The HBaseReader is for reading a HBase table into a dataframe in batch mode.
The following connection properties are required to be able to connect to a HBase environment
- connection.hbase.zookeeper.quorum: a comma-separated list of hosts on which ZooKeeper servers are running
- the port number at which ZooKeeper servers are running on each host
- connection.zookeeper.znode.parent: the root znode that will contain all the znodes created/used by HBase
- connection.core-site.xml: the core-site configuration
- connection.hdfs-site.xml: the hdfs-site configuration
- connection.hbase-site.xml: the hbase-site configuration
Note: if option 6 is configured, then option 1, 2, 3 are ignored.
The following two options are mandatory in secured hbase environment 7. it must be the value of kerberos 8. it must be the value of kerberos
The table property specifies the target HBase table to which the data will be writing.
The following defines the data mapping of columns from a source HBase table to columns of a dataframe:
columnsMapping: dst-col0: "__:rowKey" dst-col1: "col-family1:src-col1" dst-col2: "col-family2:src-col2" ...
- dst-col0 in the target dataframe is from the row-key in the source HBase table
- dst-col1, dst-col2 ... in the target dataframe are from the col-family1:src-col1, col-family2:src-col2, ... columns in the source HBase table.
The options property defines the reading behavior.
- maxResultSize: set the maximum result size. The default is -1; this means that no specific maximum result size will be set for this scan, and the global configured value will be used instead. (Defaults to unlimited).
- batchSize: set the maximum number of values to return for each call.
- isolationLevel: It must be either READ_COMMITTED or READ_UNCOMMITED.
- numPartitions: the number of parititions for the output dataframe
The filter defined what rows will be read from the source.
- keyStart: the start value of the row key
- keyStop: the end value of the row key
- keyPrefix: the prefix of the row key
- tsStart: the start timestamp of rows
- tsEnd: the end timestamp of rows
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.source.HBaseReader
The definition of HBaseWriter:
- In YAML format
type: hbase-reader
hbase.zookeeper.quorum: 2181
zookeeper.znode.parent: "/hbase-unsecure" kerberos kerberos
table: "events_db:users"
user_id: "__:rowKey"
birthyear: "profile:birth_year"
gender: "profile:gender"
address: "location:address"
numPartitions: 16
batchSize: 900
tsStart: "2020-01-01 00:00:00"
tsEnd: "2020-12-31 23:59:59"
- In JSON format
"actor": {
"type": "hbase-reader",
"properties": {
"connection": {
"core-site.xml": "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-server/conf/core-site.xml",
"hdfs-site.xml": "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-server/conf/hdfs-site.xml",
"hbase-site.xml": "/usr/hdp/current/hbase-server/conf/hbase-site.xml"
"table": "events_db:users",
"columnsMapping": {
"user_id": "__:rowKey",
"birthyear": "profile:birth_year",
"gender": "profile:gender",
"address": "location:address"
"options": {
"numPartitions": "16",
"batchSize": "9000",
"isolationLevel": "READ_COMMITTED"
"filter": {
"tsStart": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
"tsEnd": "2020-12-31 23:59:59"
- In XML format
<actor type="hbase-reader">
<tsStart>2020-01-01 00:00:00</tsStart>