The SchemaValidator is for validating the schema of the input data-frame (view) with the schema provided in the definition.
- The schema can be provided by either ddlSchemaString or ddlSchemaFile property, and must be in DDL format.
- The type of validation must be either match or adapt
- match: the two schemas must be matched by number of columns, the name & data type of each column
- adapt: the schema of the dataframe is adapted to the schema from the definition. As a result of the validation, the output dataframe will be "expanded".
Note: If the schema from the definition has columns that don't exist in the schema of the dataframe, new columns will be added with null values.
- The mode of validation must be either strict or default
- when the validation type is match
- strict: the order of the columns in two schemas must be the same
- default: ignore the order of the columns from both schemas.
- when the validation type is adapt
- strict: all columns from the dataframe must be included in the schema from the definition.
- default: ignore columns from the dataframe that don't exist in the schema from the definition
Note: this will cause data lost
- when the validation type is match
- The action after the validation must be either error or ignore
- error: if the validation fails, the process exits with the validation error.
- ignore: the process ignores the validation failure, but logs will be written.
- The view is the input dataframe that its schema is validated with the schema provided in the definition.
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.validation.SchemaValidator
The definition of the SchemaValidator:
- in YAML
type: schema-validator
ddlSchemaString: "id int, name string, age int, gender string, address string"
type: match
mode: strict
action: error
view: users
- in JSON
"actor": {
"type": "schema-validator",
"properties": {
"ddlSchemaFile": "${application.users.schema",
"type": "adapt",
"mode": "default",
"action": "ignore",
"view": "users"
- in XML
<actor type="schema-validator">
<ddlSchemString>id int, name string, age int, gender string, address string</ddlSchemString>