Jira: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-1400
The goal of this feature is to provide basic SDK for implementation Kubernetes operators with RHBQ as a part of internal midstream.
- For Elektra, none. Operator SDK in RHBQ will be part of internal midstream aimed at managed applications layered products.
- The SDK will be tested by layered products and the midstream release will have its own schedule (midstream).
- Midstream is not a standard situation. Eventually there may be a plan to include the Operator SDK support as a part
of RHBQ. In such case, the following will have to be considered:
- Stability of Kubernetes client used in RHBQ. There previously have been issues with compatibility between minor and micro-releases.
- The API that RHBQ will be providing and its stability.
- Ease of use in native mode. Native mode would be the end-post in regard to the fact that the Kube operators have to boot fast and be rather austere with resources.
- Documentation.
- Tester: Michal Jurč mjurc@redhat.com
- Feature request: QUARKUS-1400 Operator SDK product support (Tech preview)