The RedisReader is for reading data from Redis into a dataframe in batch mode.
- The following connection properties must be provided in order to connect to target Redis
- host: the host name where Redis is running
- port: the port number for connecting to Redis. The default port is 6379.
- dbNum: the number of the database in Redis
- dbTable: the table name
- authPassword: the password for authentication
- The following options control the reading behavior:
- key.column: the name of the key column. If multiple columns forms the key, combine them before writing to Redis
- key.pattern: match the keys based on the pattern.
- infer.schema: automatically infer the schema based on a random row
- partitions.number: the number of partitions
- max.pipeline.size: maximum number of commands per pipeline (used to batch commands)
- scan.count: count option of SCAN command (used to iterate over keys)
- iterator.grouping.size: the number of items to be grouped when iterating over underlying RDD partition
- timeout: timeout in milli-seconds for connection
- The schema of the output dataframe can be defined in DDL format by key ddlSchemaString or ddlSchemaFile. This is optional.
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.source.RedisReader
The definition of the RedisReader:
- In YAML format
type: redis-reader
host: localhost
port: 6379
dbNum: 11
dbTable: users
authPassword: password
key.column: user_id
key.pattern: 1112_*
iterator.grouping.size: 1600
scan.count: 240
max.pipeline.size: 160
timeout: 1600
ddlSchemaString: "user_id string, gender string, birth_year int, joined_at string"
- In JSON format
"actor": {
"type": "redis-reader",
"properties": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "6379",
"dbNum": "2",
"dbTable": "users",
"authPassword": "password",
"options": {
"key.column": "user_id",
"key.pattern": "1112_*",
"iterator.grouping.size": "1600",
"scan.count": "240",
"max.pipeline.size": "160",
"timeout": "1600"
"ddlSchemaFile": "./schemas/users.ddl",
- In XML format
<actor type="redis-reader">