diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 9210f6829b..e6e5d30469 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
 * `seq_linter()` recommends `rev()` in the lint message for lints like `nrow(x):1` (#1542, @MichaelChirico).
 * `function_argument_linter()` detects usage of `missing()` for the linted argument (#1546, @MichaelChirico). The simplest fix for `function_argument_linter()` lints is typically to set that argument to `NULL` by default, in which case it's usually preferable to update function logic checking `missing()` to check `is.null()` instead.
 * `commas_linter()` gains an option `allow_trailing` (default `FALSE`) to allow trailing commas while indexing. (#2104, @MEO265)
-* `unreachable_code_linter()` checks for code inside `if (FALSE)` and other conditional loops with deterministically false conditions (#1428, @ME0265).
+* `unreachable_code_linter()`
+  + checks for code inside `if (FALSE)` and other conditional loops with deterministically false conditions (#1428, @ME0265).
+  + checks for unreachable code inside `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`, and `repeat` blocks, including combinations with `break` and `next` statements. (#2105, @ME0265).
 * `implicit_assignment_linter()` gains an argument `allow_lazy` (default `FALSE`) that allows optionally skipping lazy assignments like `A && (B <- foo(A))` (#2016, @MichaelChirico).
 * `unused_import_linter()` gains an argument `interpret_glue` (default `TRUE`) paralleling that in `object_usage_linter()` to toggle whether `glue::glue()` expressions should be inspected for exported object usage (#2042, @MichaelChirico).
 * `default_undesirable_functions` is updated to also include `Sys.unsetenv()` and `structure()` (#2192 and #2228, @IndrajeetPatil and @MichaelChirico).
diff --git a/R/unreachable_code_linter.R b/R/unreachable_code_linter.R
index ba6850063f..498ada0711 100644
--- a/R/unreachable_code_linter.R
+++ b/R/unreachable_code_linter.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #' Block unreachable code and comments following return statements
-#' Code after a top-level [return()] or [stop()]
+#' Code after e.g. a [return()] or [stop()]
 #'   or in deterministically false conditional loops like `if (FALSE)` can't be reached;
 #'   typically this is vestigial code left after refactoring or sandboxing code, which
 #'   is fine for exploration, but shouldn't ultimately be checked in. Comments
@@ -55,18 +55,38 @@
 #' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
 #' @export
 unreachable_code_linter <- function() {
+  expr_after_control <- "
+    (//REPEAT | //ELSE | //FOR)/following-sibling::expr[1]
+    | (//IF | //WHILE)/following-sibling::expr[2]
+  "
   # NB: use not(OP-DOLLAR) to prevent matching process$stop(), #1051
-  xpath_return_stop <- "
-    /following-sibling::expr
-    /expr[expr[1][not(OP-DOLLAR or OP-AT) and SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'return' or text() = 'stop']]]
+  xpath_return_stop <- glue("
+  (
+    {expr_after_control}
+    | (//FUNCTION | //OP-LAMBDA)/following-sibling::expr
+  )
+    /expr[expr[1][
+      not(OP-DOLLAR or OP-AT)
+      and SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'return' or text() = 'stop']
+    ]]
       not(self::OP-RIGHT-BRACE or self::OP-SEMICOLON)
       and (not(self::COMMENT) or @line2 > preceding-sibling::*[1]/@line2)
-  "
+  ")
+  xpath_next_break <- glue("
+  ({expr_after_control})
+    /expr[NEXT or BREAK]
+    /following-sibling::*[
+      not(self::OP-RIGHT-BRACE or self::OP-SEMICOLON)
+      and (not(self::COMMENT) or @line2 > preceding-sibling::*[1]/@line2)
+    ][1]
+  ")
   xpath_if_while <- "
-  (//WHILE | //IF)[following-sibling::expr[1]/NUM_CONST[text() = 'FALSE']]/following-sibling::expr[2]
+  (//WHILE | //IF)
+    /following-sibling::expr[1][NUM_CONST[text() = 'FALSE']]
+    /following-sibling::expr[1]
   xpath_else <- "
@@ -88,6 +108,13 @@ unreachable_code_linter <- function() {
     expr[vapply(expr, xml2::xml_length, integer(1L)) != 0L]
+  # exclude comments that start with a nolint directive
+  drop_nolint_end_comment <- function(expr) {
+    is_nolint_end_comment <- xml2::xml_name(expr) == "COMMENT" &
+      re_matches(xml_text(expr), settings$exclude_end)
+    expr[!is_nolint_end_comment]
+  }
   Linter(function(source_expression) {
     if (!is_lint_level(source_expression, "expression")) {
@@ -97,14 +124,19 @@ unreachable_code_linter <- function() {
     expr_return_stop <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath_return_stop)
-    # exclude comments that start with a nolint directive
-    is_nolint_end_comment <- xml2::xml_name(expr_return_stop) == "COMMENT" &
-      re_matches(xml_text(expr_return_stop), settings$exclude_end)
     lints_return_stop <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
-      expr_return_stop[!is_nolint_end_comment],
+      drop_nolint_end_comment(expr_return_stop),
+      source_expression = source_expression,
+      lint_message = "Code and comments coming after a return() or stop() should be removed.",
+      type = "warning"
+    )
+    expr_next_break <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath_next_break)
+    lints_next_break <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
+      drop_nolint_end_comment(expr_next_break),
       source_expression = source_expression,
-      lint_message = "Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop() should be removed.",
+      lint_message = "Code and comments coming after a `next` or `break` should be removed.",
       type = "warning"
@@ -126,6 +158,6 @@ unreachable_code_linter <- function() {
       type = "warning"
-    c(lints_return_stop, lints_if_while, lints_else)
+    c(lints_return_stop, lints_next_break, lints_if_while, lints_else)
diff --git a/man/unreachable_code_linter.Rd b/man/unreachable_code_linter.Rd
index 34dabf2575..4e91e5cf89 100644
--- a/man/unreachable_code_linter.Rd
+++ b/man/unreachable_code_linter.Rd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-Code after a top-level \code{\link[=return]{return()}} or \code{\link[=stop]{stop()}}
+Code after e.g. a \code{\link[=return]{return()}} or \code{\link[=stop]{stop()}}
 or in deterministically false conditional loops like \verb{if (FALSE)} can't be reached;
 typically this is vestigial code left after refactoring or sandboxing code, which
 is fine for exploration, but shouldn't ultimately be checked in. Comments
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-unreachable_code_linter.R b/tests/testthat/test-unreachable_code_linter.R
index 523cdd56f4..281662b382 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-unreachable_code_linter.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-unreachable_code_linter.R
@@ -7,6 +7,196 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter works in simple function", {
   expect_lint(lines, NULL, unreachable_code_linter())
+test_that("unreachable_code_linter works in sub expressions", {
+  linter <- unreachable_code_linter()
+  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        return(bar)
+        # Test comment
+        while (bar) {
+          return(bar)
+          5 + 3
+          repeat {
+            return(bar)
+            # Test comment
+          }
+        }
+      } else if (bla) {
+        # test
+        return(5)
+        # Test 2
+      } else {
+        return(bar)
+        # Test comment
+        for(i in 1:3) {
+          return(bar)
+          5 + 4
+        }
+      }
+      return(bar)
+      5 + 1
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(
+    lines,
+    list(
+      list(line_number = 4L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 7L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 10L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 16L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 19L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 22L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 26L, message = msg)
+    ),
+    linter
+  )
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        return(bar) # Test comment
+      }
+      while (bar) {
+        return(bar) # 5 + 3
+      }
+      repeat {
+        return(bar) # Test comment
+      }
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(lines, NULL, linter)
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        return(bar); x <- 2
+      } else {
+        return(bar); x <- 3
+      }
+      while (bar) {
+        return(bar); 5 + 3
+      }
+      repeat {
+        return(bar); test()
+      }
+      for(i in 1:3) {
+        return(bar); 5 + 4
+      }
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(
+    lines,
+    list(
+      list(line_number = 3L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 5L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 8L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 11L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 14L, message = msg)
+    ),
+    linter
+  )
+test_that("unreachable_code_linter works with next and break in sub expressions", {
+  linter <- unreachable_code_linter()
+  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a `next` or `break`")
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        next
+        # Test comment
+        while (bar) {
+          break
+          5 + 3
+          repeat {
+            next
+            # Test comment
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        next
+        # test
+        for(i in 1:3) {
+          break
+          5 + 4
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(
+    lines,
+    list(
+      list(line_number = 4L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 7L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 10L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 15L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 18L, message = msg)
+    ),
+    linter
+  )
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        break # Test comment
+      } else {
+        next # Test comment
+      }
+      while (bar) {
+        next # 5 + 3
+      }
+      repeat {
+        next # Test comment
+      }
+      for(i in 1:3) {
+        break # 5 + 4
+      }
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(lines, NULL, linter)
+  lines <- trim_some("
+    foo <- function(bar) {
+      if (bar) {
+        next; x <- 2
+      } else {
+        break; x <- 3
+      }
+      while (bar) {
+        break; 5 + 3
+      }
+      repeat {
+        next; test()
+      }
+      for(i in 1:3) {
+        break; 5 + 4
+      }
+    }
+  ")
+  expect_lint(
+    lines,
+    list(
+      list(line_number = 3L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 5L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 8L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 11L, message = msg),
+      list(line_number = 14L, message = msg)
+    ),
+    linter
+  )
 test_that("unreachable_code_linter ignores expressions that aren't functions", {
   expect_lint("x + 1", NULL, unreachable_code_linter())
@@ -57,7 +247,7 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter identifies simple unreachable code", {
       line_number = 3L,
-      message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()")
+      message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
@@ -73,13 +263,13 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds unreachable comments", {
-    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()"),
+    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()"),
 test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds expressions in the same line", {
-  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()")
+  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
   linter <- unreachable_code_linter()
   lines <- trim_some("
@@ -107,7 +297,7 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds expressions in the same line", {
 test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds expressions and comments after comment in return line", {
-  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()")
+  msg <- rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
   linter <- unreachable_code_linter()
   lines <- trim_some("
@@ -136,7 +326,7 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds a double return", {
-    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()"),
+    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()"),
@@ -151,7 +341,7 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter finds code after stop()", {
-    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()"),
+    rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()"),
@@ -199,6 +389,20 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter ignores terminal nolint end comments", {
     list(unreachable_code_linter(), one_linter = assignment_linter())
+  expect_lint(
+    trim_some("
+      foo <- function() {
+        do_something
+        # nolint start: one_linter.
+        a = 42
+        next
+        # nolint end
+      }
+    "),
+    NULL,
+    unreachable_code_linter()
+  )
 test_that("unreachable_code_linter identifies unreachable code in conditional loops", {
@@ -353,7 +557,7 @@ test_that("unreachable_code_linter identifies unreachable code in mixed conditio
         line_number = 13L,
-        message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()")
+        message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
@@ -387,7 +591,7 @@ test_that("function shorthand is handled", {
       line_number = 3L,
-      message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()")
+      message = rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()")
@@ -411,17 +615,11 @@ test_that("function shorthand is handled", {
 #   ")
 #   expect_lint(
 #     unreachable_inside_switch_lines,
-#     rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a top-level return() or stop()"),
+#     rex::rex("Code and comments coming after a return() or stop()"),
 #     unreachable_code_linter()
 #   )
 # })
 # nolint end: commented_code_linter.
-# TODO(michaelchirico): the logic could be extended to terminal if statements
-#   or control flows (for/while). There shouldn't really be such a thing as
-#   a terminal for/while (owing to ExplicitReturnLinter forcing these to
-#   be followed by return(invisible()) or similar), but could be included to
-#   catch comments for completeness / robustness as a standalone function.
-#   Terminal if statements are a bit messy, but would have some payoff.
-# TODO(michaelchirico): again similarly, this could also apply to cases without
+# TODO(michaelchirico): This could also apply to cases without
 #   explicit returns (where it can only apply to comments)