The MongoReader is for reading data from MongoDB into a dataframe in batch mode.
- The following connection properties must be provided in order to connect to target MongoDB
- host: the host name of the target mongod instance.
- port: the port number of the target mongod instance.
- database: the database name to read data from.
- collection: the collection name to read data from.
- user: the user name for accessing the target mongod instance.
- password: the password for authentication
- The following options control the reading behavior:
- localThreshold: the time in milliseconds to choose among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request. Default: 15.
- The name of the Read Preference mode to use.
- primary: all read operations use only the current replica set primary. This is the default read mode.
- primaryPreferred: reading from primary preferred. If primary not available, read from secondary.
- secondary: operations read only from the secondary members of the set.
- secondaryPreferred: reading from secondary preferred. If secondary not available, read from primary.
- readPreference.tagSets: the ReadPreference TagSets to use.
- readConcern.level: the Read Concern level to use.
- local: the query returns data from the instance with no guarantee that the data has been written to a majority of the replica set members (i.e. may be rolled back later).
- available: the query returns data from an available instance with no guarantee that the data has been written to a majority of the replica set members (i.e. may be rolled back later).
- majority: the query returns the data that has been acknowledged by a majority of the replica set members.
- linearizable: the query returns data that reflects all successful majority-acknowledged writes that completed prior to the start of the read operation.
- partitioner: the name of the partitioner to use to split collection data into partitions. Partitions are based on a range of values of a field (e.g. _ids 1 to 100).
- MongoDefaultPartitioner: wraps the MongoSamplePartitioner. Default.
- MongoSamplePartitioner: uses the average document size and random sampling of the collection to determine suitable partitions for the collection.
- MongoShardedPartitioner.
- MongoSplitVectorPartitioner.
- MongoPaginateByCountPartitioner.
- MongoPaginateBySizePartitioner.
- partitionerOptions: the custom options to configure the partitioner.
- MongoSamplePartitioner.
- partitionKey: the field by which to split the collection data. Default: _id.
- partitionSizeMB: the size (in MB) for each partition. Default: 64.
- samplesPerPartition: the number of sample documents to take for each partition in order to establish a partitionKey range for each partition. Default: 10.
- MongoShardedPartitioner.
- shardKey: the field by which to split the collection data. Default: _id.
- MongoSplitVectorPartitioner.
- partitionKey: the field by which to split the collection data. Default: _id.
- partitionSizeMB: the size (in MB) for each partition. Default: 64.
- MongoPaginateByCountPartitioner.
- partitionKey: the field by which to split the collection data. Default: _id.
- numberOfPartitions: the number of partitions to create. Default: 64.
- MongoPaginateBySizePartitioner.
- partitionKey: the field by which to split the collection data. Default: _id.
- partitionSizeMB: the size (in MB) for each partition. Default: 64.
- MongoSamplePartitioner.
- allowDiskUse: enables writing to temporary files during aggregation.
- batchSize: the size of the internal batches within the cursor.
For more details of reader options, please check
Important Note: When submitting a job to read from MongoDB, please provide the following configuration either through command argument or runtime-config in the application configuration file:
- Submitting a job
spark-submit --master local --conf "spark.mongodb.input.uri=mongodb://localhost:27017/events.users" ...
- In application configuration
application.runtime { spark { mongodb.input.uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/events.users" ... }
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.source.MongoReader
The definition of the MongoReader:
- In YAML format
type: mongo-reader
host: localhost
port: 27017
database: events
collection: orders
user: power_user
password: password
options: secondaryPreferred
readConcern.level: majority
partitioner: MongoShardedPartitioner
shardKey: order_id
batchSize: 16000
- In JSON format
"actor": {
"type": "mongo-reader",
"properties": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "27017",
"database": "events",
"collection": "orders",
"user": "power_user",
"password": "password",
"options": {
"": "secondaryPreferred",
"readConcern.level": "majority",
"partitioner": "MongoShardedPartitioner",
"shardKey": "order_id",
"batchSize": "16000"
- In XML format
<actor type="mongo-reader">