Load chart data by ajax
In both ways we will configure chart, chose either one.
php artisan make:dachartjs TopSalesChart
namespace App\Charts;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Abstracts\AbstractChart;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Types\Bar\HorizontalBarChart;
class TopSalesChart extends AbstractChart
protected function chartTitle(): string
return 'Top Sales Chart';
protected function chartType(): string
return HorizontalBarChart::class;
protected function labels(): array
return []; // empty labels, will be loaded by ajax
protected function datasets(): array
return []; // empty datasets, will be loaded by ajax
* Change default options when necessary
* @override method
* @return array
protected function changeDefaultOptions(): array
return [
'plugins.title.text' => 'Monthly Project, Task And Issue Chart',
'plugins.title.color' => 'red'
Note: datasets() and labels() are empty because these data will be loaded by ajax.
In controller: now use the class in the controller
use App\Charts\TopSalesChart;
class ChartController extends Controller {
public function index(){
$chart = new TopSalesChart();
return view('charts.report')->with('chart',$chart->template());
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Chart;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Types\Bar\HorizontalBarChart;
class ReportController extends Controller {
public function index()
$chart = (new Chart('Top Sales Chart', HorizontalBarChart::class))->template();
return view('charts.report')->with('salesChart',$chart);
Note: datasets() and labels() are missing because these will be loaded by ajax.
For api response we used ChartResponse
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Facades\ChartResponse;
use RadiateCode\DaChartjs\Facades\Dataset;
class ChartController {
public function topSalesMonthly(Request $request){
// place db query to fetch data form db
$sales = Sale::groupBy('month')
->selectRaw('SUM(product_sold_quantity) as total_volume')
$datasets = [
return ChartResponse::labels(['Jan','Feb','March'])->datasets($datasets)->toJson();
In view (blade) file:
<div class="chart">
<div class="chart">
<!-- generate chart canvas html -->
{!! $salesChart->chartHtml() !!}
<!-- generate chart.js CDN -->
{!! $salesChart->chartLibraries() !!}
<!-- load chart -->
{!! $salesChart->apiChartScripts(url('fetch/monthly/top/sales/chart')) !!}
Note: by default AJAX type is GET when you pass only url to apiChartScripts.
Note: If you want more control then pass an array of ajax options
$salesChart->apiChartScripts([ 'url' => url('fetch/monthly/top/sales/chart'), 'type' => 'GET', 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer someauthorizedtoken' ] ])