diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index dd43cf9..59254c1 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,6 +6,25 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
 and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## [1.6.0] - Oct 09, 2021
+### Added
+* Add test / tester *IDs* (see https://github.com/qtc-de/tricot/tree/main/docs#selective-testing)
+* Add *test groups* (see https://github.com/qtc-de/tricot/tree/main/docs#selective-testing)
+### Changed
+* Full help menu is now always displayed on argparse errors
+* Small bugfixes and formatting changes
+### Removed
+* The `--tester`, `--exclude` and `--number` options were removed.
+  They are replaced by the `--ids`, `--groups`, `--exclude-ids` and
+  `--exclude-groups` options.
 ## [1.5.0] - Sep 11, 2021
 ### Added
diff --git a/bin/tricot b/bin/tricot
index 2b72c71..3802b26 100644
--- a/bin/tricot
+++ b/bin/tricot
@@ -9,22 +9,39 @@ import docker
 import tricot
 import argparse
+from tricot.constants import VERSION
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''tricot v1.5.0 - a trivial command tester that allows you to verify that certain
-                                                commands or executables behave as expected. It uses .yml files for test
-                                                definitions and can be used from the command line or as a python library.''',
-                                                formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=40))
+class FullHelpParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+    '''
+    Custom ArgumentParser class to show more helpful help messages per default.
+    Taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4042861
+    '''
+    def error(self, message):
+        '''
+        Show the whole help menu per default.
+        '''
+        sys.stderr.write(f'error: {message}\n\n')
+        self.print_help()
+        sys.exit(2)
+parser = FullHelpParser(description=f'''tricot v{VERSION} - a trivial command tester to verify that commands,
+                                        scripts or executables behave as expected. It uses .yml files for test
+                                        definitions and can be used from the command line or as a python library.''',
+                                        formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=60))
 parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output')
-parser.add_argument('--exclude', metavar='name', nargs='+', default=[], help='exclude the specified testers')
+parser.add_argument('--exclude-ids', dest='eids', metavar='id', nargs='+', default=[], help='exclude the specified test / tester IDs')
+parser.add_argument('--exclude-groups', dest='egroups', metavar='group', nargs='+', default=[], help='exclude the specified test groups')
 parser.add_argument('file', metavar='file', nargs='+', help='test definition (.yml file)')
-parser.add_argument('--logfile', dest='log', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='mirror output into a logfile')
+parser.add_argument('--groups', metavar='group', nargs='+', default=[], help='only run the specified test groups')
+parser.add_argument('--ids', metavar='id', nargs='+', default=[], help='only run the specified test / tester IDs')
+parser.add_argument('--logfile', dest='log', metavar='file', type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='mirror output into a logfile')
 parser.add_argument('--load', dest='load', metavar='file', nargs='+', default=[], type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='custom validators, extractors and plugins')
-parser.add_argument('--numbers', dest='numbers', metavar='int', type=int, nargs='+', default=[], help='only run the specified test numbers')
-parser.add_argument('--positionals', dest='pos', metavar='pos', nargs='+', default=[], help='positional variables (accessible by $1, $2, ...)')
+parser.add_argument('--positionals', dest='pos', metavar='var', nargs='+', default=[], help='positional variables (accessible by $1, $2, ...)')
 parser.add_argument('-q', '--quite', dest='quite', action='store_true', help='disable verbose output during tests')
 parser.add_argument('--template', dest='template', choices=['tester', 'plugin', 'validator', 'extractor'], help='write a template file')
-parser.add_argument('--testers', dest='testers', metavar='name', nargs='+', default=[], help='only run the specified testers')
 parser.add_argument('--variables', dest='vars', metavar='vars', nargs='+', default=[], help='runtime variables')
 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='enable verbose logging during tests')
@@ -152,11 +169,16 @@ def main():
     variables = prepare_variables(args)
+    groups = tricot.utils.parse_groups(args.groups)
+    egroups = tricot.utils.parse_groups(args.egroups)
+    tricot.Logger.print_mixed_yellow('tricot', f'v{VERSION}', '- Starting tests...')
     for yml_file in args.file:
             tester = tricot.Tester.from_file(yml_file, runtime_vars=variables)
-            tester.run(args.testers, args.numbers, args.exclude)
+            tester.run(set(args.ids), groups, set(args.eids), egroups)
         except tricot.ValidatorError as e:
             tricot.Logger.print_mixed_red('Caught', 'ValidatorError', 'while parsing test configuration.', e=True)
@@ -249,6 +271,11 @@ def main():
             tricot.Logger.print_with_indent_blue(str(e), e=True)
+        except tricot.DuplicateIDError as e:
+            tricot.Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Caught', 'DuplicateIDError', 'while parsing test configuration.', e=True)
+            tricot.Logger.print_with_indent_blue(str(e), e=True)
+            sys.exit(tricot.constants.DUPLICATE_ID_ERROR)
         except tricot.TricotRuntimeError as e:
             tricot.Logger.print_mixed_blue('Caught', 'unexpected Exception', 'while running the test command.', e=True)
             tricot.Logger.print_yellow('Original Error:', e=True)
@@ -256,6 +283,13 @@ def main():
             tricot.Logger.print_with_indent_blue(str(e.original), e=True)
+        except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e:
+            tricot.Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Caught', 'yaml.scanner.ScannerError', 'while parsing test configuration.', e=True)
+            tricot.Logger.print('Seems that there is a syntax error within your test configuration.', e=True)
+            tricot.Logger.increase_indent()
+            tricot.Logger.print_with_indent_blue(str(e), e=True)
+            sys.exit(tricot.constants.YAML_SYNTAX_ERROR)
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
@@ -267,7 +301,7 @@ def main():
             if args.debug:
                 raise e
-            tricot.Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Caught', 'unexpected Exception', e=True)
+            tricot.Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Caught', 'unexpected Exception', 'while running tricot.', e=True)
             tricot.Logger.print_with_indent_blue(str(e), e=True)
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 5dd6ce3..9f2c443 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ on it's own.
 - [Extractor, Validator and Plugin List](#extractor-validator-and-plugin-list)
 - [Writing Custom Plugins](#writing-custom-plugins)
 - [Writing Custom Validators](#writing-custom-validators)
-- [Writing Custom Extactors](#writing-custom-extractors)
+- [Writing Custom Extractors](#writing-custom-extractors)
 - [Accessing Command Information from an Validator](#accessing-command-information-from-an-validator)
+- [Selective Testing](#selective-testing)
 - [Environment Variables](#environment-variables)
 - [Runtime Variables](#runtime-variables)
 - [Nesting Variables](#nesting-variables)
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ plugins:
     key2: 22
-* ``param_type`` can be used to specify the python type that is expected for the toplevel argument of a
+* ``param_type`` can be used to specify the python type that is expected for the top level argument of a
   plugin or validator. In the example test configuration above, the ``param_type`` values should be set
   like this:
   * ``example_one``: ``param_type = str``
@@ -372,6 +373,108 @@ The parameter validation described above is very basic and has obviously limitat
 want a parameter validation that is easier to use and has an arbitrary recursion depth.
+### Selective Testing
+A common testing scenario is that you just changed a portion of a program and only want to run tests for the affected
+component. *tricot* supports this *selective testing* approach by using *IDs* and *test groups*.
+*IDs* are exactly what the name suggests, a unique identifier for each test / tester. You can assign them by using the
+`id` key within of test definitions. *IDs* are ordinary strings and can contain any characters. If a test / tester
+is defined without an *ID*, it's *title* (Test) or *name* (Tester) attribute is used as an *ID*. However, in this case
+*tricot* does not check for duplicate *IDs* and you may end up with multiple tests / testers having the same *ID*.
+  id: '001'
+  name: Basic Usage
+  description: |-
+    Demonstrate the basic usage of tricot
+  - id: '001-1'
+    title: Test passwd File
+    description: |-
+      ...
+To launch tests based on an *ID* you can use the command line switches ``--ids`` and ``--exclude-ids``. When using
+``--ids``, *tricot* only runs the tests / testers that match the specified *IDs*. If the *ID* belongs to a tester,
+all nested testers and tests are run, independent of their *ID*. The ``--exclude-ids`` can be used to exclude certain
+test / tester *IDs* from a test. Notice that ``--exclude-ids`` triggers before ``--ids``, so if you specify the same
+*ID* for both command line options, it is not run. On the other hand, this allows you to exclude nested test / tester
+*IDs* that are contained within a tester specified with the ``--ids`` option.
+*Test groups* can be used to group tests / testers together. Each test / tester definition can contain a ``groups`` key,
+which is a list within the *YAML* configuration. The contained items are the groups for the corresponding test / tester.
+*Test groups* are inherited from parent testers, but stacked instead of being merged together. E.g. when a parent tester
+is in the group `io` and the child tester in the group `logging`, the resulting group for the child tester is `io,logging`.
+# [io.yml]
+  group:
+    - io
+  name: Test IO Modules
+  description: |-
+    Test IO Modules for the Software
+  - ./nested.yml
+# [nested.yml]
+  group:
+    - logging
+  name: Test IO Modules - logging
+  description: |-
+    Test IO Modules for the Software - logging
+  title: Test Error Log
+  description: |-
+    ...
+As for *IDs*, you can use the ``--groups`` and ``--exclude-groups`` command line options to run selective tests on *test
+groups*. However, group specifications on the command line support some special syntax. The easiest case is that you just
+want to run a single test group. E.g. taking the example above, to run the `io,logging` test you could use:
+tricot -v example.yml --groups io,logging
+This is straight forwards, but it can get annoying if you defined `logging` groups in other parent testers than `io`.
+To make runs of a single test group, that is contained within different parent test groups easier, it is possible
+to specify wildcards.
+* `*` can be used to match an arbitrary group
+* `**` can be used to match an arbitrary number of arbitrary groups
+Running all tests from the `logging` group, independent of the parent test groups can be done like this:
+tricot -v example.yml --groups **,logging
+In addition to wildcards, *tricot* also support *brace expressions*. These can be used to constructed *or-like* test
+groups. E.g. to run the `logging` module from the `io` and `networking` parent test groups, you could use:
+tricot -v example.yml --groups {io,networking},logging
+Wildcards and *brace expressions* can also be used together within a group specifications. Whereas *brace expressions* can
+be placed at any location of a group specification, wildcards are not allowed within the last comma separated value. Also
+for group matching, the `--exclude-groups` option triggers before the `--groups` option.
+Both, *IDs* and *test groups* are case sensitive.
 ### Environment Variables
diff --git a/resources/bash_completion.d/tricot b/resources/bash_completion.d/tricot
index fdf9ab2..b616992 100644
--- a/resources/bash_completion.d/tricot
+++ b/resources/bash_completion.d/tricot
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function _tricot() {
     # No completion
-	if _comp_contains "--exclude --numbers --testers --positionals --variables" $prev; then
+	if _comp_contains "--exclude-ids --exclude-groups --groups --ids --positionals --variables" $prev; then
 		return 0
     # Complete template modes
@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@ function _tricot() {
     elif [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
 		opts="$opts --debug"
-		opts="$opts --exclude"
+		opts="$opts --exclude-ids"
+		opts="$opts --exclude-groups"
+		opts="$opts --groups"
+		opts="$opts --ids"
 		opts="$opts --logfile"
 		opts="$opts --load"
-		opts="$opts --numbers"
 		opts="$opts --positionals"
 		opts="$opts --quite"
 		opts="$opts --template"
-		opts="$opts --testers"
 		opts="$opts --variables"
 		opts="$opts --verbose"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d91cb95..17e83c0 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     author='Tobias Neitzel (@qtc_de)',
-    version='1.5.0',
+    version='1.6.0',
     description='Trivial Command Testser',
diff --git a/tests/pytest/Misc/group_matching_test.py b/tests/pytest/Misc/group_matching_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ab50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pytest/Misc/group_matching_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import tricot
+import pytest
+config_list = [['this,is,a,simple,group,def']]
+config_list.append(['multiple,lists', 'can,also,be,defined'])
+config_list.append(['{this,it},works', 'also,{with,using},orlike'])
+match_list = [[([['this', 'is', 'a', 'simple', 'group', 'def']], True), ([['nope']], False)]]
+match_list.append([([['now', 'lets', 'try', 'conditional', 'group', 'def']], True),
+                   ([['now', 'lets', 'try', 'orlike', 'group', 'def']], True),
+                   ([['now', 'lets', 'tri', 'orlike', 'group', 'def']], False)])
+match_list.append([([['this', 'works', 'also', 'with', 'more', 'than', 'one']], True),
+                   ([['this', 'works', 'also', 'using', 'more', 'than', 'one']], True),
+                   ([['it', 'works', 'also', 'with', 'more', 'than', 'one']], True),
+                   ([['it', 'works', 'also', 'using', 'more', 'than', 'one']], True),
+                   ([['ot', 'works', 'also', 'using', 'more', 'than', 'one']], False)])
+match_list.append([([['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], False),
+                   ([['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'], ['multiple', 'lists']], True),
+                   ([['can', 'also', 'be', 'defined'], ['aaaa', 'bbbb']], True)])
+match_list.append([([['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], False),
+                   ([['this', 'works'], ['multiple', 'lists']], True),
+                   ([['also', 'using', 'orlike'], ['aaaa', 'bbbb']], True)])
+match_list.append([([['lets', 'add', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True),
+                   ([['lets', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], False)])
+match_list.append([([['lets', 'add', 'hi :)', 'hi :D', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True),
+                   ([['lets', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], False)])
+match_list.append([([['lets', 'add', 'hi :)', 'hi :D', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True),
+                   ([['lets', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True)])
+match_list.append([([['lets', 'add', 'hi :)', 'hi :D', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True),
+                   ([['lets', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True),
+                   ([['aaaaa', 'hi :)', 'some', 'wildcards'], ['dddd', 'eeee']], True)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('config, match', zip(config_list, match_list))
+def test_group_matching(config, match):
+    '''
+    Check whether group matches are matching as expected
+    '''
+    for tupl in match:
+        groups = tricot.utils.parse_groups(config)
+        assert tricot.utils.groups_contain(groups, tupl[0]) == tupl[1]
diff --git a/tests/pytest/Misc/group_parsing_test.py b/tests/pytest/Misc/group_parsing_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45539cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pytest/Misc/group_parsing_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import tricot
+import pytest
+config_list = [['this,is,a,simple,group,def']]
+config_list.append(['multiple,lists', 'can,also,be,defined'])
+config_list.append(['{this,it},works', 'also,{with,using},orlike'])
+result_list = [[['this', 'is', 'a', 'simple', 'group', 'def']]]
+result_list.append([['now', 'lets', 'try', 'conditional', 'group', 'def'],
+                   ['now', 'lets', 'try', 'orlike', 'group', 'def']])
+result_list.append([['this', 'works', 'also', 'with', 'more', 'than', 'one'],
+                   ['this', 'works', 'also', 'using', 'more', 'than', 'one'],
+                   ['it', 'works', 'also', 'with', 'more', 'than', 'one'],
+                   ['it', 'works', 'also', 'using', 'more', 'than', 'one']])
+result_list.append([['multiple', 'lists'], ['can', 'also', 'be', 'defined']])
+result_list.append([['this', 'works'], ['also', 'with', 'orlike'],
+                   ['this', 'works'], ['also', 'using', 'orlike'],
+                   ['it', 'works'], ['also', 'with', 'orlike'],
+                   ['it', 'works'], ['also', 'using', 'orlike']])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('config, results', zip(config_list, result_list))
+def test_group_parsing(config, results):
+    '''
+    Check whether group specifications are parsed correctly.
+    '''
+    groups = tricot.utils.parse_groups(config)
+    for group in groups:
+        assert group in results
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9dfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  name: groups
+  title: Group Tests
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's test group feature"
+  - Groups/nested_one.yml
+  - Groups/nested_two.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_four.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_four.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2387d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_four.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+  name: group_nested_four
+  title: Nested Group Test Four
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's test group feature"
+  groups:
+    - group_four
+  - title: Test Group Four - One
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group four'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Four - Two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group four'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_one.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_one.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..611903f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_one.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  name: group_nested_one
+  title: Nested Group Test One
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's test group feature"
+  groups:
+    - group_one
+    - merge
+  - title: Test Group One - One
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group one'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group One - Two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group one'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - ./nested_three.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_three.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_three.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b1e048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_three.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+  name: group_nested_three
+  title: Nested Group Test Three
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's test group feature"
+  groups:
+    - group_three
+  - title: Test Group Three - One
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group three'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Three - Two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group three'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_two.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_two.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3143d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/Groups/nested_two.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  name: group_nested_two
+  title: Nested Group Test Two
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's test group feature"
+  groups:
+    - group_two
+    - merge
+  - title: Test Group Two - One
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group two'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Two - Two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group two'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - ./nested_four.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b1dc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  name: ids
+  title: ID Tests
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's ID feature"
+  - IDs/nested_one.yml
+  - IDs/nested_two.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_four.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_four.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c1f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_four.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  name: id_nested_four
+  title: Nested ID Test Four
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's ID feature"
+  id: group_four
+  groups:
+    - group_four
+  - title: Test Group Four - One
+    id: group_four_one
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group four'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Four - Two
+    id: group_four_two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'Second test in test group four'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_one.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_one.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c456d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_one.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  name: id_nested_one
+  title: Nested ID Test One
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's id feature"
+  id: group_one
+  groups:
+    - group_one
+  - title: Test Group One - One
+    id: group_one_one
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group one'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group One - Two
+    id: group_one_two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'Second test in test group one'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - ./nested_three.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_three.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_three.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae503b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_three.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  name: id_nested_three
+  title: Nested ID Test Three
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's ID feature"
+  id: group_three
+  groups:
+    - group_three
+  - title: Test Group Three - One
+    id: group_three_one
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group three'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Three - Two
+    id: group_three_two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'Second test in test group three'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
diff --git a/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_two.yml b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_two.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b24716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tricot/test-cases/extra/IDs/nested_two.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  name: id_nested_two
+  title: Nested ID Test Two
+  description: |-
+    "Performs different checks on tricot's id feature"
+  id: group_two
+  groups:
+    - group_two
+  - title: Test Group Two - One
+    id: group_two_one
+    groups:
+      - one
+      - first
+    description: >
+      'First test in test group two'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - title: Test Group Two - Two
+    id: group_two_two
+    groups:
+      - two
+    description: >
+      'Second test in test group two'
+    command:
+      - echo
+      - 'Hi :D'
+    validators:
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - 'Hi :D'
+  - ./nested_four.yml
diff --git a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extra-tests.yml b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extra-tests.yml
index 64c8346..db1219c 100644
--- a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extra-tests.yml
+++ b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extra-tests.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ tester:
     'Perfors some additional tests on tricot, not related to plugins
     or validators.'
+  id: 04
+  groups:
+    - extra
   - title: Docker
@@ -272,3 +275,555 @@ tests:
             - Fail... success
             - Success... failed
+  - title: Groups All
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Groups One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - group_one
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Groups Two
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - group_two
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+  - title: Groups One - One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - group_one,one
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Groups One / Two - One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - '{group_one,group_two},one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Groups One / Two - One (explicit)
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - 'group_one,one'
+      - 'group_two,one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Groups One / Two * - Two
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - '{group_one,group_two},*,two'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+  - title: Groups ** - One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - '**,one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Exclude group_one
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - group_one
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+  - title: Exclude ** - One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - '**,one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - 'group_one'
+      - --groups
+      - 'group_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include 2
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - 'group_one'
+      - --groups
+      - '**,one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include 3
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - 'group_one,one'
+      - --groups
+      - 'group_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Group Merge
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --groups
+      - 'merge'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Group Merge Exclude
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's test group feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/Groups.yml
+      - --exclude-groups
+      - 'group_one'
+      - --groups
+      - 'merge'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+  - title: ID Test - One Two
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --ids
+      - 'group_one'
+      - 'group_two'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+  - title: ID Test - One
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --ids
+      - 'group_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: ID Test - FourOne
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+  - title: Exclude ID
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --exclude-ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include (ID)
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --exclude-ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+      - --ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include 2 (ID)
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --exclude-ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+      - --ids
+      - 'group_four'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
+  - title: Exclude vs Include (Groups vs ID)
+    description: |-
+      "Test tricot's ID feature"
+    command:
+      - tricot
+      - ${EXTRA}/IDs.yml
+      - --exclude-ids
+      - 'group_four_one'
+      - --groups
+      - 'group_two,group_four'
+    validators:
+      - error: False
+      - contains:
+          values:
+            - Test Group Four - Two... success
+          invert:
+            - Test Group One - One... success
+            - Test Group One - Two... success
+            - Test Group Three - One... success
+            - Test Group Three - Two... success
+            - Test Group Two - One... success
+            - Test Group Two - Two... success
+            - Test Group Four - One... success
diff --git a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extractor-tests.yml b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extractor-tests.yml
index 0c21d4b..2359f5f 100644
--- a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extractor-tests.yml
+++ b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/extractor-tests.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ tester:
   description: |-
     "Perform tests on all tricot extractors"
+  id: 03
+  groups:
+    - extractor
   - title: RegexExtractor
diff --git a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/plugin-tests.yml b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/plugin-tests.yml
index 23ca3b7..d694f30 100644
--- a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/plugin-tests.yml
+++ b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/plugin-tests.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ tester:
   description: |-
     "Performs tests on all tricot plugins"
+  id: 02
+  groups:
+    - plugin
   - title: CleanupPlugin
diff --git a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/validator-tests.yml b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/validator-tests.yml
index de7e458..fed5557 100644
--- a/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/validator-tests.yml
+++ b/tests/tricot/tricot-tests/validator-tests.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ tester:
   description: |-
     "Performs tests on all tricot validators"
+  id: 01
+  groups:
+    - validator
   - title: ContainsValidator
diff --git a/tricot/constants.py b/tricot/constants.py
index 2ed4d0d..9c68b71 100644
--- a/tricot/constants.py
+++ b/tricot/constants.py
@@ -17,5 +17,8 @@
+VERSION = '1.6.0'
diff --git a/tricot/logging.py b/tricot/logging.py
index 4c741d6..79d43e6 100644
--- a/tricot/logging.py
+++ b/tricot/logging.py
@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ def print_plain_red(string: str, end: str = None) -> None:
         cprint(string, color='red', end=end)
+    def print_plain_blue(string: str, end: str = None) -> None:
+        '''
+        Print without indent or prefix, text in blue.
+        '''
+        cprint(string, color='blue', end=end)
     def print_yellow(string: str, e: bool = False, end: str = None) -> None:
         Print with prefix and indent, text in yellow.
diff --git a/tricot/tricot.py b/tricot/tricot.py
index cf7a30d..a1d6daf 100644
--- a/tricot/tricot.py
+++ b/tricot/tricot.py
@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
 from tricot.condition import Condition
+assigned_ids = set()
+class DuplicateIDError(Exception):
+    '''
+    Custom exception that is raised if two testers/tests use the same ID.
+    '''
 class TricotException(Exception):
     Custom exception class for general purpose and tricot related exceptions.
@@ -107,11 +116,11 @@ class Test:
     evaluated by executing their 'run' method.
     expected_keys = ['title', 'description', 'command', 'arguments', 'validators', 'timeout', 'env', 'conditions',
-                     'logfile', 'shell', 'extractors']
+                     'logfile', 'shell', 'extractors', 'id', 'groups']
     def __init__(self, path: Path, title: str, error_mode: str, variables: dict[str, Any], command: Command,
                  timeout: int, validators: list[Validator], extractors: list[Extractor], env: dict, conditions: dict,
-                 conditionals: set[Condition]) -> None:
+                 conditionals: set[Condition], test_id: str, test_groups: list[list[str]]) -> None:
         Initializer for a Test object.
@@ -127,6 +136,8 @@ def __init__(self, path: Path, title: str, error_mode: str, variables: dict[str,
             env             Environment variables
             conditions      Conditions for running the current test
             conditionals    Conditionals defined by upper testers
+            test_id         Identifikation number of the test
+            test_groups     Test groups that the test belongs to
@@ -143,6 +154,19 @@ def __init__(self, path: Path, title: str, error_mode: str, variables: dict[str,
         self.conditions = conditions
         self.conditionals = conditionals
+        if test_id is None:
+            self.id = self.title
+        else:
+            self.id = str(test_id)
+            if self.id in assigned_ids:
+                raise DuplicateIDError(f"ID '{self.id}' was assigned twice.")
+            assigned_ids.add(self.id)
+        self.groups = test_groups
         self.logfile = None
         self.success_string = 'success'
         self.failure_string = 'failed'
@@ -236,7 +260,8 @@ def apply_variables(val: Union(str, list), variables: dict[str, Any], k: str = '
         return val
     def from_dict(path: Path, input_dict: dict, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, error_mode: str = 'continue',
-                  environment: dict = {}, conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {}) -> Test:
+                  environment: dict = {}, conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {},
+                  parent_groups: list[list[str]] = list()) -> Test:
         Creates a Test object from a dictionary. The dictionary is expected to be the content
         read in of a .yml file and needs all keys that are required for a test (validators,
@@ -250,6 +275,7 @@ def from_dict(path: Path, input_dict: dict, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
             environment     Environment variables
             conditionals    Conditionals for running the test
             output_conf     Output configuration inherited by the tester
+            parent_groups   Test groups inherited from the parent tester
             Test            Newly generated Test object
@@ -259,6 +285,7 @@ def from_dict(path: Path, input_dict: dict, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
             var = tricot.utils.merge(variables, j.get('variables', {}), 'variables', path)
             validators = Validator.from_list(path, j['validators'], var)
             extractors = Extractor.from_list(path, j.get('extractors', []), var)
+            groups = tricot.utils.merge_groups(parent_groups, list(map(lambda x: str(x), j.get('groups', []))))
             e_mode = j.get('error_mode') or error_mode
             env = tricot.utils.merge_environment(j.get('env'), environment, path)
@@ -284,7 +311,7 @@ def from_dict(path: Path, input_dict: dict, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
             tricot.utils.check_keys(Test.expected_keys, input_dict)
             test = Test(path, j['title'], e_mode, var, command, j.get('timeout'), validators, extractors, env,
-                        conditions, conditionals)
+                        conditions, conditionals, j.get('id'), groups)
             test.set_output(tricot.utils.merge(output_conf, j.get('output', {}), 'output', path))
@@ -298,7 +325,8 @@ def from_dict(path: Path, input_dict: dict, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
             raise TestKeyError(None, path, str(e))
     def from_list(path: Path, input_list: list, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, error_mode: str = 'continue',
-                  env: dict = {}, conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {}) -> list[Test]:
+                  env: dict = {}, conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {},
+                  parent_groups: list[list[str]] = list()) -> list[Test]:
         Within .yml files, Tests are specified in form of a list. This function takes such a list,
         that contains each single test definition as another dictionary (like it is created when
@@ -312,6 +340,7 @@ def from_list(path: Path, input_list: list, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
             env             Environment variables
             conditionals    Conditionals specified by the upper tester
             output_conf     Output configuration inherited by the tester
+            parent_groups   Test groups inherited from the parent tester
             list[Test]      List of Test objects created from the .yml input
@@ -324,7 +353,8 @@ def from_list(path: Path, input_list: list, variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, erro
         for ctr in range(len(input_list)):
-                test = Test.from_dict(path, input_list[ctr], variables, error_mode, env, conditionals, output_conf)
+                test = Test.from_dict(path, input_list[ctr], variables, error_mode, env, conditionals,
+                                      output_conf, parent_groups)
             except TestKeyError as e:
@@ -348,7 +378,12 @@ def run(self, prefix: str = '-', hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any] = None) -> No
-        Logger.print_blue(f'{prefix} {self.title}...', end=' ', flush=True)
+        if self.id and self.id != self.title:
+            Logger.print_blue(f'{prefix} [{self.id}] {self.title}...', end=' ', flush=True)
+        else:
+            Logger.print_blue(f'{prefix} {self.title}...', end=' ', flush=True)
         success = True
         if not Condition.check_conditions(self.conditions, self.conditionals):
@@ -421,6 +456,25 @@ def run(self, prefix: str = '-', hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any] = None) -> No
         hotplug_variables['$prev'] = self.command
+    def skip_test(self, exclude: set[str], exclude_groups: list[list[str]]) -> bool:
+        '''
+        Checks whether the current test is contained within the exclude lists.
+        Parameters:
+            exclude             Set of Test / Tester IDs to exclude
+            exclude_groups      List of group sets to exclude
+        Returns:
+            bool
+        '''
+        if exclude and self.id in exclude:
+            return True
+        elif exclude_groups and tricot.utils.groups_contain(exclude_groups, self.groups):
+            return True
+        return False
 class Tester:
@@ -433,7 +487,7 @@ class Tester:
     def __init__(self, path: Path, name: str, title: str, variables: dict[str, Any], tests: list[Test], testers: list[Tester],
                  containers: list[TricotContainer], plugins: list[Plugin], conditions: dict, conditionals: set[Condition],
-                 error_mode: str) -> None:
+                 error_mode: str, tester_id: str, test_groups: list[list[str]]) -> None:
         Initializes a new Tester object.
@@ -449,6 +503,11 @@ def __init__(self, path: Path, name: str, title: str, variables: dict[str, Any],
             conditions      Conditions for running the current tester
             conditionals    Conditionals defined by the tester or upper testers
             error_mode      Decides what to do if a plugin fails (break|continue)
+            tester_id       Unique identifikation number of the tester
+            test_groups     Test groups that the tester belongs to
+        Returns:
+            None
         self.name = name
         self.title = title or name
@@ -461,11 +520,26 @@ def __init__(self, path: Path, name: str, title: str, variables: dict[str, Any],
         self.conditionals = conditionals
         self.error_mode = error_mode
+        if tester_id is None:
+            self.id = self.name
+        else:
+            self.id = str(tester_id)
+            if self.id in assigned_ids:
+                raise DuplicateIDError(f"ID '{self.id}' was assigned twice.")
+            assigned_ids.add(self.id)
+        self.groups = test_groups
         self.logfile = None
+        self.runall = False
     def from_dict(input_dict: dict, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(),
                   path: Path = None, e_mode: str = None, environment: dict = {},
-                  conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {}) -> Tester:
+                  conditionals: set[Condition] = set(), output_conf: dict = {},
+                  test_groups: list[list[str]] = []) -> Tester:
         Creates a new Tester object from a python dictionary. The dictionary is expected to be
         created by reading a .yml file that contains test defintions. It requires all keys that
@@ -480,6 +554,7 @@ def from_dict(input_dict: dict, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(),
             environment     Dictionary of environment variables to use within the test
             conditionals    Conditions inherited from the upper tester
             output_conf     Output configuration inherited from the upper tester
+            test_groups     List of test groups inherited from the upper tester
             Tester          Tester object created from the dictionary
@@ -498,6 +573,7 @@ def from_dict(input_dict: dict, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(),
             testers = g.get('testers')
             definitions = g.get('tests')
+            groups = tricot.utils.merge_groups(test_groups, list(map(lambda x: str(x), t.get('groups', []))))
             variables = tricot.utils.merge(initial_vars, g.get('variables', {}), 'variables', path)
             variables['cwd'] = path.parent
@@ -515,18 +591,18 @@ def from_dict(input_dict: dict, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(),
                         f = path.parent.joinpath(f)
                     for ff in glob.glob(str(f)):
-                        tester = Tester.from_file(ff, variables, None, error_mode, env, conds, output_c)
+                        tester = Tester.from_file(ff, variables, None, error_mode, env, conds, output_c, groups)
             tests = None
             if definitions and type(definitions) is list:
-                tests = Test.from_list(path, definitions, variables, error_mode, env, conds, output_c)
+                tests = Test.from_list(path, definitions, variables, error_mode, env, conds, output_c, groups)
             elif not tester_list:
                 raise TesterKeyError('tests', path, optional='testers')
             new_tester = Tester(path, t['name'], t.get('title'), variables, tests, tester_list, containers, plugins,
-                                run_conds, conds, error_mode)
+                                run_conds, conds, error_mode, t.get('id'), groups)
             return new_tester
@@ -552,7 +628,7 @@ def set_logfile(self, logfile: str) -> None:
     def from_file(filename: str, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(), runtime_vars: dict[str, Any] = None,
                   error_mode: str = None, env: dict = {}, conditionals: set[Condition] = set(),
-                  output_conf: dict = {}) -> Tester:
+                  output_conf: dict = {}, test_groups: list[list[str]] = []) -> Tester:
         Creates a new Tester object from a .yml file. The .yml file obviously needs to be in the
         expected format and requires all keys that are needed to construct a Tester object.
@@ -565,6 +641,7 @@ def from_file(filename: str, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(), runtime_vars
             env             Current environment variables
             conditionals    Conditions inherited from the previous tester
             output_conf     Output configuration inherited from upper tester
+            test_groups     List of test groups inherited from the upper tester
             Tester          Tester object created from the file
@@ -578,61 +655,142 @@ def from_file(filename: str, initial_vars: dict[str, Any] = dict(), runtime_vars
         if runtime_vars is not None and '$runtime' not in initial_vars:
             initial_vars['$runtime'] = runtime_vars
-        return Tester.from_dict(config_dict, initial_vars, Path(filename), error_mode, env, conditionals, output_conf)
+        return Tester.from_dict(config_dict, initial_vars, Path(filename), error_mode, env, conditionals,
+                                output_conf, test_groups)
+    def set_runall(self, value: bool) -> None:
+        '''
+        Sets the runall property of a tester. This is required when users specify a tetser ID on the command
+        line. In this case, all tests and nested testers should be run, although their ID is not contained
+        within the IDs to run. Setting the runall property on a tester disabled ID checking and runs everything
+        inside of it anyway.
+        Setting the runall property is done recursively for all nested testers.
+        Parameters:
+            value           Value to set for the runall property.
+        Returns:
+            None
+        '''
+        self.runall = value
-    def contains_testers(self, testers: list[str]) -> bool:
+        for tester in self.testers:
+            tester.set_runall(value)
+    def contains_id(self, t_ids: set[str]) -> bool:
-        Checks whether the specified tester name is contained within the current test tree.
+        Checks whether the specified Test / Tester IDs are contained within this tester.
-            testers         List of tester names to look for
+            t_ids           Test / Tester IDs to look for
-            bool            True if tester is contained within test tree
+            bool            True if one of the ids is contained within the tester
-        if len(testers) == 0:
+        if not t_ids or self.runall:
             return True
-        for tester in testers:
+        if self.id and {self.id}.issubset(t_ids):
+            self.set_runall(True)
+            return True
-            if self.name == tester:
-                return True
+        if self.tests:
+            for test in self.tests:
+                if test.id and {test.id}.issubset(t_ids):
+                    return True
         for tester in self.testers:
+            if tester.contains_id(t_ids):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def contains_group(self, t_groups: list[list[str]]) -> bool:
+        '''
+        Checks whether the specified Group set exists within the tester.
-            if tester.contains_testers(testers):
+        Parameters:
+            t_groups        List of group lists to check in
+        Returns:
+            bool            True if set of groups is contained within the tester
+        '''
+        if not t_groups or self.runall:
+            return True
+        if tricot.utils.groups_contain(t_groups, self.groups):
+            self.set_runall(True)
+            return True
+        if self.tests:
+            for test in self.tests:
+                if tricot.utils.groups_contain(t_groups, test.groups):
+                    return True
+        for tester in self.testers:
+            if tester.contains_group(t_groups):
                 return True
         return False
-    def run(self, testers: list[str] = (), numbers: list[str] = (), exclude: list[str] = (),
-            hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None:
+    def skip_test(self, exclude: set[str], exclude_groups: list[list[str]]) -> bool:
+        '''
+        Checks whether the current test is contained within the exclude lists.
+        Parameters:
+            exclude             Set of Test / Tester IDs to exclude
+            exclude_groups      List of group lists to exclude
+        Returns:
+            bool
+        '''
+        if exclude and self.id in exclude:
+            return True
+        elif exclude_groups and tricot.utils.groups_contain(exclude_groups, self.groups):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def run(self, ids: set[str], groups: list[list[str]], exclude: set[str],
+            exclude_groups: list[list[str]], hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any] = dict()) -> None:
         Runs the test: Prints the title of the tester and iterates over all contained
         Test objects and calls their 'run' method.
-            tester              Only run testers that match the specified names
-            numbers             Only run tests that match the specified numbers
-            exclude             Exclude the specified tester names
-            hotplug_variables   Dictionary of variables that are applied at runtime.
+            ids                 Set of Test / Tester IDs to run
+            groups              List of group lists to run
+            exclude             Set of Test / Tester IDs to exclude
+            exclude_groups      List of group lists to exclude
+            hotplug_variables   Hotplug variables to use during the test
-        if not self.contains_testers(testers) or self.name in exclude:
+        if self.skip_test(exclude, exclude_groups):
-        Tester.increase()
+        if not self.contains_id(ids) or not self.contains_group(groups):
+            return
         if not Condition.check_conditions(self.conditions, self.conditionals):
             Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Skipping test:', self.title)
+        tricot.Logger.print('')
-        Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Starting test:', self.title)
-        hotplug = hotplug_variables.copy()
+        Logger.print_mixed_yellow('Starting test:', self.title, end=' ')
+        if self.id and self.id != self.name:
+            Logger.print_plain_blue(f'[{self.id}]')
+        else:
+            print()
+        hotplug = hotplug_variables.copy()
         for plugin in self.plugins:
@@ -642,13 +800,8 @@ def run(self, testers: list[str] = (), numbers: list[str] = (), exclude: list[st
             hotplug = {**hotplug, **container.get_container_variables()}
-        if self.tests:
-            Logger.print('')
-            for ctr in range(len(self.tests)):
-                if len(numbers) == 0 or (ctr+1) in numbers:
-                    self.tests[ctr].run(f'{ctr+1}.', hotplug)
-        self.run_childs(testers, numbers, exclude, hotplug)
+        self.run_tests(ids, groups, exclude, exclude_groups, hotplug)
+        self.run_childs(ids, groups, exclude, exclude_groups, hotplug)
         for container in self.containers:
@@ -659,28 +812,70 @@ def run(self, testers: list[str] = (), numbers: list[str] = (), exclude: list[st
-    def run_childs(self, testers: list[str] = (), numbers: list[str] = (), exclude: list[str] = (),
-                   hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None:
+    def run_tests(self, ids: set[str], groups: list[list[str]], exclude: set[str],
+                  exclude_groups: list[list[str]], hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        '''
+        Wrapper function that executes the tests specified in a tester.
+        Parameters:
+            ids                 Set of Test / Tester IDs to run
+            groups              List of group lists to run
+            exclude             Set of Test / Tester IDs to exclude
+            exclude_groups      List of group lists to exclude
+            hotplug_variables   Hotplug variables to use during the test
+        Returns:
+            None
+        '''
+        if not self.tests:
+            return
+        Logger.print('')
+        runall = tricot.utils.groups_contain(groups, self.groups) or (ids and {self.id}.issubset(ids))
+        for ctr in range(len(self.tests)):
+            test = self.tests[ctr]
+            if test.skip_test(exclude, exclude_groups):
+                continue
+            elif self.runall or runall:
+                pass
+            elif not ids and not groups:
+                pass
+            elif ids and {test.id}.issubset(ids):
+                pass
+            elif groups and tricot.utils.groups_contain(groups, test.groups):
+                pass
+            else:
+                continue
+            test.run(f'{ctr+1}.', hotplug_variables)
+    def run_childs(self, ids: set[str], groups: list[list[str]], exclude: set[str],
+                   exclude_groups: list[list[str]], hotplug_variables: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
         Runs the child testers of the current tester.
-            tester              Only run testers that match the specified names
-            numbers             Only run tests that match the specified numbers
-            exclude             Exclude the specified tester names
-            hotplug_variables   Dictionary of variables that are applied at runtime.
+            ids                 Set of Test / Tester IDs to run
+            groups              List of group lists to run
+            exclude             Set of Test / Tester IDs to exclude
+            exclude_groups      List of group lists to exclude
+            hotplug_variables   Hotplug variables to use during the test
         for tester in self.testers:
-            try:
-                if self.name in testers:
-                    tester.run(numbers=numbers, exclude=exclude, hotplug_variables=hotplug_variables)
-                else:
-                    tester.run(testers, numbers, exclude, hotplug_variables)
+            try:
+                tester.run(ids, groups, exclude, exclude_groups, hotplug_variables)
             except tricot.PluginException as e:
diff --git a/tricot/utils.py b/tricot/utils.py
index 8514eb7..ba494cf 100644
--- a/tricot/utils.py
+++ b/tricot/utils.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import os
+import re
 import tricot
 from typing import Any
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -275,3 +276,146 @@ def merge(dict1: dict, dict2: dict, name: str = None, path: Path = None) -> dict
             raise tricot.TricotException('Invalid type specified during merge operation.', path)
     return {**dict1, **dict2}
+def parse_groups(groups: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
+    '''
+    Parses group specifications. Groups should be specified as comma separated strings. Each
+    comma separated part is interpreted as a group. All groups within a string are mandatory
+    for a test / tester to match. Braces can be used for or-like statements.
+    E.g.:
+        java8,networking,filter      -> list(java8, networking, filter)
+        java8,{networking,io},filter -> list(list(java8, networking, filter),
+                                             list(java8, io, filter))
+    Parameters:
+        groups          List of group specifications
+    Returns:
+        list            List of group lists
+    '''
+    lists = list()
+    regex = re.compile(r'\{([^}]+)\}')
+    for group_spec in groups:
+        or_like = regex.findall(group_spec)
+        group_spec = regex.sub('$ORLIKE$', group_spec)
+        split = list(filter(None, group_spec.split(',')))
+        group_lists = [split]
+        for match in or_like:
+            new = []
+            for group_list in group_lists:
+                split = list(filter(None, match.split(',')))
+                for item in split:
+                    new_list = group_list.copy()
+                    for ctr in range(len(new_list)):
+                        if new_list[ctr] == '$ORLIKE$':
+                            new_list[ctr] = item
+                            break
+                    new.append(new_list)
+            group_lists = new
+        lists += group_lists
+    return lists
+def groups_contain(groups_list: list[list[str]], groups: list[list[str]]) -> bool:
+    '''
+    Checks whether a specified list of groups contains a particular group of a
+    list of specified groups. This separate function is required, as group
+    comparison supports wildcards as * or **.
+    Parameters:
+        groups_list           List of group lists to search in
+        groups                Group list to look for
+    Returns:
+        bool                  True if group is contained in groups
+    '''
+    for group in groups:
+        for items in groups_list:
+            ctr = 0
+            match = True
+            items = items.copy()
+            try:
+                while len(items) != 0:
+                    item = items.pop(0)
+                    if item == '*' or group[ctr] == item:
+                        ctr += 1
+                        continue
+                    if item == '**':
+                        item = items.pop(0)
+                        while group[ctr] != item and ctr != len(group):
+                            ctr += 1
+                        if ctr == len(group):
+                            match = False
+                            break
+                        ctr += 1
+                        continue
+                    match = False
+                    break
+                if match:
+                    return True
+            except IndexError:
+                pass
+    return False
+def merge_groups(parent_groups: list[list[str]], new_groups: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
+    '''
+    This function is called by tests and testers to join groups that are defined within
+    the test / tester definition with group lists that have been specified for upper testers.
+    Each group in the test / tester specification is appened to the parent defined groups.
+    Paramaters:
+        parent_groups           Group lists inherited by the parent
+        new_groups              Groups specified for the test / tester
+    Returns:
+        merged                  Merge result
+    '''
+    merged = list()
+    for parent_group in (parent_groups or [[]]):
+        if new_groups:
+            for new_group in new_groups:
+                copy = parent_group.copy()
+                copy.append(new_group)
+                merged.append(copy)
+        else:
+            merged.append(parent_group.copy())
+    return merged