The DeltaWriter is for writing a data-frame to delta lake in batch mode.
- The supported write-options are as follows
- replaceWhere - to specify the target data to be replaced
- userMeta - to add user-defined metadata in delta table commits
- overwriteSchema - to overwrite the existing target schema by changing a column's type or name or dropping a column, thus it requires rewriting the target (table). So this normally is used with overwrite mode.
- mergeSchema - to merge the source schema into the target table.
- The write mode can only be overwrite or append
- The partition-by is optional. If provided, it must be the names of one or more columns separated by comma.
- The bucket is to split the source data by the columns into # of buckets specified by numBucket. The by field is the name of one or more columns separated by comma. Please note, if bucketing is intended, both numBuckets & by fields must be provided.
- Important: bucketing only supports saveAsTable for the time being
- The location of the writing can be either by sinkPath or sinkTable. If both specified, sinkTable takes precedence.
Actor Class: com.qwshen.etl.sink.DeltaWriter
The definition of the DeltaWriter:
- In YAML format
type: delta-writer
replaceWhere: "date >= '2020-05-21' and date < '2020-06-30'"
userMeta: "replace to fix incorrect data"
mergeSchema: true
partitionBy: "joined_at, gender"
numBuckets: 16
by: user_id
mode: overwrite
sinkPath: /tmp/users
view: users
- In JSON format
"actor": {
"type": "delta-writer",
"properties": {
"options": {
"replaceWhere": "date >= '2020-05-21' and date < '2020-06-30'",
"userMeta": "replace to fix incorrect data",
"mergeSchema": true
"partitionBy": "joined_at, gender",
"bucket": {
"numBuckets": 16,
"by": "user_id"
"mode": "overwrite",
"sinkTable": "users",
"view": "users"
- In XML format
<actor type="delta-writer">
<replaceWhere>date >= '2020-05-21' and date < '2020-06-30'</replaceWhere>
<userMeta>replace to fix incorrect data</userMeta>
<partitionBy>joined_at, gender</partitionBy>
Note: The DeltaWriter provides only fundamental write operations. It is recommended to use SQL commands with SqlWriter for more complicated writes.
- INSERT INTO (for Spark 3.0 or later)
INSERT INTO default.people10m VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b');
INSERT INTO default.people10m SELECT ...;
- MERGE INTO (for Spark 3.0 or later)
MERGE INTO delta.`/tmp/delta/events` target
USING my_table_yesterday source
ON source.userId = target.userId
- INSERT OVERWRITE (make sure Spark is 3.0.1 or later)
uuid, first(level), first(ts), first(message)
FROM prod.my_app.logs
WHERE cast(ts as date) = '2020-07-01'
- DELETE FROM (for Spark 3.0 or later)
DELETE FROM prod.db.table WHERE ts >= '2020-05-01 00:00:00' and ts < '2020-06-01 00:00:00' DELETE FROM prod.db.all_events WHERE session_time < (SELECT min(session_time) FROM prod.db.good_events) DELETE FROM prod.db.orders AS t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT oid FROM prod.db.returned_orders WHERE t1.oid = oid)
- UPDATE (for Spark 3.1 or later) ``` UPDATE prod.db.table SET c1 = 'update_c1', c2 = 'update_c2' WHERE ts >= '2020-05-01 00:00:00' and ts < '2020-06-01 00:00:00'
UPDATE prod.db.all_events
SET session_time = 0, ignored = true
WHERE session_time < (SELECT min(session_time) FROM prod.db.good_events)
UPDATE prod.db.orders AS t1
SET order_status = 'returned'
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT oid FROM prod.db.returned_orders WHERE t1.oid = oid)