' => [ 'X-CSRF-TOKEN' => csrf_token(), 'Authorization' => 'Bearer someauthorizedtoken' ] ])